2015 CPAN Pull Request Challenge
If you sign up to the 2015 CPAN Pull Request Challenge, then every month you'll be assigned a CPAN module and you'll have one month to make some improvement and send it to the maintainer of the module.
I think this is a great way to improve yourself and at the same time to contribute back to the pool of open source code we all depend on.
Sign up
To sign up to the 2015 CPAN Pull Request Challenge send an e-mail to Neil Bowers (neil at bowers dot com) with your GitHub username (required) and your PAUSE id (optional).
- 2014.12.24 Take the 2015 CPAN Pull Request Challenge by Neil Bowers
- 2014.12.29 The 2015 CPAN pull request challenge by Neil Bowers
- 2014.12.29 Bring out yer distributions! by Neil Bowers
- 2014.12.31 Pull request etiquette by Neil Bowers
- 2014.12.31 Pull request ideas by Neil Bowers
- 2015.01.01 CPAN Pull Request Challenge - resources available! by Sawyer X
- 2015.01.01 CPAN Pull Request Challenge: A call to the CPAN authors by Moritz Lenz
- 2015.01.01 Hacker News
- 2015.01.05 The two sides of a pull request by Neil Bowers
- 2015.01.07 What to do with a CPAN distribution by Neil Bowers
- 2015.01.09 How to make your first contribution to CPAN - the first steps by Nitish Bezalla
- 2015.01.10 Always do pull requests in branches by Neil Bowers
- 2015.01.12 More details on the CPAN Pull Request Challenge by Neil Bowers
- 2015.01.12 What should be in a CPAN distro README? by brian d foy
Related articles
CPAN Day was a one-day event organized by Neil, the same person who runs the CPAN Pull Request Challenge, and he wrote quite a few articles for that day. Most of them are relevant to this challenge as well. CPAN Day - start your engines!<
- Specify the min perl version for the distribution
- Put your CPAN distributions on github (this is mostly relevant to the author or if you are taking over maintenance)
- Classify RT tickets
- Acknowledge the contributors
- Check test coverage
- Craft the first paragraph of the Module DESCRIPTION
- Fix CPAN Testers failures on CPAN Day
- Get 'CPANTS clean'
- Add a good SEE ALSO section
- Write a good SYNOPSIS
- Write a good abstract
- Add Travis-CI to the distribution
- How to write the perfect pull request
- Effective pull requests and other good practices for teams using github
And a few other related articles:
- How to convince Meta CPAN to show a link to the version control system of a distribution?
- How to add the license field to the META.yml and META.json files on CPAN?
- Contributing to a CPAN module (using Github)
- 2015.01.03 My First Day on the CPAN Pull Request Challenge by David Bradford
- 2015.01.04 PR-Challenge: January 1st PR by Alberto Simões
- 2015.01.05 2015 Pull Request Challenge: At First Glance by manchicken
- 2015.01.07 CPAN Pull Request Challenge 2015- Day 1 by lesleyb
- 2015.01.08 CPAN Pull Request Challenge: The Pull Request by David Bradford
- 2015.01.09 Finding Fixes for Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 by James Hunt
- 2015.01.11 CPAN Pull Request Challenge for January: DateTime::Format::Epoch by Michiel Beijen
- 2015.01.11 My first Pull request by lesleyb
- 2015.01.11 CPAN Pull Request Challenge (PRC) 2015 - Introduction / January (Plack::Session::State::URI) by Brandon McCaig
- 2015.01.14 PR-Challenge: January by Alberto Simões
- 2015.01.14 CPAN Pull Request: a little patch for January (and a lot more to learn!) by Luca Ferrari
- 2015.01.15 CPAN PRC 2015 - January (Plack::Session::State::URI) - Part 2 by Brandon McCaig
- 2015.01.17 CPAN PR Challenge - January - IO-Digest by Tim Retout
- 2015.01.20 Short and sweet, but definitely a good value PR! by itcharlie
- 2015.01.24 CPAN Pull Request Challenge - January by Doyle Young
- 2015.01.25 January PR Challenge: Clone: adding continuous integration and badges by Zakariyya Mughal
- 2015.01.26 January CPAN Pull Request Challenge by Bear Perl
- 2015.01.27 January: SOAP-Lite by Maxim Vuets
- 2015.01.29 My CPAN Pull Request Challenge for January: Fuse by Breno G. de Oliveira
- 2015.02.01 Pull Request Challenge: January by E. Choroba
- 2015.02.19 Analysing CPAN Testers' Reports by E. Choroba
- 2015.02.22 CPAN Pull Request Challenge for February: Archive::BagIt by Michiel Beijen
- 2015.02.24 2015 CPAN Pull Request: February pending by Luca Ferrari
- 2015.02.26 The Moose Slippery - February PR Challenge by Alberto Simões
- 2015.02.26 CPAN Pull Request Challenge - February by Doyle Young
- 2015.02.28 My February CPAN PR Challenge: Template::Plugin::Autoformat by Breno G. de Oliveira
- 2015.03.05 CPAN PR-Challenge: March Report #1 by Alberto Simões
- 2015.03.08 CPAN PR-Challenge: March Report #2 by Alberto Simões
- 2015.03.25 CPAN Pull Request Challenge - March by Doyle Young
- 2015.03.31 My March Assigment in CPR2015 - Filter::CommaEquals by lesleyb
- 2015.04.06 CPAN Pull Request Challenge: March done! by Luca Ferrari
- 2015.04.05 April CPR 2015 HTML::FormFu::DBIx::Model by lesleyb
- 2015.04.25 CPAN PR-Challenge - April Report by Alberto Simões
- 2015.04.27 CPAN Pull Request Challenge - April by Doyle Young
- 2015.04.30 My March & April CPAN PR Challenge dists by Breno G. de Oliveira
- 2015.05.17 How I didn't fix AnyEvent::ForkManager by E. Choroba
- 2015.05.23 CPAN PR-Challenge: May Report by Alberto Simões
- 2015.05.23 CPAN PR Challenge: May done! by Luca Ferrari
- 2015.06.01 CPAN Pull Request Challenge - May by Doyle Young
- 2015.06.22 June CPAN PR Challenge: App::DPath by Bear Perl
- 2015.06.24 CPAN Pull Request Challenge - June by Doyle Young
- 2015.06.28 CPAN PR-Challenge: June Report by Alberto Simões
- 2015.07.12 Test failures in File::LibMagic by E. Choroba
- 2015.07.26 What I learned from perlbrew by Dave Jacoby
- 2015.07.31 CPAN PRC: July is Data::Dump by Alberto Simões
- 2015.07.31 CPAN Pull Request Challenge - July by Doyle Young
- 2015.08.19 I Need To Write This Up To Understand It, or The Epic Battle between Wat and Derp! by Dave Jacoby
- 2015.09.28 Test::Aggregate Failures under the Recent Test::Builder by E. Choroba
- 2015.10.11 Last Minute: HTML::Element::Replacer by E. Choroba
- 2015.11.01 Net::SFTP::Foreign in taint mode by E. Choroba
- 2015.11.18 CPAN Pull Request Challenge - November by Doyle Young
- 2015.12.30 CPAN Pull Request Challenge - December by Doyle Young
- 2016.01.02 Mocking a User Agent by E. Choroba
- 2015.01.02 CPAN PullRequest Challenge 2015 von Renée Bäcker
- 2015.01.05 CPAN PullRequest Challenge 2015 - die andere Seite von Renée Bäcker
- 2015.03.06 CPAN PullRequest Challenge: Februar 2015
This page is mostly maintained by E. Choroba.

Published on 2015-01-05