- !
- !=
- !~
- "
- #
- #!
- ##
- ###
- ####
- #####
- ######
- $
- $!
- $"
- $#
- $#$
- $#array
- $$
- $%
- $&
- $'
- $(
- $)
- $*
- $+
- $,
- $-
- $.
- $/
- $0
- $1
- $2
- $3
- $4
- $5
- $6
- $7
- $8
- $9
- $:
- $;
- $<
- $=
- $>
- $?
- $@
- $[
- $\
- $]
- $^
- $^A
- $^C
- $^D
- $^E
- $^F
- $^H
- $^I
- $^L
- $^M
- $^N
- $^O
- $^P
- $^R
- $^S
- $^T
- $^V
- $^W
- $^X
- $_
- $_[0]
- $`
- $a
- $ARG
- $ARGV[0]
- $ARGV[]
- $array[$i]
- $array[1]
- $b
- $Bin
- $count[$c]++
- $count{$word}++
- $DB::single
- $ENV
- $GID
- $NR
- $OFS
- $ORS
- $PID
- $RS
- $self
- $SIG{}
- $UID
- $VAR1
- $VAR2
- ${^LAST_FH}
- ${^MATCH}
- ${^OPEN}
- ${^TAINT}
- $|
- $~
- %
- A hash and its uses - video
- Creating a hash - video
- Creating a hash from an array - video
- Exercise: improve Apache log analyzer - video
- Exercise: improve color selector - video
- Exercise: parse HTTP values - video
- Exercise: parse variable width fields - video
- Exercise: sort scores - video
- Fetching data from a hash - video
- Hashes in Perl
- Numerical Operators - video
- Numerical operators
- Scalar variables
- Solution: improve Apache log-analyzer - video
- Solution: improve color selector - video
- Solution: parse HTTP values - video
- Solution: parse variable width fields - video
- Solution: sort scores - video
- hash in SCALAR context - video
- %!
- %$
- %+
- %-
- %=
- %ENV
- %INC
- %SIG
- &
- &&
- '
- (
- ()
- *
- **
- *=
- *?
- *{}
- +
- ++
- +<
- +=
- +?
- -
- --
- -=
- ->
- -A
- -a
- -b
- -B
- -c
- -C
- -d
- -d
- Add (conditional) debugger breakpoints to your code
- Debug sum numbers - video
- Debugging Perl scripts
- Debugging Perl scripts - video
- Debugging Perl with hdb
- Debugging compile time code (debugging BEGIN block, debugging module body)
- History in the Perl debugger, make the up arrow work
- Using the built-in debugger of Perl
- Using the built-in debugger of Perl as REPL
- What are -e, -z, -s, -M, -A, -C, -r, -w, -x, -o, -f, -d , -l in Perl?
- -e
- -E
- -F
- -f
- -g
- -I
- -i
- -k
- -l
- -m
- -M
- -n
- -o
- -O
- -p
- -R
- -r
- -S
- -s
- -t
- -T
- -u
- -V
- -v
- -W
- -w
- -X
- -x
- -z
- .
- ..
- ...
- .env
- .gitignore
- .hgignore
- /
- //
- //=
- /=
- /dev/null
- /g
- /m
- /usr/bin/perl
- 1)
- 1.
- 1;
- 404
- 5.010
- ::
- :memory:
- ;
- <
- <$fh>
- <<
- <=
- <=>
- <>
- =!
- ==
- =>
- =cut
- =head1
- =head2
- =pod
- =~
- >
- >=
- >>
- ?
- ?:
- ??
- @
- @$
- @+
- @-
- @_
- @ARG
- @array
- @array[]
- @F
- @hash{...}
- @INC
- Can't locate ... in @INC
- Changing @INC - video
- Changing @INC relative path - video
- How does require find the module to be loaded?
- How to add a relative directory to @INC
- How to change @INC to find Perl modules in non-standard locations
- How to create a Perl Module for code reuse?
- Removal of the current directory (".") from @INC in Perl 5.26 and Travis-CI
- What is @INC in Perl?
- Which Perl modules are loaded in memory?
- @ISA
- @{ }
- [[:digit:]]
- [[:xdigit:]]
- []
- \
- \&
- \@
- \d
- \D
- \n
- \p
- \P
- \p{Uppercase}
- \s
- \S
- \t
- \w
- \W
- ^
- __DATA__
- __DIR__
- __END__
- __FILE__
- __LINE__
- __SUB__
- __WARN__
- _Sep
- abs
- abs_path
- accept
- Access-Control-Allow-Methods
- Access-Control-Allow-Origin
- accessor
- Actions
- ActivePerl
- ActiveState
- Additive Operators
- adduser
- advanced
- after
- Ajax
- alarm
- all
- and
- AngularJS
- any
- AnyEvent
- Apache
- Apache2
- ApacheBench
- API::Drip::Request
- App::BitBucketCli
- App::cpanminus
- append
- append_utf8
- application
- aptitude
- Archive
- Archive::Any
- argc
- around
- array
- How to eliminate a value in the middle of an array in Perl?
- Manipulating Perl arrays: shift, unshift, push, pop
- Perl Arrays
- Printing hash of hashes of arrays by the array
- Scalar and List context in Perl, the size of an array
- Splice to slice and dice arrays in Perl
- Transforming a Perl array using map
- Transpose a Matrix (Arrays or Arrays)
- Unique values in an array in Perl
- Unique values in an array reference in Perl
- Using a queue in Perl
- Array Interpolation
- ARRAY(0x703dcf2)
- array_each
- arrays
- Assignment Operators
- associative
- atan2
- attribute
- Attribute::Handlers
- attributes
- Auto-increment and Auto-decrement
- autoflush
- autovivification
- B::Deparse
- An extra space can ruin your day
- Bug in the for-loop of Perl? - B::Deparse to the rescue
- Can't call method ... on unblessed reference
- Possible precedence issue with control flow operator
- The magic unary plus (+)
- Useless use of hash element in void context
- Useless use of private variable in void context
- bar
- bareword
- Barewords
- base
- basename
- Bash
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 1
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 2
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 3
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 4
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 5 - with Erik Hülsmann
- before
- Benchmark
- Bigger Numbers
- bind
- Binding Operators
- binmode
- BioSAILs
- Bitbucket
- bitwise
- Bitwise And
- Bitwise Or and Exclusive Or
- Bitwise String Operators
- bless
- blessed
- Blio
- blog
- boolean
- break
- buffering
- Bugzilla
- Build
- Build.PL
- builder
- C Operators Missing From Perl
- C-style Logical And
- C-style Logical Or
- Cache
- Cache::File
- calendar
- caller
- canonpath
- capital
- capture
- Capture::Tiny
- Carp
- Carp::Always
- case
- casting
- cat
- Catalyst
- Catalyst::Plugin
- catdir
- catfile
- cd
- CGI - Common Gateway Interface
- Common causes and fixes for HTTP 500 Error in Perl CGI scripts
- Echo with plain CGI
- Hello World with plain CGI
- Modern Web with Perl
- Moving from CGI to PSGI and Starman
- Perl/CGI script with Apache2
- Running CGI script as a Plack application with Plack::App::CGIBin
- Simple CGI Perl script to send form by e-mail
- Testing Perl CGI application
- Which is better perl-CGI, mod_perl or PSGI?
- cgi-bin
- CGI::Simple
- Chad Granum
- Changes
- chat server
- chdir
- chmod
- chomp
- chop
- chown
- chr
- chroot
- CI
- Add GitHub Actions (CI) to Graphics-Toolkit-Color Perl module
- Adding GitHub Actions to Test2::Harness::UI
- CI - Continuous Integration
- CPAN Dashboard
- CPAN Digger explained
- CPAN Testers or CI system?
- Enable GitHub Actions for CI on Math::Polynomial::Chebyshev
- GitHub Actions CI job for Perl Test::Class - checking downstream dependencies as well
- GitHub Actions for CPAN modules
- GitLab CI for Perl projects
- Perl modules on CPAN having links to VCS and having CI configured
- Setup GitHub Actions for CPAN modules
- What is CI and why is it good for you?
- Citrus Perl
- class
- Class::Accessor
- clearer
- close
- closedir
- cmp
- cmp_deeply
- cmp_ok
- Code::TidyAll
- coerce
- color
- column_names
- Comma Operator
- Compatibility::PerlMinimumVersionAndWhy
- Compatibility::ProhibitThreeArgumentOpen
- Conditional Operator
- confess
- config
- Config::Tiny
- connect
- constant
- Constant Folding
- constructor
- Content-type
- Context
- context
- continue
- contributors
- copy
- cos
- counter
- Coveralls
- cp
- cpan
- CPAN Testers and CPAN Ratings - video
- How To Use TheSchwartz Perl Module
- How To Use TheSchwartz Perl Module (Part 2)
- How to install Perl modules on FreeBSD
- Installing Perl modules using cpan - video
- Pinto -- A Custom CPAN In A Box
- Some interesting CPAN modules - video
- Using procedural Perl modules - video
- What is CPAN? - video
- 20 most popular Perl modules
- 2015 CPAN Pull Request Challenge
- CPAN Dashboard
- CPAN Digger
- CPAN Digger - CPAN Dashboard - CPAN Rocks
- CPAN Digger and the Hacktoberfest
- CPAN Digger explained
- CPAN Monitor
- CPAN for older versions of Perl
- Contributing to a Perl module on CPAN (using vim and GitHub)
- Contributing to the Open Source Perl Ecosystem
- Core Perl documentation and CPAN module documentation
- Fetching META data from Meta CPAN
- How to add images to the documentation of Perl modules on CPAN
- How to add the license field to the META.yml and META.json files on CPAN?
- How to convince Meta CPAN to show a link to the version control system of a distribution?
- How to download a Perl module from CPAN
- How to fetch the CPAN dependency tree of a Perl module?
- Installing a Perl Module from CPAN on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX
- Introducing CPANCover - Showing Test coverage reports of Perl modules
- List all the Perl modules and distributions in a name-space using Meta CPAN
- Minimal requirement to build a sane CPAN package
- Monitoring the most recent uploads to CPAN
- New on CPAN - week ending on 2017-08-20
- New on CPAN - week ending on 2017-08-27
- Perl modules on CPAN having links to VCS and having CI configured
- RT.CPAN.ORG is closing
- What you need to know about CPAN
- Writing Makefile for
-- NOT OK - search.cpan.org - video
- CPAN Testers
- CPAN::Meta::Spec
- CPANCover
- Cpanel::JSON::XS
- cpanm
- Bitbucket Pipelines testing Perl projects
- How To Use TheSchwartz Perl Module
- How To Use TheSchwartz Perl Module (Part 2)
- How to install Perl modules on FreeBSD
- Install Perl modules without root rights on Linux Ubuntu 13.10 x64
- Installing a Perl Module from CPAN on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX
- Virtualenv in Perl 5 - install 2 different versions of the same module
- cpanm
- cpanminus
- cpxxxan
- croak
- cron
- crypt
- Crypt::DH
- Crypt::PBKDF2
- Crypt::Random
- Crypt::SSLeay
- CSV_XS ERROR: 2034 - EIF - Loose unescaped quote @ rec 5 pos 194
- Calculating bank balance, take two: DBD::CSV
- How to calculate the balance of bank accounts in a CSV file, using Perl?
- How to read a CSV file using Perl?
- How to replace a column in a CSV file using Perl
- Multiple command line counters with plain TSV text file back-end
- One-liner sum of column in CSV - video
- Process CSV file - video
- Process CSV file short version - video
- Process CSV file using Text::CSV_XS - video
- Reading CSV file as many hash-es
- Split CSV file into multiple small CSV files
- Split up and flatten CSV file
- Cucumber
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 1
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 2
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 3
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 4
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 5 - with Erik Hülsmann
- curl
- cwd
- Cwd
- Current working directory in Perl (cwd, pwd)
- Get absolute path (aka. canonical path) using abs_path or canonpath
- Get real path (absolute path) from symbolic link (aka. softlink)
- How to change directory (chdir, cd) in Perl?
- How to create a Perl Module for code reuse?
- More UNIX commands - video
- The 19 most important file-system tools in Perl 5
- Daemon::Control
- Dancer
- Books
- Building a blog engine using Perl Dancer
- Counter with Dancer Sessions
- Counter with Dancer using in-memory SQLite database
- Dancer 1 Skeleton
- Dancer 1 echo using GET and testing GET
- Dancer 1 echo using POST and testing POST
- Dancer 1 test Hello World
- Dancer Simple Session and testing a session
- Dancer in Docker
- Dancer, the light-weight Perl web framework
- Getting started with Perl Dancer - Creating an Echo application
- Getting started with Perl Dancer on Digital Ocean
- Hello World with Perl Dancer
- Migrating (the Perl Maven site) from Dancer 1 to Dancer2
- Modern Web with Perl
- Dancer2
- Add and retrieve items - MongoDB, Dancer and Testing!
- Ajax and Dancer 2
- Counter using Dancer2 and Redis in a Docker container
- Dancer2: Before and After Hooks
- Dancer2: Configuration
- Dancer2: Exercise 1 - Calculator, Counter
- Dancer2: Exercise 2 - Multi-Counter, Random redirection
- Dancer2: Exercise 3 - Simple Single-user TODO list AP
- Dancer2: Hello World
- Dancer2: Hello World with Visual Studio Code
- Dancer2: Install Perl on Linux and Mac OSX
- Dancer2: Install Perl, editor, Dancer2
- Dancer2: Logging
- Dancer2: More route parameters
- Dancer2: Plackup reload on Windows and Linux
- Dancer2: Process GET and POST requests
- Dancer2: Return JSON
- Dancer2: Route parameters and sending 404 manually
- Dancer2: Sessions
- Dancer2: Show current time
- Dancer2: Show errors during development
- Dancer2: Skeleton
- Dancer2: Solution 2 - Random redirect
- Dancer2: Solution 2 - Route-based Multi-Counter
- Dancer2: Solution 3 - Simple Single-user TODO list AP
- Dancer2: Solution: 1 - Calculator
- Dancer2: Solution: 1 - Calculator fixing
- Dancer2: Solution: 1 - Counter
- Dancer2: Template Tiny
- Dancer2: Template Toolkit
- Dancer2: Testing 404 and 500 error responses
- Dancer2: Testing Hello World
- Dancer2: Upload file
- Hello World with Dancer2
- Introducing CPANCover - Showing Test coverage reports of Perl modules
- Migrating (the Perl Maven site) from Dancer 1 to Dancer2
- Password protecting web pages in Dancer 2
- Silencing the noisy Dancer tests
- Single Page Application with Perl Dancer and AngularJS
- dancer2
- Dancer2::Core::Request::Upload
- Dancer2::Plugin
- Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible
- Dancer::Plugin
- Dancer::Response
- Dashboard
- Data::Dump
- Data::Dumper
- Data::Dumper::Sortkeys
- Data::Entropy
- Data::ICal
- Data::ICal::Entry::Event
- Data::Netflow
- Data::Serializer
- Data::Tersify
- Data::Trace
- Datadog
- DateTime
- DateTime::Duration
- DateTime::Event::Cron
- DateTime::Format::Duration
- DateTime::Format::ICal
- DateTime::Format::ISO8601
- DateTime::Format::Strptime
- DateTime::Tiny
- Dave Miller
- Dave Rolsky
- DBD::Mock
- DBD::Oracle
- DBD::SQLite
- DBIx::Class
- dbmclose
- dbmopen
- debug
- debugger
- debugging
- declaration
- decode
- decode_json
- default
- defined
- defined or
- del
- delete
- dependencies
- destructor
- Devel::Cover
- Devel::hdb
- Devel::NYTProf
- Devel::Size
- DevOps
- df
- dfportable
- diag
- diagnostics
- die
- die warn exit
- difference
- Digest::MD5
- Digest::SHA
- Digger
- digit
- Digit
- Digital Ocean
- DigitalOcean
- dir
- Dir::Self
- directory tree
- dirname
- dist.ini
- Dist::Zilla
- Add GitHub Actions (CI) to Graphics-Toolkit-Color Perl module
- Adding list of contributors to the CPAN META files
- How to add the license field to the META.yml and META.json files on CPAN?
- How to convince Meta CPAN to show a link to the version control system of a distribution?
- Tools to package Perl scripts, modules, and applications
- Using GitHub Actions (CI) to locate missing test dependencies in Dist::Zilla::PERLSRVDE
- distinct
- do
- Docker
- docker-container
- documentation
- done_testing
- Dotenv
- download
- du
- dump
- Dumper
- DumpFile
- duplicate
- DWIM Perl
- e
- e-book
- each
- echo
- Eclipse
- editor
- ee
- else
- else if
- elsif
- emacs
- Email::Address
- Email::Folder
- Email::Send::SMTP::Gmail
- Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP
- Email::Simple
- Email::Stuffer
- Email::Valid
- embedded characters
- employment
- Encode
- encode_json
- encoding
- endgrent
- endhostent
- endnetent
- endprotoent
- endpwent
- endservent
- English
- eof
- epoch
- eq
- Equality Operators
- error
- escape character
- eval
- evalbytes
- Excel
- Excel::Writer::XLSX
- exec
- exercise
- Exercise: display unique rows of a file - video
- Exercise: improve number guessing game - video
- Exercise: improve the color selector - video
- Exercise: more statistics - video
- Exercise: number guessing game - video
- Exercise: number guessing in sub - video
- Exercise: rectangular - video
- Exercise: sort mixed string - video
- Exercise: write report to file - video
- Exercise
- exerise
- exists
- exit
- exp
- Expect
- explain
- explode
- Exponentiation
- Exporter
- ExtUtils::Embed
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- Add META data to a CPAN distribution (Pod::Tree 1.19)
- Adding list of contributors to the CPAN META files
- Creating Makefile.PL and a CPAN distribution for the Markua Parser
- How to add the license field to the META.yml and META.json files on CPAN?
- How to convince Meta CPAN to show a link to the version control system of a distribution?
- How to declare requirements of a CPAN distribution?
- Makefile.PL of ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- Minimal requirement to build a sane CPAN package
- Tools to package Perl scripts, modules, and applications
- false
- FastCGI
- fat arrow
- fat comma
- FATAL warnings
- favicon.ico
- fc
- Fcntl
- fcntl
- Fennec
- fetchrow_array
- fetchrow_hashref
- FH
- File::Basename
- Changing @INC relative path - video
- Construct the path to a file in the same directory as the current script
- How to add a relative directory to @INC
- How to create a Perl Module for code reuse?
- More UNIX commands - video
- Sending email with attachments - video
- The 19 most important file-system tools in Perl 5
- File::Copy
- File::Find
- File::Find::Rule
- File::HomeDir
- File::Path
- File::Slurp
- File::Spec
- File::stat
- File::Temp
- fileno
- files
- Filesys::DfPortable
- Filesys::DiskUsage
- filter
- findAndModify
- FindBin
- FindBin::Bin
- FindBin::libs
- first
- first_index
- Flickr::API
- flip-flop
- Floating-point Arithmetic
- flock
- flush
- foo
- for
- foreach
- fork
- Forking, Process ID, Parent Process ID, init
- Have exceeded the maximum number of attempts (1000) to open temp file/dir
- How to check if a child process is still running in Perl?
- Random numbers in forked processes
- Speed up calculation by running in parallel
- Test code which is using fork
- Using fork in Perl to spread load to multiple cores
- Variable "..." will not stay shared ...
- fork
- format
- formline
- FreeBSD
- FreezeThaw
- from_json
- function
- g
- Games::Sudoku::Component
- GD
- GD::Graph
- GD::Simple
- ge
- Gedit
- Geo::IP
- get
- getc
- getcwd
- getgrent
- getgrgid
- getgrnam
- gethostbyaddr
- gethostbyname
- gethostent
- getline
- getline_hr
- getlogin
- getnetbyaddr
- getnetbyname
- getnetent
- Getopt::Long
- Advanced usage of Getopt::Long for accepting command line arguments
- Create Linux user account - video
- How to process command line arguments in Perl using Getopt::Long
- Process command line using Getopt::Long (screencast) - video
- Process command line using Getopt::Long - video
- Sending email with attachments - video
- GetOpt::Long
- GetOptions
- getpeername
- getpgrp
- getppid
- getpriority
- getprotobyname
- getprotobynumber
- getprotoent
- getpwent
- getpwnam
- getpwuid
- getservbyname
- getservbyport
- getservent
- getsockname
- getsockopt
- getter
- gettext
- git
- Git
- Github
- Add GitHub Actions (CI) to Graphics-Toolkit-Color Perl module
- Adding GitHub Actions to Math::Numerical
- Building a static blog using Blio and Github
- Contributing to a Perl module on CPAN (using vim and GitHub)
- GitHub Actions for Pinto-Remote-SelfContained
- How to convince Meta CPAN to show a link to the version control system of a distribution?
- Show error logs on Github Actions - Install developer dependencies first (Test::CSS)
- GitHub
- Adding GitHub Actions to Test2::Harness::UI
- CI for CPAN modules
- CPAN Digger explained
- Contributing to the Open Source Perl Ecosystem
- Fix the documentation of the MetaCPAN::Client
- Fixing test failure on Windows - Properly quoting regexes - Accepting GitHub pull request
- GitHub Actions CI job for Perl Test::Class - checking downstream dependencies as well
- GitHub Actions for CPAN modules
- GitHub Actions for Geo::TCX
- GitHub Actions for MooX-Role-CachedURL
- Looking at a specific commit in GitHub
- Separate release branch for App::Puppet::Environment::Updater
- Setup GitHub Actions for CPAN modules
- Supporting Perl Creators via Patreon, GitHub, and more
- The value of a clean Continuous Integration (CI) system (for Data-Trace)
- Using GitHub Actions (CI) to locate missing test dependencies in Dist::Zilla::PERLSRVDE
- GitHub Actions
- GitHub pages
- GitLab
- GitLab CI
- given
- glob
- global symbol
- gmtime
- Gory details of parsing quoted constructs
- goto
- GraphViz2
- GraphViz2::Parse::ISA
- grep
- Filtering values using Perl grep
- Find the first element in an array in Perl that satisfies a condition
- How to get the index of specific element (value) of an array?
- How to grep a file using Perl
- Search for hash in an array of hashes
- The diamond operator <> of Perl
- Unique values in an array in Perl
- Unique values in an array reference in Perl
- grep
- gt
- Gtk2
- Hacktoberfest
- Handlebars
- has
- hash
- Count the frequency of words in text using Perl
- Creating a hash from an array in Perl
- Hashes in Perl
- How to insert a hash in another hash in Perl
- How to sort a hash in Perl?
- How to sort a hash of hashes by value?
- Multi dimensional hashes in Perl
- Perl Hash
- Perl hash in scalar and list context
- Printing hash of hashes of arrays by the array
- help
- hex
- hook
- howmany
- html
- HTML::TableExtract
- HTML::TreeBuilder
- HTTP::Request::Common
- HTTP::Tiny
- Hypnotoad
- i
- I/O Operators
- ICal
- Identifier parsing
- IF
- if
- Image::ExifTool
- Adding custom tags with Image::ExifTool
- Adding filename to IPTC data and-or exif data
- Embed ICC Color Profile in JPEG
- Exif ColorSpace tag value 2 is wrong?
- ExifTool versions and xmp metadata
- Extra information in Canon EOS 350 .CR2 after using Digital Photo Professional
- How to Uninstall ExifTool on Mac OSX
- How to remove thumbnail from a jpeg using Image::ExifTool
- Image::ExifTool - Writing into IPTC-fields
- Image::ExifTool IPTC UTF-8 Support?
- Image::ExifTool: How to change file creation date?
- Perl syntax to inject external XMP data into image files
- Running exiftool in Mac OS X
- Script to restore EXIF data from saved JPEGs (After image editing)
- Unicode File Name Support - Suggested Solution
- Using the exiftool library from php (in place of native php function)
- Imager
- import
- IN
- include
- indentation
- index
- Index/Value Array Slices
- infinite loop
- insert
- insert_one
- install
- instance
- int
- Int
- integer
- Integer Arithmetic
- interpolation
- intersection
- interview
- 10: Dave Miller, the leader of the Bugzilla project
- 1: Jeffrey Thalhammer, author of Perl::Critic and Pinto
- 2: Michael Schwern on test automation and Git
- 3: Dave Rolsky, author of DateTime and tons of other modules
- 4: Tadeusz Sośnierz author of the Perl 6 Pod Parser and Panda, the Perl 6 module installer
- 5: Stevan Little, author of Moose and Moe
- 6: John SJ Anderson, a biologist turned into sysadmin
- 7: Jay Hannah, Chief Ticket Monkey of the Perl Mongers
- 8: Chad (Exodist) Granum, author of the Fennec testing tool
- 9: Neil Bowers - PAUSE and CPAN admin
- Chris Nandor
- Interviews
- invitation
- IO
- IO::Prompter
- IO::Socket::INET
- ioctl
- IP
- IPC::Run
- IPC::Run3
- IPv4
- IPv6
- is
- is_any
- is_deeply
- is_number
- is_passing
- isa
- isnt
- JavaScript
- job interview
- jobs
- join
- jQuery
- JSON::MaybeXS
- JSON::Syck
- Kate
- Key/Value Hash Slices
- Keyboard
- kill
- Komodo
- lambda
- last
- last_insert_id
- layout
- lc
- lcfirst
- le
- length
- less
- lib
- libintl
- license
- like
- lines_utf8
- link
- links
- lint
- Linux
- list
- List Operators (Rightward)
- List value constructors
- List::AllUtils
- List::GroupBy
- List::MoreUtils
- Check several regexes on many strings
- Does the 'all' function of List::MoreUtils really short-circuit?
- Filtering values using Perl grep
- How to get the index of specific element (value) of an array?
- List and Array Utilities in Perl
- List authors where the PAUSEID starts with a given letter
- Merge hashes of arrays
- Unique values in an array in Perl
- List::Pairwise
- List::Util
- Fast lookup by name or by date - Array - Hash - Linked List
- Find the first element in an array in Perl that satisfies a condition
- How to calculate factorial in Perl - n!
- List and Array Utilities in Perl
- Operations on value-pairs in Perl
- Search for hash in an array of hashes
- The easiest way to find the highest hash value without looping through all of them (max)
- min, max, sum in Perl using List::Util
- List::UtilsBy
- listen
- live
- ln
- LoadFile
- local
- local::lib
- localtime
- lock
- log
- Log::Colorize::Helper
- Log::Log4perl
- Log::Log4perl::Layout
- Log::Log4perl::Level
- Logical And
- Logical Defined-Or
- Logical Not
- Logical or and Exclusive Or
- looks_like_number
- loop
- lower
- ls
- ls -l
- lstat
- lt
- ltrim
- Lvalue
- LWP::Simple
- LWP::UserAgent
- lynx
- m
- m//
- Mac OSX
- Mail::Sendmail
- make
- Becoming a co-maintainer of a CPAN-module
- Becoming a co-maintainer of a CPAN-module - the first steps (Pod::Tree 1.17_01, 1.18)
- Bitbucket Pipelines testing Perl projects
- Creating Makefile.PL and a CPAN distribution for the Markua Parser
- How to run the tests of a typical Perl module
- Packaging with Makefile.PL
- Makefile.PL
- Becoming a co-maintainer of a CPAN-module
- Becoming a co-maintainer of a CPAN-module - the first steps (Pod::Tree 1.17_01, 1.18)
- Creating Makefile.PL and a CPAN distribution for the Markua Parser
- Distribution directory layout
- Getting started - Create skeleton for the SCO clone application
- How to run the tests of a typical Perl module
- Packaging with Makefile.PL
- Making your module threadsafe
- map
- Map::Tube::Kolkatta
- markdown
- Markua
- Marpa
- Math::Random::Secure
- Math::TrulyRandom
- max
- max_by
- maxstr
- MD5
- Memcached::Client
- Memcached::Server
- Memoize
- memory
- Memory::Usage
- Meta::CPAN
- MetaCPAN
- 20 most popular Perl modules
- Add FAQ entry to MetaCPAN
- Adding news feed to MetaCPAN
- Building an open source clone of search.cpan.org using the MetaCPAN API
- CPAN Digger - CPAN Dashboard - CPAN Rocks
- CPAN, mcpan, MetaCPAN
- Contributing to the Open Source Perl Ecosystem
- Fetching META data from Meta CPAN
- Fix the documentation of the MetaCPAN::Client
- Get CPANstats from MetaCPAN using cron
- Hacking Meta::CPAN - the first steps
- Hacktoberfest 2019 and Perl
- How to contribute to an Open Source Perl project
- How to fetch the CPAN dependency tree of a Perl module?
- List all the Perl modules and distributions in a name-space using Meta CPAN
- Meta::CPAN
- MetaCPAN Task::Kensho - recommended Perl modules
- MetaCPAN URLs and Issues
- MetaCPAN and the CPAN Testers
- MetaCPAN is awesome!
- MetaCPAN recent uploads
- Neat trick to jump from search.cpan.org to metacpan.org
- Perl modules on CPAN having links to VCS and having CI configured
- Some MetaCPAN advanced search tricks using prefixes
- Start using the MetaCPAN API Client to fetch the list of most recently uploaded Perl modules
- MetaCPAN::Client
- MetaCPAN::Clients
- method
- MIME::Base64
- MIME::Lite
- min
- Minilla
- minstr
- mkdir
- mkpath
- mod_perl
- module
- Module::Build
- Adding list of contributors to the CPAN META files
- GitLab CI Pipeline for Perl DBD::Mock using Module::Build
- How to add the license field to the META.yml and META.json files on CPAN?
- How to convince Meta CPAN to show a link to the version control system of a distribution?
- Tools to package Perl scripts, modules, and applications
- Module::Install
- Adding list of contributors to the CPAN META files
- Can't locate inc/Module/Install.pm in @INC (you may need to install the inc::Module::Install module) (@INC contains: ...)
- Github Actions for Module::Install and showing error log on Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows
- How to add the license field to the META.yml and META.json files on CPAN?
- How to convince Meta CPAN to show a link to the version control system of a distribution?
- Makefile.PL of Module::Install
- Tools to package Perl scripts, modules, and applications
- Modules
- Modules::Build
- Modules::ProhibitEvilModules
- modulino
- Mojo::JSON
- Mojo::XMLRPC
- Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Lite
- Mojolicous
- Course Management Application in Mojolicious
- Course Management Application in Mojolicious - part 1
- Course Management Application in Mojolicious - part 2
- Course Management Application in Mojolicious - part 3
- Course Management Application in Mojolicious - part 4
- Course Management Application in Mojolicious - part 5
- Course Management Application in Mojolicious - part 6
- Course Management Application in Mojolicious - part 7
- MongoDB
- Add and retrieve items - MongoDB, Dancer and Testing!
- Adding the To: field to the MongoDB database
- Command line counter in Perl with MongoDB as storage
- Command line phonebook with MongoDB and Moo
- Getting started with MongoDB using Perl - insert and simple update
- MongoDB and Perl
- MongoDB with Perl: insert, find and delete
- Putting the email in MongoDB - part 1
- Updating MongoDB using Perl
- Moo
- Command line phonebook with MongoDB and Moo
- Inheritance and Method Modifiers in Moo
- Memory usage and load time of Moose, Moo, and Class::Accessor
- Moo - Minimalist Object Orientation for Perl
- Moo and required attributes
- Moo attribute predicate and clearer
- Moo attributes with default values
- Moo with array reference as attributes - with or without default values
- Moo with hash reference as attributes - with or without default values
- Moose-like type checking system for Moo
- OOP with Moo
- Public and Private Methods in Moo-based Object Oriented Perl
- Switching to Moo - adding command line parameters
- Type checking with Moo
- Writing Command line scripts and accepting command line parameters using Moo
- Moose
- Attribute types in Perl classes when using Moose
- Classes as constraints in Moose
- Creating subtypes for Moose
- Memory usage and load time of Moose, Moo, and Class::Accessor
- Moose - The postmodern object system for Perl
- Moose constructor
- Moose testing type constraint
- Moose type constraints
- Moose: Testing the constructor
- Moose: coerce value to a subtype
- Moose: testing the setter and getter
- Object Oriented Perl using Moose
- Moose::Util::TypeConstraints
- Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
- MooX::late
- MooX::Options
- MooX::Singleton
- MooX::Types::CLike
- MooX::Types::MooseLike
- morbo
- more
- Mouse
- move
- msgctl
- msgget
- msgrcv
- msgsnd
- Multi-dimensional array emulation
- Multiplicative Operators
- mv
- my
- Named Unary Operators
- NaN
- natatime
- ne
- Neil Bowers
- Net::Address::IP::Local
- Net::Appliance::Session
- Net::DNS
- Net::DNS::Resolver::Mock
- Net::LDAP
- Net::Ping
- Net::Server
- Net::Server::Multiplex
- Net::SFTP
- Net::SMTP::SSL
- Net::SSH::Perl
- Net::Subnet
- Net::Telnet
- Net::Twitter
- Net::Whois::Raw
- new
- newsletter
- next
- nginx
- Nginx
- no
- No-ops
- no_plan
- nocontext
- not
- note
- Notepad++
- number
- object
- object oriented
- Objects::ProhibitIndirectSyntax
- oct
- ok
- one-liners
- open
- Always use 3-argument open
- Appending to files
- Command line counter with plain text file back-end
- Count the frequency of words in text using Perl
- Don't Open Files in the old way
- How to check if a string is all upper case (lower case) characters?
- How to improve my Perl program?
- How to merge one text file to the end of another text file?
- How to replace a string in a file with Perl
- How to split a text file line by line in Perl
- How to write to the beginning of a file?
- Old style open - video
- Open and read from text files
- Open file - video
- Open file all - video
- Open file to read and write in Perl, oh and lock it too
- Open file with error handling - video
- Open or die - video
- Read section of a file
- Reading and writing binary files in Perl
- Writing to files with Perl
- open
- open a file in Perl
- readline() on closed filehandle in Perl
- usage: GLOB->new([FILENAME [,MODE [,PERMS]]])
- open or die
- open source
- Open Source
- open source products
- opendir
- OpenOffice::OODoc
- openr_utf8
- operator expected
- Operator Precedence and Associativity
- or
- ord
- our
- overload
- p
- P5kkelabels
- pack
- package
- Constructor and accessors in classic Perl OOP
- Core Perl OOP: Constructor
- Global symbol requires explicit package name
- How to create a Perl Module for code reuse?
- How to install Perl modules on FreeBSD
- Namespaces and packages in Perl
- Package variables and Lexical variables in Perl
- Packages, modules, distributions, and namespaces in Perl
- package
- Padre
- PadWalker
- pairfirst
- pairgrep
- pairkeys
- pairmap
- pairs
- pairvalues
- PAR::Packer
- paragraph
- Parallel::ForkManager
- param
- parent
- parser
- parsing
- path
- Path::Iterator::Rule
- Path::Tiny
- Checking the whois record of many domains
- Command line counter with JSON backend
- Construct the path to a file in the same directory as the current script
- Get CPANstats from MetaCPAN using cron
- How to add a relative directory to @INC
- How to rename multiple files with one command on Windows, Linux, or Mac?
- How to replace a string in a file with Perl
- How to write to the beginning of a file?
- Increase numbers in a file
- Introducing the Perl Tidy GUI project
- Start writing the Markua parser in Perl
- slurp mode - reading a file in one step
- use Path::Tiny instead of home-made ReadFile and WriteFile
- use Path::Tiny to read and write file
- Patreon
- Patro
- PDF::Create
- perl
- Perl
- $_ the default variable of Perl
- Books
- Common causes and fixes for HTTP 500 Error in Perl CGI scripts
- Compare the speed of Perl and Python regexes
- Evaluate Perl project for new client - assessment
- How to add the license field to the META.yml and META.json files on CPAN?
- How to convince Meta CPAN to show a link to the version control system of a distribution?
- Introducing CPANCover - Showing Test coverage reports of Perl modules
- Minimal requirements for a blog
- Perl One-liner: countdown on the command line:
- Perl Tk text widget to be used as a console
- Scalar and List context in Perl, the size of an array
- Sponsoring FErki
- Supporting Perl Creators via Patreon, GitHub, and more
- Which Version of Perl are you using?
- Perl 5
- Perl Classes
- Perl Modules
- perl-version
- Perl::Critic
- 1: Jeffrey Thalhammer, author of Perl::Critic and Pinto
- Always require explicit importing of functions
- Avoid (unwanted) bitwise operators
- Bare Here documents are deprecated - How to find offending code?
- Converting indirect calls
- Fix Perl::Critic test failures reported by CPAN Testers
- Getting Started with Perl::Critic (the linter for Perl)
- How to forbid certain Perl modules from use?
- How to improve my Perl program?
- How to return nothing (or undef) from a function in Perl?
- Improving your Perl code - one Perl::Critic policy at a time
- Move packages to their own files - release Pod::Tree 1.21
- Perl Critic distributions and policies
- Perl Critic reports
- Perl::Critic exclude some policies - fix others (Pod::Tree 1.24)
- Private Member Data shouldn't be accessed directly - encapsulation violation
- Set minimum version number in every Perl file
- Three-argument form of open used and it is not available until perl 5.6.
- Type checking with Moo
- Perl::critic
- Perl::Critic::Bangs
- Perl::Critic::Policy
- Perl::Tidy
- Perl::Tk
- Perl::Version
- perlbrew
- perlcritic
- Avoid (unwanted) bitwise operators
- Bare Here documents are deprecated - How to find offending code?
- Eliminating indirect method calls
- Getting Started with Perl::Critic (the linter for Perl)
- Improving your Perl code - one Perl::Critic policy at a time
- Move packages to their own files - release Pod::Tree 1.21
- Perl::Critic example - lint for Perl
- perldoc
- PerlMaven
- perltidy
- PerlWeekly
- ping
- Pinto
- pinto
- pipe
- Pipelines
- pkg
- Plack
- Plack::App::CGIBin
- Plack::App::File
- Plack::Builder
- Plack::Handler::CGI
- Plack::Middleware
- Plack::Middleware::DirIndex
- Plack::Middleware::Static
- Plack::Request
- Plack::Test
- plackup
- Concurrent Requests and measuring performance with ApacheBench
- Dancer2: Hello World
- Dancer2: Plackup reload on Windows and Linux
- Getting started with PSGI
- Hello World with Dancer2
- Hello World with Perl Dancer
- How to build a dynamic web application using PSGI
- Running CGI script as a Plack application with Plack::App::CGIBin
- Serving a static site (the content of a directory) using Plack and PSGI
- pod2html
- pod2pdf
- Pod::Tree
- Pod::Usage
- pop
- pos
- PosixDigit
- PosixXDigit
- possible typo
- PostgreSQL
- ppm
- predicate
- pretty
- Prima
- printf
- product
- prompt
- prototype
- prove
- Asynchronous web application with PSGI and Twiggy
- Combining SVG and PSGI
- Concurrent Requests and measuring performance with ApacheBench
- Create skeleton PSGI application for the SCO project
- Getting started with PSGI
- How to build a dynamic web application using PSGI
- Modern Web with Perl
- Moving from CGI to PSGI and Starman
- PSGI and AJAX for single-page applications
- PSGI the superglue between Perl web application frameworks and web servers
- Routing with PSGI
- Start using Template Toolkit to show the empty pages
- Which is better perl-CGI, mod_perl or PSGI?
- push
- pwd
- Python
- q
- qr
- quantifiers
- queue
- quote
- Quote and Quote-like Operators
- Quote-Like Operators
- quotemeta
- qw
- qx
- rand
- random
- Range Operators
- raw
- re
- read
- read_file
- read_password
- readdir
- ReadLine
- readline
- readlink
- Readonly
- Readonly::XS
- readpipe
- recursion
- recursive
- recv
- Redis
- redo
- reduce
- ref
- refactoring
- regex
- Always check if the regex was successful
- Check several regexes on many strings
- Email validation using Regular Expression in Perl
- How to extract strings from a file
- How to grep a file using Perl
- Partially hide data fields
- Process the 6 headers of Markua
- Regex - Regular Expressions in Perl 5
- Regex Problem splitting verilog Bit-Blasted pathes
- Understanding Regular Expressions found in Getopt::Std
- Understanding dates using regular expressions
- Understanding regular expressions
- regexes
- /x modifier for verbose regexes - video
- Any number of any characters - video
- Case insensitive regexes - video
- Character classes - video
- Exercise: Match numbers with regex - video
- Exercise: Roman numbers - video
- Exercise: hexa, octal, binary - video
- Exercise: parse INI file - video
- Exercise: parse hours log file and create time report - video
- Exercise: parse perl file - video
- Exercise: sort SNMP numbers - video
- Exercise: split HTTP GET request - video
- Exercise: split path - filename/dirname - video
- Finding a string in a file - video
- Fixing Assembly with Perl - video
- Fixing dates using Regexes - video
- Global substitution with regexes - video
- Greedy regex quantifiers - video
- Match any character - video
- Minimal Regex Matching - video
- More about Character classes - video
- Negated character class - video
- Optional Characters - video
- Quantifiers on Character classes - video
- Regex Alternatives - video
- Regex Anchors - video
- Regexes - video
- Simple use of Regexes - video
- Single character match - video
- Single-line regexes using /s - video
- Solution: Match numbers with regex - video
- Solution: hexa, octal, binary - video
- Solution: regexes 2 - video
- Solution: regexes 3 - video
- Solution: sort SNMP numbers - video
- Solution: split HTTP using Regex - video
- Solution: split path - filename/dirname - video
- Special character classes - video
- Were can I use Regexes - video
- m-for-matching - video
- multiple lines in regexes - video
- split with regex - video
- substitution - video
- trim - video
- Regexp
- Regexp Quote-Like Operators
- Regexp::Grammars
- regular expression
- rel2abs
- Relational Operators
- remove
- rename
- replace
- require
- required
- reset
- return
- reverse
- rewinddir
- Rex
- Riji
- rindex
- rlib
- rm
- rm -rf
- rmdir
- rmtree
- robots.txt
- Rocks
- RT
- rtrim
- rule
- run
- run3
- rw
- s
- s/
- s///
- salt
- say
- scalar
- $_ the default variable of Perl
- Installing and getting started with Perl
- Length of an array in Perl
- Perl Arrays
- Reading from a file in scalar and list context
- STDIN in scalar and list context
- Scalar and List context in Perl, the size of an array
- String functions: length, lc, uc, index, substr
- scalar
- scalar found
- Scalar value constructors
- Scalar values
- Scalar::Util
- Schwartzian
- Add "404 Not Found" page
- Add another static page
- Add some acceptance tests using search.cpan.org
- Create the search.cpan.org look and feel
- Getting started - Create skeleton for the SCO clone application
- List authors where the PAUSEID starts with a given letter
- Protecting from crash
- Rename the SCO cloning project
- Show CPANstats on every page
- search.cpan.org: Authors, Recent, FAQ, Feedback
- search.cpan.org: Individual Author pages
- scope
- screencast
- /x modifier for verbose regexes - video
- A hash and its uses - video
- A test file in Perl
- Accessor with type constraint
- Add "404 Not Found" page
- Add FAQ entry to MetaCPAN
- Add GitHub Actions (CI) to Graphics-Toolkit-Color Perl module
- Add another static page
- Add some acceptance tests using search.cpan.org
- Adding GitHub Actions to Test2::Harness::UI
- Analyze Apache log file - video
- Any number of any characters - video
- App PerlTidy Tk version 0.01
- Array assignment - video
- Array indexes (screencast) - video
- Array indexes - video
- Build.PL of Module::Build
- Building a blog engine using Perl Dancer
- Building an open source clone of search.cpan.org using the MetaCPAN API
- CPAN Dashboard
- CPAN Digger - CPAN Dashboard - CPAN Rocks
- CPAN Digger and the Hacktoberfest
- CPAN Testers and CPAN Ratings - video
- CPAN, mcpan, MetaCPAN
- Case insensitive regexes - video
- Changes and README files in a Perl distribution
- Changing @INC - video
- Changing @INC relative path - video
- Character classes - video
- Check several regexes on many strings
- Class as type constraint
- Classes as constraints in Moose
- Command line parameters (screencast) - video
- Command line parameters - video
- Comments - video
- Common Errors and Warnings - video
- Compare Values - video
- Comparing complex data-structures using is_deeply
- Comparing scalars in Perl
- Comparing the speed of JSON decoders
- Comparison Operators - video
- Conext sensitivity - video
- Contributing to a Perl module on CPAN (using vim and GitHub)
- Contributions to Open Source projects
- Core Perl OOP: Constructor
- Core Perl OOP: Constructor arguments
- Core Perl OOP: attributes, getter - setter
- Count digits - video
- Counting words in a file - video
- Course Management Application in Mojolicious - part 1
- Course Management Application in Mojolicious - part 2
- Course Management Application in Mojolicious - part 3
- Course Management Application in Mojolicious - part 4
- Course Management Application in Mojolicious - part 5
- Course Management Application in Mojolicious - part 6
- Course Management Application in Mojolicious - part 7
- Create Linux user account - video
- Create skeleton PSGI application for the SCO project
- Create the search.cpan.org look and feel
- Creating a Perl binding to a C library using FFI with Sawyer X
- Creating a hash - video
- Creating a hash from an array - video
- Creating a testing module
- Creating an array - video
- Creating subtypes for Moose
- Dancer2: Before and After Hooks
- Dancer2: Configuration
- Dancer2: Exercise 1 - Calculator, Counter
- Dancer2: Exercise 2 - Multi-Counter, Random redirection
- Dancer2: Exercise 3 - Simple Single-user TODO list AP
- Dancer2: Hello World
- Dancer2: Hello World with Visual Studio Code
- Dancer2: Install Perl on Linux and Mac OSX
- Dancer2: Install Perl, editor, Dancer2
- Dancer2: Logging
- Dancer2: More route parameters
- Dancer2: Plackup reload on Windows and Linux
- Dancer2: Process GET and POST requests
- Dancer2: Return JSON
- Dancer2: Route parameters and sending 404 manually
- Dancer2: Sessions
- Dancer2: Show current time
- Dancer2: Show errors during development
- Dancer2: Skeleton
- Dancer2: Solution 2 - Random redirect
- Dancer2: Solution 2 - Route-based Multi-Counter
- Dancer2: Solution 3 - Simple Single-user TODO list AP
- Dancer2: Solution: 1 - Calculator
- Dancer2: Solution: 1 - Calculator fixing
- Dancer2: Solution: 1 - Counter
- Dancer2: Template Tiny
- Dancer2: Template Toolkit
- Dancer2: Testing 404 and 500 error responses
- Dancer2: Testing Hello World
- Dancer2: Upload file
- Debug sum numbers - video
- Debugging Perl scripts - video
- Defining subroutines - video
- Diskspace usage: df in Perl - video
- Distribution directory layout
- Documentation of Perl - video
- Don't interpolate in printf (Missing argument in sprintf at ...)
- Dumping a hash - video
- Editors and IDEs for Perl developers - video
- Enable GitHub Actions for CI on Math::Polynomial::Chebyshev
- Exercise: Hello World - video
- Exercise: Match numbers with regex - video
- Exercise: Roman numbers - video
- Exercise: hexa, octal, binary - video
- Exercise: improve Apache log analyzer - video
- Exercise: improve color selector - video
- Exercise: parse HTTP values - video
- Exercise: parse INI file - video
- Exercise: parse hours log file and create time report - video
- Exercise: parse perl file - video
- Exercise: parse variable width fields - video
- Exercise: sort SNMP numbers - video
- Exercise: sort scores - video
- Exercise: split HTTP GET request - video
- Exercise: split path - filename/dirname - video
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 1
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 2
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 3
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 4
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 5 - with Erik Hülsmann
- Exporting and importing functions easily
- Fetching data from YouTube using Perl
- Fetching data from a hash - video
- File globbing - video
- File::Find - video
- File::HomeDir - video
- File::Spec - video
- Filehandle in SCALAR and LIST context - video
- Finding a string in a file - video
- Fix the documentation of the MetaCPAN::Client
- Fixing Assembly with Perl - video
- Fixing dates using Regexes - video
- Forget your plan, just call done_testing
- Functions and Subroutines - video
- Get CPANstats from MetaCPAN using cron
- Getting started - Create skeleton for the SCO clone application
- Getting started with Perl Dancer - Creating an Echo application
- Getting started with Perl on Windows using Strawberry Perl (2020 edition)
- GitHub Actions CI job for Perl Test::Class - checking downstream dependencies as well
- Global substitution with regexes - video
- Greedy regex quantifiers - video
- Hello World with Mojolicious in Docker
- Here documents - video
- Home-made coercion
- How does require find the module to be loaded?
- How to break lines with max width? (wrap)
- Implementing 'is_any' to test multiple expected values
- Import on demand
- Installing Perl modules from the OS vendor - video
- Installing Perl modules using cpan - video
- Installing and getting started with Perl
- Introducing test automation with Test::Simple
- Introducing the Perl Tidy GUI project
- Introduction to the Advanced Perl course
- Is this IP in the given subnet?
- Join - video
- List assignment - video
- List::GroupBy
- Lists in Perl - video
- Logging in modules with Log4perl the easy way
- Logging with Log4perl the easy way
- Logical Operators in Perl - video
- Looking at a specific commit in GitHub
- Looks like number - video
- Loop controls: next last - video
- Makefile.PL of ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- Makefile.PL of Module::Install
- Match any character - video
- MetaCPAN Task::Kensho - recommended Perl modules
- MetaCPAN URLs and Issues
- MetaCPAN and the CPAN Testers
- MetaCPAN is awesome!
- MetaCPAN recent uploads
- Minimal Regex Matching - video
- Mocking function to fake environment
- Modern Web with Perl
- Modules - Behind the scenes
- Modules in Perl
- Moose constructor
- Moose testing type constraint
- Moose type constraints
- Moose: Testing the constructor
- Moose: coerce value to a subtype
- Moose: testing the setter and getter
- More UNIX commands - video
- More about Character classes - video
- Moving over to Test::More
- Multiple expected values - testing dice
- Namespaces and packages in Perl
- Negated character class - video
- No such file - video
- Numerical Operators - video
- OOP with Moo
- Old style open - video
- One-liner sum of column in CSV - video
- Open file - video
- Open file all - video
- Open file with error handling - video
- Open or die - video
- Optional Characters - video
- Organizing a test script with subtests
- POD - Plain Old Documentation - video
- Packaging a Perl script and a Perl module
- Packaging with Build.PL
- Packaging with Makefile.PL
- Perl 4 libraries
- Perl Tk text widget to be used as a console
- Perl Tk: Keyboard and Mouse events
- Perl Tk: The label, button, and entry widgets
- Perl Tk: The label, button, and entry widgets
- Perl modules on CPAN having links to VCS and having CI configured
- Perl on the command line (screencast) - video
- Perl videos and screencasts
- Process CSV file - video
- Process CSV file short version - video
- Process CSV file using Text::CSV_XS - video
- Process command line using Getopt::Long (screencast) - video
- Process command line using Getopt::Long - video
- Processing config file - video
- Protecting from crash
- Quantifiers - video
- Quantifiers on Character classes - video
- RT.CPAN.ORG is closing
- Read file line by line - video
- Read fixed width records - using unpack - video
- Read section of a file
- Reading Excel file using Perl - video
- Refactoring large test suite - separating data from code
- Regex Alternatives - video
- Regex Anchors - video
- Regex Capturing - video
- Regexes - video
- Rename the SCO cloning project
- Reporting diskspace usage on a mail server - video
- Restrict the import by listing the functions to be imported
- Running CGI script as a Plack application with Plack::App::CGIBin
- Safety net (use strict; use warnings;) - video
- Scalar values and variables - video
- Scalar variables
- Scope of Variables - video
- Sending HTML e-mail using Email::Stuffer
- Sending email with attachments - video
- Separate release branch for App::Puppet::Environment::Updater
- Separating test data from test code
- Serving static files such as favicon.ico and robots.txt using Plack
- Short Circuit - video
- Show CPANstats on every page
- Show error logs on Github Actions - Install developer dependencies first (Test::CSS)
- Simple use of Regexes - video
- Single character match - video
- Single-line regexes using /s - video
- Solution: Hello World part 1 - video
- Solution: Hello World part 2 (what is the difference between comment and POD?) - video
- Solution: Match numbers with regex - video
- Solution: add more statistics - video
- Solution: area of rectangular - video
- Solution: area prompt and warn - video
- Solution: concatenation - video
- Solution: hexa, octal, binary - video
- Solution: improve Apache log-analyzer - video
- Solution: improve color selector - video
- Solution: improve the color selector - check input - video
- Solution: improve the color selector - colors.txt - video
- Solution: improve the color selector - filename - video
- Solution: improve the color selector - force - video
- Solution: improve the color selector - video
- Solution: number guessing game - d debug toggle - video
- Solution: number guessing game - exit - video
- Solution: number guessing game - m move toggle - video
- Solution: number guessing game - multiple guesses - video
- Solution: number guessing game - n next game - video
- Solution: number guessing game - s show - video
- Solution: number guessing game - video
- Solution: parse HTTP values - video
- Solution: parse variable width fields - video
- Solution: regexes 1 - video
- Solution: regexes 2 - video
- Solution: regexes 3 - video
- Solution: sort SNMP numbers - video
- Solution: sort scores - video
- Solution: split HTTP using Regex - video
- Solution: split path - filename/dirname - video
- Solution: write report to file - video
- Some interesting CPAN modules - video
- Special character classes - video
- Sponsoring FErki
- Start using Template Toolkit to show the empty pages
- Start using the MetaCPAN API Client to fetch the list of most recently uploaded Perl modules
- String functions: index - video
- String functions: length, lc, uc, index, substr
- String operators - video
- String to number conversion - video
- Substr - video
- Sum numbers in a file - video
- TODO - testing a bug or a future feature
- Test diagnostic messages using diag, note, and explain
- Test for expected warnings
- Test plan and test descriptions
- Test without a Plan
- Test::Builder object
- Testing sessions by mocking time
- Testing timeout with cmp_ok
- The 'if' statement - video
- The Ternary operator - video
- The problem with Perl 4 style libraries
- The value of a clean Continuous Integration (CI) system (for Data-Trace)
- The year of 19100 - video
- Tools to package Perl scripts, modules, and applications
- True False - video
- Type constraint instead of subtype
- Unix and DOS commands - video
- Using 'like' to test without exact values
- Using GitHub Actions (CI) to locate missing test dependencies in Dist::Zilla::PERLSRVDE
- Using object oriented modules - video
- Using procedural Perl modules - video
- Using the built-in debugger of Perl
- Using the built-in debugger of Perl as REPL
- Variable interpolation - User Input and Output - chomp - video
- Welcome and Installation - video
- Were can I use Regexes - video
- What is CI and why is it good for you?
- What is CPAN? - video
- What is the difference between require and use in Perl? What does import do?
- What is the status of the current test script?
- What return is expected from a function?
- Write to file - video
- Your first script: Hello world - video
- array in context - video
- die, warn, exit - video
- directory handle - video
- disk usage: du in Perl - video
- exists, delete in hash - video
- external-programs - video
- foreach loop over list - video
- hash in SCALAR context - video
- m-for-matching - video
- multiple lines in regexes - video
- pop and push - video
- prove, the harness
- rand() and int() - video
- read one line - video
- rename files - video
- reverse - video
- search.cpan.org - video
- search.cpan.org: Authors, Recent, FAQ, Feedback
- search.cpan.org: Individual Author pages
- shell-x - video
- shift - video
- shift and unshift - video
- slurp - video
- sort - video
- split with regex - video
- strings in double quotes - video
- strings in single quotes - video
- substitution - video
- trim - video
- undef - video
- wantarray - returning list or scalar based on context
- while loop - video
- security
- seek
- seekdir
- select
- selectrow_array
- semctl
- semget
- semop
- send
- separator
- Sereal
- Session
- session
- Set::Scalar
- setgrent
- sethostent
- setnetent
- setpgrp
- setpriority
- setprotoent
- setpwent
- sets
- setservent
- setsockopt
- setter
- shell
- shift
- Shift Operators
- shmctl
- shmget
- shmread
- shmwrite
- shutdown
- sigil
- sin
- sites
- size
- Skype::Any
- sleep
- Slices
- slurp
- slurp_utf8
- smart match
- Smartmatch Operator
- Smartmatching of Objects
- Smolder
- socket
- socketpair
- solution
- Solution: add more statistics - video
- Solution: area of rectangular - video
- Solution: area prompt and warn - video
- Solution: improve the color selector - check input - video
- Solution: improve the color selector - colors.txt - video
- Solution: improve the color selector - filename - video
- Solution: improve the color selector - force - video
- Solution: improve the color selector - video
- Solution: number guessing game - d debug toggle - video
- Solution: number guessing game - exit - video
- Solution: number guessing game - m move toggle - video
- Solution: number guessing game - multiple guesses - video
- Solution: number guessing game - n next game - video
- Solution: number guessing game - s show - video
- Solution: number guessing game - video
- Solution: write report to file - video
- Solution
- sort
- Binary search in Perl array
- How to sort a hash in Perl?
- How to sort a hash of hashes by value?
- How to sort faster in Perl? (using the Schwartzian transform)
- Short-circuit in boolean expressions
- Sorting arrays in Perl
- Sorting mixed strings
- The easiest way to find the highest hash value without looping through all of them (max)
- sort
- sort - video
- sort_by
- source
- space
- Special Literals
- spew
- spew_utf8
- splain
- splice
- split
- Count the frequency of words in text using Perl
- How to calculate the balance of bank accounts in a CSV file, using Perl?
- How to read a CSV file using Perl?
- How to replace a column in a CSV file using Perl
- How to split a text file line by line in Perl
- Increase numbers in a file
- Multiple command line counters with plain TSV text file back-end
- Perl split - to cut up a string into pieces
- Split retaining the separator or parts of it in Perl
- Split up and flatten CSV file
- Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated ...
- Why does this code not work? (split, array slice)
- Why does this code not work? (split, array slice) - Solution
- split
- split with regex - video
- sponsorship
- Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Simple
- Spreadsheet::Read
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
- sprintf
- SQL::Translator
- SQLite
- sqrt
- srand
- ssh
- Starman
- stat
- state
- static
- Statsd
- Storable
- Strawberry Perl
- strftime
- strict
- Always use strict and use warnings in your perl code!
- Always use strict!
- Barewords in Perl
- Creating subroutines on the fly using Symbolic references
- Global symbol requires explicit package name
- Installing and getting started with Perl
- Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at ...
- Safety net (use strict; use warnings;) - video
- Scalar variables
- Symbolic references in Perl
- Variable declaration in Perl
- Why does this code not work? (split, array slice) - Solution
- strict
- use strict; and warnings; but no diagnostics
- string
- strings
- study
- sub
- Defining subroutines - video
- Functions and Subroutines - video
- Passing two arrays to a function
- Python Lambda in Perl creating anonymous functions
- Returning multiple values or a list from a subroutine in Perl
- Subroutines and functions in Perl
- The curious case of implicit return
- Understanding recursive subroutines - traversing a directory tree
- Variable number of parameters in Perl subroutines
- sub
- subroutine
- Subroutines::ProhibitCallsToUndeclaredSubs
- Subscripts
- substr
- Analyze Apache log file - video
- How to break lines with max width? (wrap)
- How to get the last character of a string in Perl?
- Lvalue substr - replace part of a string
- Solution: display unique rows of a file - video
- Sorting mixed strings
- String functions: length, lc, uc, index, substr
- Substr - video
- substr outside of string at ...
- subtest
- subtype
- Subversion
- sum
- sum0
- svn:ignore
- switch
- Symbol Tables
- symbolic references
- Symbolic Unary Operators
- symlink
- symmetric_difference
- syntax error
- syscall
- sysopen
- sysread
- sysseek
- system
- syswrite
- Tablesorter
- TAP::Formatter::HTML
- Task::Kensho
- tell
- telldir
- tempdir
- template
- Template
- Template::Tiny
- Template::Toolkit
- Tenjin
- Term::ReadLine
- Term::ReadLine::Gnu
- Term::ReadPassword::Win32
- Terms and List Operators (Leftward)
- test
- Test2
- Test2::Plugin::NoWarnings
- Test2::V0
- Test::Builder
- Test::CheckManifest
- Test::Class
- Test::Code::TidyAll
- Test::Compile
- Test::Deep
- Test::DistManifest
- Test::FailWarnings
- Test::Harness
- Test::Mock::Simple
- Test::MockTime
- Test::More
- 2: Michael Schwern on test automation and Git
- Bitbucket Pipelines testing Perl projects
- Checking a GitHub URL for existence
- Comparing complex data-structures using is_deeply
- Creating a testing module
- Dancer 1 test Hello World
- Dancer2: Testing Hello World
- Getting started - Create skeleton for the SCO clone application
- Implementing 'is_any' to test multiple expected values
- Moving over to Test::More
- Multiple expected values - testing dice
- Refactor the tests to use Test::More (Pod::Tree 1.20)
- Self testing Perl modules using the Modulino concept
- Start writing the Markua parser in Perl
- TODO - testing a bug or a future feature
- Test code which is using fork
- Test diagnostic messages using diag, note, and explain
- Testing Perl CGI application
- Testing timeout with cmp_ok
- Using 'like' to test without exact values
- What is the status of the current test script?
- Test::NoWarnings
- Test::Perl::Critic
- Test::Pod
- Test::Pod::Coverage
- Test::Simple
- Test::Version
- Test::Warn
- Test::WWW::Mechanize
- Test::WWW::Mechanize::PSGI
- testing
- 8: Chad (Exodist) Granum, author of the Fennec testing tool
- Adding GitHub Actions to Test2::Harness::UI
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 1
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 2
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 3
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 4
- Exploring BDD in Perl - using Test::BDD::Cucumber - part 5 - with Erik Hülsmann
- Introducing CPANCover - Showing Test coverage reports of Perl modules
- Testing a simple Perl module
- Testing with Perl
- tests
- Text
- Text::CSV
- CSV - Comma Separated Values and Perl
- How to combine arrays to a multi-dimensional array and save them to CSV file
- How to read a CSV file using Perl?
- How to replace a column in a CSV file using Perl
- How to splice a CSV file in Perl (filter columns of CSV file)
- Reading CSV file as many hash-es
- Split CSV file into multiple small CSV files
- Split up and flatten CSV file
- Text::CSV_XS
- Text::Lorem
- Text::Wrap
- TextMade
- TextPad
- The Arrow Operator
- TheSchwartz
- TheSchwartz::Simple
- TheSchwartz::Simple::Job
- TheSchwartz::Worker
- threads
- tie
- Tie::IxHash
- tied
- time
- Time::HiRes
- Time::Local
- Time::Piece
- times
- Tk
- Tk::bind
- Tk::Button
- Tk::Entry
- Tk::Label
- Tk::Menu
- to_json
- token
- tolower
- topic
- tr
- tr///
- transform
- Travis-CI
- Enable Travis-CI for Continuous Integration
- How to contribute to an Open Source Perl project
- Periodic CI for dormant code
- Removal of the current directory (".") from @INC in Perl 5.26 and Travis-CI
- Skip tests if prerequisites are not installed
- Travis-CI for the Markua Parser project
- Using Travis-CI and installing Geo::IP on Linux and OSX
- trim
- true
- truncate
- tv
- 10: Dave Miller, the leader of the Bugzilla project
- 1: Jeffrey Thalhammer, author of Perl::Critic and Pinto
- 2: Michael Schwern on test automation and Git
- 3: Dave Rolsky, author of DateTime and tons of other modules
- 4: Tadeusz Sośnierz author of the Perl 6 Pod Parser and Panda, the Perl 6 module installer
- 5: Stevan Little, author of Moose and Moe
- 6: John SJ Anderson, a biologist turned into sysadmin
- 7: Jay Hannah, Chief Ticket Monkey of the Perl Mongers
- 8: Chad (Exodist) Granum, author of the Fennec testing tool
- 9: Neil Bowers - PAUSE and CPAN admin
- Twiggy
- type
- type conversion
- Typeglobs and Filehandles
- uc
- ucfirst
- Ultra Edit
- umask
- undef
- Boolean values in Perl
- How to eliminate a value in the middle of an array in Perl?
- How to return nothing (or undef) from a function in Perl?
- Scalar values and variables - video
- Scalar variables
- Use of uninitialized value
- defined
- undef
- undef - defined - true -false
- undef - video
- undef in Perl
- undef on Perl arrays and hashes
- undef, the initial value and the defined function of Perl
- Unicode
- uninitialized
- uninitialized value
- union
- uniq
- unique
- unknown warnings
- unless
- unlink
- unpack
- unpairs
- unshift
- untie
- unzip
- update
- upload
- upper
- uppercase
- upsert
- use
- use vars
- UTF-8
- utf8
- UTF8
- Util::Any
- utime
- v5.10
- Vagrant
- value
- values
- ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitAccessOfPrivateData
- variable
- Variable names
- vars
- vec
- Venn
- version
- Version Strings
- video
- videos
- vim
- VirtualBox
- VS Code
- wait
- waitpid
- want
- Want
- wantarray
- warn
- warnings
- Always use strict and use warnings in your perl code!
- Always use warnings in your Perl code!
- Argument ... isn't numeric in numeric ...
- Can't locate ... in @INC
- Can't use string (...) as an HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at ...
- Create a lexical warning that can be turned on and off with the "warnings" pragma.
- Deep recursion on subroutine
- How to capture and save warnings in Perl
- Installing and getting started with Perl
- Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at ...
- Possible precedence issue with control flow operator
- Safety net (use strict; use warnings;) - video
- Selectively ignore warnings (turn them off with no warnings)
- Test for warnings in a Perl Module
- Unknown warnings category
- Use of uninitialized value
- Useless use of hash element in void context
- Useless use of private variable in void context
- Why does this code not work? (split, array slice) - Solution
- readline() on closed filehandle in Perl
- substr outside of string at ...
- use strict; and warnings; but no diagnostics
- warnings::enabled
- warnings::warnif
- weaken
- web
- Web sites
- Web::Query
- WebService::GData
- WebService::GData::YouTube
- wget
- when
- while
- while (1)
- White Camel
- Win32::GUI
- Win32::IEAutomation
- Windows
- wrap
- write
- write_file
- WWW::Gittip
- WWW::Mechanize
- Wx
- wxWdigets
- x
- x_contributors
- xdigit
- xls
- xlsx
- XML::Simple
- XML::Writer
- XML::XPath
- xor
- y
- y///
- YAML::Any
- YAML::Syck
- YAML::Tiny
- YouTube
- yum
- zip
- {}
- |
- |=
- ||
- ||=
- ~~