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Perl Tutorial
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Searching for
Check several regexes on many strings
Add a date stamp to the items in the database
Data Serialization in Perl
Counter with Dancer using in-memory SQLite database
Refactoring large test suite - separating data from code
Separating test data from test code
Fetching data from YouTube using Perl
Testing a tree data structure in Perl
Caching data using the Cache module
Simple Database access using Perl DBI and SQL
Add META data to a CPAN distribution (Pod::Tree 1.19)
Fetching META data from Meta CPAN
Send data to Elasticsearch using Perl LWP::UserAgent
Data structure design for fast lookup
Adding filename to IPTC data and-or exif data
ExifTool versions and xmp metadata
Perl syntax to inject external XMP data into image files
Script to restore EXIF data from saved JPEGs (After image editing)
The value of a clean Continuous Integration (CI) system (for Data-Trace)
Counter example using YAML file to store the data