There are cases when you would want to make sure there is a value for a certain attribute other than undef, but you don't want to require the user to supply it. If it was supplied, that's good, but if not, you'd like to have a default value.

Moo allows you to define what this default value should be using the default keyword.

Let's see an example:

There is a module in which we have an 'age' attribute that defaults to 0. After all, most us are born at the age of 0.

has age => (is => 'rw', default => 0);

The full file would look like this:

package Person;
use Moo;

has age => (is => 'rw', default => 0);


the script looks like this:

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use Person;

my $joe = Person->new();
say $joe->age;
my $clara = Person->new( age => 3 );
say $clara->age;
say 'DONE';

and the output is what we expected:


Default timestamp

As you probably know keeping the 'age' value is not really a good idea as the age changes all the time. It is better to keep the birthdate and if necessary calculate the age from that and from the current time.

So we replace the 'age' attribute in the file by the 'birthdate' attribute and we'll use the number of seconds from the epoch as to represent the birthdate. Hence the default value is the number returned by the time function.

has birthdate => (is => 'rw', default => time);

Let's see the code in now:

use Person;

my $joe = Person->new;
say $joe->birthdate;

my $clara = Person->new( birthdate => time - 60*60*24*365*3 );
say $clara->birthdate;

say 'DONE';

and the output after running perl


Looks good, right?

(Well, except maybe that 60*60*24*365*3 seconds is not exactly the same as "3 years", but we don't want to deal with that problem now.

At one point, maybe a few seconds later (in run time), you will want to create another Person object, (we simulate the few seconds of run time with a call to sleep:

use Person;

my $joe = Person->new;
say $joe->birthdate;

sleep 2;

my $pete = Person->new;
say $pete->birthdate;

say 'DONE';

The result is


What the #$#$#@? Why do both objects have the same birthdate? They were created 2 seconds apart, if you ran this program you even saw it being "stuck" after the first number was printed.

Has time stopped in the alternate world of Moo?

Indeed that's what happened.

The time function was not called at the time when the constructor of Person was called, but when the was loaded into memory. To demonstrate this take a look at this code:

say time . '  start time';
sleep 3;

my $joe = Person->new;
say $joe->birthdate;

Here I print the result of time() myself from the script and then, after sleeping 3 seconds I create the first Person object. They both show the same timestamp.

We need a way to ensure the time function (of the birthdate attribute) is only called at the time we call the new method. This happens because when we declare our attributes, during the loading and compilation time of the Person class, we had this code:

has birthdate => (is => 'rw', default => time);

This is actually calling the has function exported by Moo with a few parameters. Let me rewrite it a bit:

has('birthdate', 'is', 'rw', 'default', time);

As this function is in the body of the Person module, it is called at load time (so the Person class will know what attributes to create when you create an instance), but this also means the time() function is called at load time.

The above two are exactly the same calls, but the former look much cool, and clearer. So we use that syntax. Even if at first it does not look like a Perl function call.

So how can we delay the call to time()? Moo allows us to pass a code reference to the default key, and it will call that code reference when the default is actually needed.

so if we wrap the call to time in an anonymous function, we should be OK. Let's change the file to have this:

has birthdate => (is => 'rw', default => sub { time });

run perl with the following content of

use Person;

say time . '  start time';
sleep 3;

my $joe = Person->new;
say $joe->birthdate;
sleep 2;
my $pete = Person->new;
say $pete->birthdate;
say 'DONE';

and the output will look like this:

1371909556  start time

So that part is fixed, but let me do another small experiment. Let's change that anonymous subroutine to be the following:

has birthdate => (is => 'rw', default => sub {
   say "Creating default";

Change the to contain:

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use Person;

say time . '  start time';
sleep 3;

my $joe = Person->new;
say $joe->birthdate;

my $clara = Person->new( birthdate => time - 60*60*24*365*3 );
say $clara->birthdate;

my $pete = Person->new;
say $pete->birthdate;
say 'DONE';

and run perl again:

(Oh, you might also need to add use 5.010; to or you'll get a nasty error message about String found where operator expected at

The output:

1371910137  start time
Creating default
Creating default

So "Creating default" was called in two cases (Joe and Pete) but as Clara supplied her birthdate, the subroutine creating a default value was not called. This might have been obvious to you, but I wanted to make sure I know that the subroutine is only called when really necessary.

Oh and one more experiment. Instead of a real date, let Clara pass undef as her birthdate:

my $clara = Person->new( birthdate => time - 60*60*24*365*3 );

The result is expected but a bit disappointing:

Use of uninitialized value in say at line 15.

As in the case with the required attributes, you'd probably also need to set up a minimal type checking, just to make sure the value passed is not undef.

Array reference as attribute

Moo with array reference as attributes - with or without default values

Hash reference as attribute

Moo with hash reference as attributes - with or without default values


Probably it is better to always use a sub, event if it is not required (as in the constant scalar value case). The only advantage of having the scalar there is that it might be a bit faster than having an unnecessary subroutine calls.