The next step in indexing the mailbox will be to include the To: field.

Adding the To field

In the while-loop of the process()add_to(\%doc, $msg); immediately after the add_from call:

    add_from(\%doc, $msg) or next;
    add_to(\%doc, $msg);

Implement the add_to function:

sub add_to {
    my ($doc, $msg) = @_;

    my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('add_to');
    my $to_string = $msg->header('To');
    if (not defined $to_string) {
        $log->warn("There is no To field in this message");
    my @to = Email::Address->parse($to_string);

    $doc->{To} = [ map { {
        name    => $_->name,
        address => $_->address,
    } } @to ];


It does check the number of addresses, instead there is a map expression that creates simple hashes from the Email::Address objects returned by the parse method. The new hashes are collected into an anonymous array, and a reference to that array is assigned to the To field of the $doc reference to hash.

If we now connect to the database using the command line client we can see how this structure is entered:

$ mongo
> use mboxer
switched to db mboxer

> db.messages.find().limit(1)
  "_id": ObjectId("5308aa0797e32fcb59000015"),
  "To": [
      "address": "",
      "name": "Foo Bar"
      "addess": "",
      "name": "foobar"
  "From": {
    "address": "",
    "name": "Mongo User"
  "Subject": "Learning to use MongoDB?"
Fetched 1 record(s) in 4ms

We can see how the "From" field is a hash, while the "To" field is an array of hashes.

We can now play with the command line shell of mongodb and fetch some other messages. For example: db.messages.find( {'From.address': ''} ) will return all the messages where the address of the From-field matches that value.

Respectively db.messages.find( {'To.address': ''} ) will fetch all the messages where one of the addresses of the To field match.

Before executing a find() in the shell we might want to execute a db.messages.find( {'To.address': ''} ).count() that will return the number of instances.

A couple of thins I noticed now.

  • Some of the e-mail addresses were in mixed case. e.g
  • In cases where the "To" field was only an e-mail without a name, Email::Address helpfully provided the part before the @ as the name. That's probably not what I want in this case. I'd rather have the field left empty.
  • There were cases where the name method returned the full e-mail address. Apparently there are emails that are addressed To: "" <>. We should recognize those too and exclude the name part.

Actually, in order to see these issues I added a couple of logging calls like this one: $log->info('name: ' . $to[0]->name);

We'll try to fix these issues now.

Lower case addresses

This part is easy. We just add a call to lc in front of the $_->address expression in the add_to function, and in front of the $from[0]->address expression in the add_from function.

Replace name by phrase

After looking at the documentation of Email::Address I saw that the name method is working harder than I wanted. I should use the phrase method. (And then there is also a comment section I have not deal with yet.)

If I replace the calls to name by calls to phrase, including in the code that prints the log: $log->info('phrase: ' . $to[0]->phrase);, and run the script, soon I'll get an exception:

Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at bin/ line 80, line 99.

Wait, we know that. That should not be an exception! What's going on here? Have we turned the warnings into FATAL errors by issuing use warning FATAL => 'all';?

Well, not us, but Moo did. When we write use Moo; it turns on use strict; and use warnings FATAL => 'all'; There was even an emotional discussion about the subject that I don't really agree with. Anyway, I could see it live now. This means the logging line needs to change to this code: $log->info('phrase: ' . ($to[0]->phrase // ''));

Running this did not throw any exception, but when I looked at the results in the database, I noticed that many entries had a null in the name.

  "To": [
      "address": "",
      "name": null

Of course, that's because in the map call we created the name field even when the value was undefined.

In order to this to work I had to change the whole section where we created the little hashes from the Email::Address object:

in the add_from function:

    $doc->{From} = {
        address => lc $from[0]->address,

    if (defined $from[0]->phrase) {
        $doc->{From}{name} = $from[0]->phrase;

in the add_to function:

    foreach my $t (@to) {
        my %h = (address => lc $t->address);
        if (defined $t->phrase) {
            $h{name} = $t->phrase;
        push @{ $doc->{To} }, \%h;

I am not very happy with this code, but I did not have better idea how to write this.

Remove e-mail as name

The third issue I encountered was when the To field looked like this: To: "" <>.

That is when the "phrase" and the "address" are the same.

Let's eliminate that case:

Now actually the previous code change came handy. I just had to extend the conditions.

In the add_from function:

    if (defined $from[0]->phrase and $from[0]->phrase ne $from[0]->address) {
        $doc->{From}{name} = $from[0]->phrase;

In the add_to function:

    if (defined $t->phrase and $t->phrase ne $t->address) {
        $h{name} = $t->phrase;

The full code

The current version of the code:

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use Moo;
use MooX::Options;

use Path::Iterator::Rule;
use Email::Folder;
use Email::Address;
use MongoDB;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use Log::Log4perl;

option path    => (is => 'ro', required => 1, format => 's',
    doc => 'path/to/mail');

option limit   => (is => 'ro', required => 0, format => 'i',
    doc => 'limit number of messages to be processed');



sub process {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $dir = $self->path;

    my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('process');
    $log->info("Starting to process in '$dir'");

    my $client     = MongoDB::MongoClient->new(host => 'localhost', port => 27017);
    my $database   = $client->get_database( 'mboxer' );
    my $collection = $database->get_collection( 'messages' );

    my $count = 0;

    my $rule = Path::Iterator::Rule->new;
    my $it = $rule->iter( $dir );
    while ( my $file = $it->() ) {
        next if not -f $file;
        $log->info("Processing $file");
        my $folder = Email::Folder->new($file);
        while (my $msg = $folder->next_message) {  # Email::Simple objects
            #say $msg->header;
            # Use of uninitialized value $field in lc at .../5.18.1/Email/Simple/ line 123, <GEN0> line 14.
            #say $msg->header('From');
            my %doc;

            add_from(\%doc, $msg) or next;
            add_to(\%doc, $msg);

            #file => $file,
            $doc{Subject} = $msg->header('Subject'),
            exit if defined $self->limit and $count > $self->limit;
    $log->info("Count: $count");

sub add_to {
    my ($doc, $msg) = @_;

    my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('add_to');
    my $to_string = $msg->header('To');
    if (not defined $to_string) {
        $log->warn("There is no To field in this message");
    $log->info("To: $to_string");

    my @to = Email::Address->parse($to_string);
    if (not @to) {
        $log->warn("Very strange. No email recognized in the To field! " . $msg->header('To'));

    $log->info('name: ' . $to[0]->name);
    $log->info('phrase: ' . ($to[0]->phrase // ''));
    $log->info('address: ' . $to[0]->address);

    foreach my $t (@to) {
        my %h = (address => lc $t->address);
        if (defined $t->phrase and $t->phrase ne $t->address) {
            $h{name} = $t->phrase;
        push @{ $doc->{To} }, \%h;


sub add_from {
    my ($doc, $msg) = @_;

    my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('add_from');

    my $from_string = $msg->header('From');
    #$log->info("From: $from_string");
    if (not defined $from_string) {
        $log->warn("There is no From field in this message");
        return 1;
    my @from = Email::Address->parse($from_string);
    #$log->info(Dumper \@from);
    if (@from > 1) {
        $log->warn("Strange, there were more than one emails recognized in the From field: " . $msg->header('From'));
    if (not @from) {
        $log->warn("Very strange. No email in the From field! " . $msg->header('From'));
        return 1;
    #say Dumper \@from;
    #say $from[0]->address;
    #say $from[0]->name;
    if ($from[0]->name eq 'Mail System Internal Data') {

    $doc->{From} = {
        address => lc $from[0]->address,

    if (defined $from[0]->phrase and $from[0]->phrase ne $from[0]->address) {
        $doc->{From}{name} = $from[0]->phrase;

    return 1;