There are lots of ways to handle dates and time in Perl. Probably the most correct way is by using the DateTime module.

For every operation first we have to load DateTime into memory:

use DateTime;

Create a timestamp

We can create a DateTime object representing the current date and time by calling the now constructor.

my $dt = DateTime->now;

Alternatively we could create a DataTime object by supplying (part of) the date and time:

For example the date only:

$dt = DateTime->new(
    year       => 1987,
    month      => 12,
    day        => 18,

The rest of the data (hours, minutes, seconds) will be assumed to be 0.

We can also supply all the details. Even including the timezone.

$dt = DateTime->new(
    year       => 1987,
    month      => 12,
    day        => 18,
    hour       => 16,
    minute     => 12,
    second     => 47,
    nanosecond => 500000000,
    time_zone  => 'America/Los_Angeles',

Valid TimeZone values are the modules available in the DateTime-TimeZone distribution.

Display Date and Time

Once we have a DateTime object, we can also display the content:

We can print the DateTime object and it will stringify to a rather clear format: (we are using the most recently created DateTime object).

say $dt;                  #  1987-12-18T16:12:47

The ymd method will print year-month-day, but we can also supply a separator character. For example _:

say $dt->ymd;             # 1987-12-18
say $dt->ymd('_');        # 1987_12_18

hms returns the hour:minute:second

say $dt->hms;             # 16:12:47

The epoch returns the number of seconds (of the given date) since the "epoch" which is 1970.01.01 00:00:00. This is the same kind of number a simple call to the built-in time function would return.

say $dt->epoch;           # 566871167

There are also individual function to return the various parts of the date:

say $dt->year;            # 1987
say $dt->month;           # 12
say $dt->day;             # 18

If that's still not enough, you can use the strftime method and provide a format string. The possible place-holders are the same as for the strftime function provided by POSIX that you could see in the article creating simple timestamp.

say $dt->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S' ); # 1987-12-18-16-12-47

Full example


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use DateTime;
my $dt = DateTime->now;

$dt = DateTime->new(
    year       => 1987,
    month      => 12,
    day        => 18,
    hour       => 16,
    minute     => 12,
    second     => 47,
    nanosecond => 500000000,
    time_zone  => 'America/Los_Angeles',

say $dt;
say $dt->ymd;
say $dt->ymd('_');
say $dt->hms;
say $dt->epoch;

say $dt->year;
say $dt->month;
say $dt->day;

say $dt->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S' );

Parsing date and time - Converting a string to DateTime object

In many situations we are reading a file that has timestamps in it and we need to convert them to DateTime objects. The DateTime module itself does not provide any parser, but there are a number of extension that do.

A few commonly used modules:


Look at the sample script:


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;

foreach my $str (
        ) {
    my $dt = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime( $str );
    say "String:   $str";
    say "DateTime: $dt";
    say '';

And the output showing the original string and the DateTime representation of it:

String:   1983-10-12
DateTime: 1983-10-12T00:00:00

String:   19850103
DateTime: 1985-01-03T00:00:00

String:   1984-07-02T03:40:02
DateTime: 1984-07-02T03:40:02

String:   1991-W02
DateTime: 1991-01-07T00:00:00

The last one seems to indicate the first day of the second week of 1991, but I am not sure. I noticed also that parsing "1991-W01" throws an exception.


This module seems to be more powerful and more flexible. It allows you to defined a pattern based using the place-holders of strftime from the POSIX module (see the list on that page) and then uses that to parse the given string.

There can be all kinds of fancy patters that can even match string such as "July" or "September". See the examples:


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use DateTime::Format::Strptime;

    my $strp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
        pattern   => '%T',
    my $str = '1984-07-02T03:40:02';
    my $dt = $strp->parse_datetime( $str );
    say "String:   $str";
    say "DateTime: $dt";
    say '';

    my $strp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
        pattern  => '%Y/%m-%d %H:%M::%S',
    my $str = '1984/07-02 03:40::02';
    my $dt = $strp->parse_datetime( $str );
    say "String:   $str";
    say "DateTime: $dt";
    say '';

    my $strp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
        pattern  => '%B %d %Y',
    my $str = 'July 02 1984';
    my $dt = $strp->parse_datetime( $str );
    say "String:   $str";
    say "DateTime: $dt";
    say '';

And the output:

String:   1984-07-02T03:40:02
DateTime: 0001-01-01T03:40:02

String:   1984/07-02 03:40::02
DateTime: 1984-07-02T03:40:02

String:   July 02 1984
DateTime: 1984-07-02T00:00:00

Additional formatting modules

There are many other parsing modules, but these seem to be used the most often:

DateTime::Format::MySQL, DateTime::Format::DateParse, and DateTime::Format::HTTP

Add and Subtract from a date

In order to calculates dates relative to a given date we can use DateTime::Duration objects. After loading the module into memory we can create DateTime::Duration objects and use them to add to DateTime object or to subtract from them.


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use DateTime;
use DateTime::Duration;

my $dt = DateTime->new(
    year       => 1987,
    month      => 12,
    day        => 18,
    hour       => 16,
    minute     => 12,
    second     => 47,
    nanosecond => 500000000,
    time_zone  => 'America/Los_Angeles',

say $dt;

my $day_before = $dt - DateTime::Duration->new( days => 1 );
say $day_before;

my $day_after = $dt + DateTime::Duration->new( days => 1 );
say $day_after;

my $year_before = $dt - DateTime::Duration->new( years => 1 );
say $year_before;

The output of the above code is:


The difference between two dates

Lastly, let's see how can we calculate the difference between two timestamps. First we need to create two DateTime objects. This can be done by any of the previous ways. Then we can use - subtraction between the two:

my $dt = DateTime->new(...);
my $other = DateTime->new(...);

my $diff = $other - $dt;
say $diff;

Printing the difference will result in something like this:


That's not very interesting, but we can then use the DateTime::Format::Duration module to format our code using strftime place-holders:


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use DateTime;
use DateTime::Duration;

my $dt = DateTime->new(
    year       => 1987,
    month      => 12,
    day        => 18,
    hour       => 16,
    minute     => 12,
    second     => 47,
    nanosecond => 500000000,
    time_zone  => 'America/Los_Angeles',
my $other = DateTime->new(
    year       => 2011,
    month      => 10,
    day        => 7,
    hour       => 10,
    minute     => 20,
    second     => 40,
    time_zone  => 'America/Los_Angeles',

say $dt;
say $other;

my $diff = $other - $dt;
say $diff;

use DateTime::Format::Duration;
my $dfd = DateTime::Format::Duration->new(
        pattern => '%Y years, %m months, %e days, %H hours, %M minutes, %S seconds'
say $dfd->format_duration($diff);
my $dfd_t = DateTime::Format::Duration->new(
        pattern => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
say $dfd_t->format_duration($diff);

Generating the following output:

0 years, 285 months, 19 days, 00 hours, 1087 minutes, 52 seconds
0-285-19 00:1087:52