Getting started - Create skeleton for the SCO clone application
After writing down the objectives and some plans for the "building of a clone" project, I decided to get started immediately. At this phase of the project there is such a rush of energy and I am trying to get started quickly.
Create Git repository, add README file
The very first thing was to create a directory called "sco" - I did not have an idea yet how I am going to call the project. Then I added a README file with some text explaining what this is about.
$ mkdir sco $ cd sco $ vim README .... $ git init $ git add . $ git commit -m "start creating the project"
The text wasn't fancy (and at this point it was not on GitHub yet), but if you are interested you can take a look at the first commit.
Then I went on and put more of my ideas "on paper" and so I could remove some of the text from the README file.
$ vim README .... $ git add . $ git commit -m "move some of the ideas to the article on Perl Maven"
this commit resulted in this README file.
Creating the skeleton application
At this point I thought I should stick to the "rules" and start writing tests that would access the real site. This would provide a test suite that can be used to check if the clone is the same. Of course right from this point I had some doubts too. For one I the web site is dynamic and I have no control over the data behind it. So for example if I try to access the page of a module to check if it contains the information I expect, I cannot really be sure that the module will be on CPAN the next time I run the test. This is quite problematic and we'll have to deal with it. For now, we can try to write some more generic tests. Another concern was that I know I won't create an exact replica. For example I won't keep the "HTML 4.01" that is used with the current version of S.C.O. Instead I'll use HTML 5. I am also sure that in many circumstances it will be hard or even impossible to show the same data. Either because of a bug in S.C.O. that I don't want to reimplement, or because of some information that is not (yet?) available via the MetaCPAN API.
Anyway, let's get started with the skeleton of the application.
It has the same layout as a standard distribution on CPAN. so I created a Changes file with some simple text. The Changes files have been standardized to some extent and there is a specification. I usually add the date to the version number when I actually release a module. In this case I am not sure if there are going to be real releases or if I'll just run the project from a clone of the Git repository. In any case a Changes file can be useful.
Created the lib/ file. As I wrote, at this point I was not really sure how I am going to call the project, but SCO seemed to be obvious. (Obviously bad, but I did not want to get stuck on the name. I can change it later.)
The code in lib/ is quite standard for a module. Let's see it here:
package SCO; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.01'; =head1 NAME SCO - clone =cut 1;
package declares the name-space of the module. use strict; and use warnings; are the standard we always add. Creating the safety net for your perl program.
The there is our $VERSION = '0.01'; declaring the version number of the module. We are going to manually increment this at the official release and distribution of the module. It is important to have it in the file (either manually added as we are doing here or automatically added by Dist::Zilla) for two reasons. One of them is that Makefile.PL is going to rely on this version number to know what is the version number of the whole distribution. The other is that when someone complains about a bug, this version number can help quickly identify which version of the release they might be using.
Then a simple section of POD is added. This section declares the "abstract" of the module. This is important as various places show this text. Read the suggestions of Neil Bowers about good abstracts. The section head is NAME an the content of the section should be: The name of the module/package/name-space, followed by space-dash-space, followed by one line of text:
Module::Name - The abstract comes here
The module must end with some kind of a true value. The number 1 is quite standard for this.
You can read more about creating a module.
Test skeleton: t/10-sco.t
A module, or an application can't really be without unit or acceptance tests, so we also add a skeleton file where we can later add tests.
The standard place of tests is in the t/ subdirectory of the project and the standard extension is .t. The name of the file does not really matter, but as the tests are normally run in alphabetical order, many people add a numerical prefix to the filename to set the default order of the tests. This file is planned to to have tests accessing the real hence I called it sco.t.
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::WWW::Mechanize; plan tests => 1; pass;
The content is just a skeleton tests script loading Test::More, declaring one test and calling pass just to make sure the test script is successful. I also loaded Test::WWW::Mechanize as I was planning to use it to write tests that access We'll see that later. For a gentle introduction to testing follow the articles in the testing series.
The largest file I added in this step was the Makefile.PL which is used to package modules and to install them. It is part of Minimal requirement to build a sane CPAN package.
You can see the full version of Makefile.PL as it was when I added it. I am working on separate article that will explain the parts of it, but let me point out a few items:
NAME => 'SCO', because I had no better idea than to call the project SCO. This sets the name of the tar.gz file that will be created if we create distribution out of this.
AUTHOR => 'Gabor Szabo
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/', instruct ExtUtils::MakeMaker to fetch the $VERSION number from the lib/ file. This version number will be included in the META files and it will be used as part of the tar.gz filename.
PREREQ_PM will hold the list of modules we are using but so far we don't use anything for the skeleton code.
Later in the Makefile.PL we maintain a variable called %test_requires that holds the list of modules need to run the tests.
I think these are the most important parts of the Makefile.PL file as it is in this version.
Then, before adding all these to Git, I wanted to make sure these all work together as expected so I ran
$ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ make test
t/10-sco.t .. ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=1, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.01 sys + 0.15 cusr 0.03 csys = 0.21 CPU) Result: PASS
This showed me that everything was ok, but it also created a number of files that I don't need to have in Git. So the last thing I did, before adding to Git was to create .gitignore and list all the files and directories I don't want to add to Git:
/MYMETA.* /Makefile /blib/ /pm_to_blib
Then I could run the following to add the new files to Git:
$ git add . $ git commit -m "Skeleton of a badly named module. Skeleton test"
resulting in this commit.
The full version of Makefile.PL
use strict; use warnings; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; my %conf = ( NAME => 'SCO', AUTHOR => 'Gabor Szabo <>', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/', ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/', PREREQ_PM => { }, ); if (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.3002) }) { $conf{LICENSE} = 'perl'; } #if (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.46) }) { # $conf{META_MERGE} = { # 'meta-spec' => { version => 2 }, # resources => { # repository => { # type => 'git', # url => '', # web => '', # license => '', # }, # bugtracker => { # web => '', # }, # homepage => '', # }, # x_contributors => [ # 'Peti Bar <>', # ], # x_IRC => 'irc://', # x_MailingList => '', # }; #} my %configure_requires = ( 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.64', ); my %build_requires = (); my %test_requires = ( 'Test::More' => '1.00', 'Test::WWW::Mechanize' => '0', # standard modules: #'File::Temp' => 0, ); ### merging data "standard code" if (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.52) }) { $conf{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES} = \%configure_requires; } else { %{ $conf{PREREQ_PM} } = (%{ $conf{PREREQ_PM} }, %configure_requires); } if (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.5503) }) { $conf{BUILD_REQUIRES} = \%build_requires; } else { %{ $conf{PREREQ_PM} } = (%{ $conf{PREREQ_PM} }, %build_requires); } if (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.64) }) { $conf{TEST_REQUIRES} = \%test_requires; } else { %{ $conf{PREREQ_PM} } = (%{ $conf{PREREQ_PM} }, %test_requires); } WriteMakefile(%conf);

Published on 2015-03-26