Moo - Minimalist Object Orientation for Perl
A series of articles about Moo, the Minimalist Object Orientation system of Perl.
Moo is the little brother of Moose, the all magnificent object oriented framework of Perl. Moo is smaller and faster than Moose and it pure-Perl (no XS dependencies). It can provide a solution for people who would like to get away from the "manual blessing", but don't want to "pay" for all the features of Moose.
- OOP with Moo a screencast and text explaining the basics of Moo, creating a class with a single attribute that can be either read-only (immutable) or read-write (mutable) attribute. Creating an instance (object).
- Type checking with Moo. While Moo does not have a type-system it allows you to set-up type checking in the setters of the attributes.
- MooX::late provides another type-system, similar to what Moose has.
- Attributes:
- Public and Private Methods
- Methods, Functions and Subroutines in Perl and what is $self ?
- Inheritance and Method Modifiers
- Replacing an attribute by a method - modifying the constructor (BUILDARGS)
- Writing Command line scripts and accepting command line parameters using Moo
- Singleton

Published on 2013-07-01
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