Starting at CPAN::Digger I found the Math::Numerical distribution without any Continuous Integration configured.

Adding GitHub Actions to this project was quite straigh forward except for two things:

Adding prerequisites

I had to manually install some prerequsites that were needed for the tests:

    - name: Install Modules
      run: |
        cpanm -v
        cpanm --installdeps --notest .
        cpanm --notest Test2::V0
        cpanm --notest Test2::Tools::PerlCritic
        cpanm --notest Test::Pod
        cpanm --notest IPC::Run3
        cpanm --notest Readonly

This has been bothering me for some time now so I asked both on Reddit and on PerlMonks.

Disable Windows

I think at the time I was doing this there was some problem with the Windows infrastructure of GitHub Actions or the Perl that was supposed to be installed on Windows so I had to disable the Windows runner. The author of the module can later enable it to see if the isses were fixed already.


It took 9-10 minutes to run the job on OSX. (5 min on Ubuntu Linux) The main time consuming part is the installation of the test prerequisites. I added the --notest flag to the cpanm commands that reduced the run-time to 2 minutes.

Full configuration file


name: Perl


      fail-fast: false
        runner: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest] # , windows-latest
        perl: [ '5.36' ]

    runs-on: ${{matrix.runner}}
    name: OS ${{matrix.runner}} Perl ${{matrix.perl}}

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Set up perl
      uses: shogo82148/actions-setup-perl@v1
          perl-version: ${{ matrix.perl }}
          distribution: ${{ ( startsWith( matrix.runner, 'windows-' ) && 'strawberry' ) || 'default' }}

    - name: Show Perl Version
      run: |
        perl -v

    - name: Install Modules
      run: |
        cpanm -v
        cpanm --installdeps --notest .
        cpanm --notest Test2::V0
        cpanm --notest Test2::Tools::PerlCritic
        cpanm --notest Test::Pod
        cpanm --notest IPC::Run3
        cpanm --notest Readonly

    - name: Run tests
        TEST_AUTHOR: 1
      run: |
        perl Makefile.PL
        make test

    - name: Show Errors on Windows
      if:  ${{ failure() && startsWith( matrix.runner, 'windows-')}}
      run: |
         ls -l C:/Users/
         ls -l C:/Users/RUNNER~1/
         cat C:/Users/runneradmin/.cpanm/work/*/build.log

    - name: Show Errors on Ubuntu
      if:  ${{ failure() && startsWith( matrix.runner, 'ubuntu-')}}
      run: |
         cat /home/runner/.cpanm/work/*/build.log

    - name: Show Errors on OSX
      if:  ${{ failure() && startsWith( matrix.runner, 'macos-')}}
      run: |
         cat  /Users/runner/.cpanm/work/*/build.log