GitLab provides an integrated CI system that is driven by a single YAML based configuration. This example is based on the configuration file of the DBD::Mock module.

I have copied it here and removed some of the repetitions. Visit the repo of that project to see the file they have.

The only thing you need to enable a GitLab Pipeline is to create a correctly formatted YAML file called .gitlab-ci.yml in the root of your git repository. And push it out to GitLab.

GitLab CI Pipeline of DBD::Mock


  - test

  - cpanm Module::Build::Tiny Test::Pod Test::Pod::Coverage DBI@1.627
  - cpanm --installdeps .
  - perl Build.PL
  - perl Build

    image: perl:latest
    stage: test
      - REPORT_TEST_ENVIRONMENT=1 perl Build test
      - cpanm DBI
      - REPORT_TEST_ENVIRONMENT=1 perl Build test

    image: perl:5.30-threaded
    stage: test
      - REPORT_TEST_ENVIRONMENT=1 perl Build test
      - cpanm DBI
      - REPORT_TEST_ENVIRONMENT=1 perl Build test

    image: perl:5.28-threaded
    stage: test
      - REPORT_TEST_ENVIRONMENT=1 perl Build test
      - cpanm DBI
      - REPORT_TEST_ENVIRONMENT=1 perl Build test


  - test

They declare a single stage called "test". Strictly speaking this is unnecessary as by default GitLab CI provides three default stages: "build", "test", and "deploy" and if a stage is not implemented GitLab won't complain.


The global before_script: key lists 4 commands that will run in each one of the jobs. In this file there are 3 jobs further below called unitTestsLatest, unitTestsV5.30, and unitTestsV5.28. In the original file there were many more.

Slightly confusingly some of the main keys of the GitLab CI config files are reserved words that are not available as job names. In our example we saw two: stages and before_script.

This project is apparently using Module::Build and so before the actual tests the CI installs Module::Build and a few other prerequisites needed to run the release of the module. Interestingly it also installed a specific version of DBI using the '@' notation. It installs 1.627 while the current most recent version is 1.643.

Then, using the --installdeps flag of cpanm, all the prerequisites are installed and the regular sequence of preparing the build is executed.

The jobs

All the 3 jobs here, and all the other 15 or so I have removed for clarity, are almost identical. The only difference is the version of the perl base image they use. So basically these 3 will use 3 different versions of the official perl Docker image to run the code.

The names of the jobs in GitLab CI can be arbitrary (except of the few reserved words), they can even include spaces and dots. Each job declares which Docker image (and which tag) to use. They each declare which stage they are in. This is also slightly unnecessary in this case because "test" is assumed to be the default stage for every job that does not explicitly say it. (This is regardless of what stages are actually available in the pipeline.)

The "script" part is required.

What I understand from this is that for some reason the author of DBD::Mock wanted to test the code on version 1.627 of DBI as well as the most recent recent version of DBI. No idea why it is necessary, but I like the idea and the implementation.