For many years, I have recommended to always use strict and warnings in any Perl code. In my Perl Tutorial it is in the first article and when I teach Perl it is at the very beginning.

The recommendation to always use strict is universally accepted by the Perl community, but the use warnings is still debated by some people.

Here you will find a collections of cases where use warnings would catch a bug in your code. Some of them thanks to the members of Perl Programmers on Facebook and the Perl group on LinkedIN.

It is of course, not enough to turn on warnings. One also needs to monitor the code to make sure no warnings are printed and there are warnings, one must investigate and fix the code that generated the warning message.

undefined values or unassigned variables

This is probably the most common warning you will see in your code once you enable use warnings. In most of the cases it is harmless and just indicates a very clever default of Perl. (undef acting as empty string or as 0 depending of the type of the operation it participates in.) That's one of the reasons people might turn off warnings or never turn on in the first place. Tons of useless warnings.

However there are cases where behind this warning a real bug lurks. For example in this code:


use strict;
#use warnings;

my $name = get_name();

print "Dear $name,\n";
print "We are happy to let you know you won the 1,000,000 USD...\n";

sub get_name {
    # get the name from a database. What if the specific field is NULL in one of the rows?

If we run it as it is we get the following:

Dear ,
We are happy to let you know you won the 1,000,000 USD...

You might think this is a bit embarrassing, but not big deal. What about this?


use strict;
#use warnings;
#use warnings FATAL => 'all';

my $user_code = shift;

my $code_from_db = get_code();
if ($user_code eq $code_from_db) {
    print "Accessing account information...\n" ;
} else {
    print "Access denied\n";

sub get_code {
    # get the verification code from the databae which, in some rare cases, might be NULL
    # returning undef

If we run this passing an incorrect secret code we get denied:

$ perl incorrect_secret
Access denied

However if we don't send in anything it will happily grant us access:

$ perl
Accessing account information...

If we turn on use warnings; it will still allow access, but at least now we'll know about it:

$ perl
Use of uninitialized value $user_code in string eq at line 7.
Use of uninitialized value $code_from_db in string eq at line 7.
Accessing account information...

If we make our warnings into fatal errors by adding the following line

use warnings FATAL => 'all';

we will avoid that problem. This will be the output:

$ perl
Use of uninitialized value $user_code in string eq at line 7.

Typo in hash key

Another case of this would be the following code snippet:


use strict;
use warnings;

my %flower = (
    name  => "Myosotis scorpioides",
    color => "Blue",

print $flower{colour};

Here we assign to the hash-key "color", but then subsequently try to access the key "colour". The above code will be silent about the problem. If we enable use warnings we get:

Use of uninitialized value in print at line 10.

See more explanation about use of uninitialized value.

Useless use ... in void context

There is a fairly standard idiom to set default values in Perl. It is

my $var = $x || $default;


my $var = $x // $default;

However in this code the author used or instead of ||:


use strict;
#use warnings;

my $default_code = 42;

my $code = get_code() or $default_code;
# Using the code ...

sub get_code {
    # returning some code which in rare ocassions might be undef

If we run this code, it will silently ignore the $default_code.

If we enable use warnings then we get the following warning:

Useless use of private variable in void context at line 11.

Useless use of a constant

Another case which is silent:


use strict;
#use warnings;

my $x = '';

my $y = $x or 'default';

print "$y\n";

but would produce the following warning if use warnings; was enabled:

Useless use of a constant ("default") in void context at line 6.

A related case might be this one:


use strict;
#use warnings;

my $code = get_code() or default_code();
# Using the code ...
print $code;

sub get_code {
    # returning some code which in rare ocassions might be undef

sub default_code {
    print "running default_code\n";
    return 42;

If we run this code, we will see

running default_code
on the terminal, indicating that the default_code function was called, but strangely the content of $code is still not visible.

If we enable use warnings we will get:

running default_code 
Use of uninitialized value $code in print at line 7.

That means the variable $code has not been set to the default value.

What happens here is that first the assignment happens and after that, if the assigned value was false, Perl still calls the default_code function and then discards the returned value.

This problem could be easily overlooked without use warnings.

Subroutine ... redefined

In this example we have accidentally used the same function name twice.


use strict;
#use warnings;

print sum(2, 3), "\n";
print sum(2, 3, 4), "\n";

sub sum {
    my $sum = 0;
    $sum += $_ for @_;
    return $sum;

# ... after many hundreds of lines of code

sub sum {
    my ($x, $y) = @_;

    return $x + $y;

In real code these would probably be hundreds of lines apart, or one or both would be loaded from an external module it is easy to overlook the problem.

Without use warnings this will print out 5 for both calls.

With use warnings enabled it will print:

Subroutine sum redefined at line 15.

Bitwise by mistake

A common typo might be to write & instead of && in an if-statement:


use strict;
#use warnings;


sub in_range {
    my ($x) = @_;

    if ($x & $x > 3) {
        print "In range\n";
    } else {
        print "Out of range\n";

The result of this code is:

In range
Out of range

If we turn on use warnings we get:

Possible precedence problem on bitwise & operator at line 10.
In range
Out of range

Just a reminder, if you just wrote the code, tested, saw the problem and fixed it then you might feel the use warnings is not necessary, but what if you write this code and forget to test an edge-case that happens to trigger this? Then you will only find out about the bug when your customer encounters it.

My recommendation is to (almost) always use and instead of &&, but this does not help if you have a 1,000,000 lines ancient code-base.

"my" variable masks earlier declaration

After learning that you must always use strict you started to declare all of your variables. Sometimes even twice like in this case:


use strict;
#use warnings;

my $x = 42;

# lots of code

my $x = 19;
print "$x\n";

# lots of additional code

print "$x\n";

The story behind this is that you had the first my $x in the code and the last print $x in a long subroutine and then you, or someone else who does not know the code comes in and in the middle of the code needs to use a temporary variable. $x sounds good. It even works, but now, suddenly our "temporary" variable has an impact on the other parts of the code.

If we had use warnings; enabled, we would get:

"my" variable $x masks earlier declaration in same scope at line 8.

and that would make us think a bit more about this.

Array element or slice

I am not sure if this can be a real bug, but it certainly can increase the confusion of a maintenance programmer:


use strict;
use warnings;

my @n = (23, 19);

my $param = @n[0];
print "$param\n";

If we run this code use warnings enabled we get the following warning:

Scalar value @n[0] better written as $n[0] at examples/ line 6.

Without that we will silently tell everyone we don't know what is the difference between and array element and a slice.

Possible precedence issue with control flow operator

Another case when we tried to return a default value, but instead of that we returned the original value:


use strict;
#use warnings;

my $resa = compute(23);
print "$resa\n";

my $resb = compute(0);
print "$resb\n";

sub compute {
    my ($param) = @_;

    # ...
    return $param or 42;

Running this code will print


After we enable use warnings we get

Possible precedence issue with control flow operator at examples/ line 14.

Assignment in if statement

Another typo when we put a single = sign in a if statement as in this example.


use strict;
#use warnings;

my $x = 2;

if ($x = 1) {
    print "True\n";

Running this code will print "True". Which is clearly false.

Turning on warnings will show the follwing warning:

Found = in conditional, should be == at examples/ line 6.

Missing argument in sprintf

The beautiful example was supplied by Peter Jaquiery:


use strict;
use warnings;

my $line = '51.72';

$line =~ s/(\d{2}\.\d{2}\b)/sprintf("%4.1f"), $1/e;

print $line;

Running this code will print


Turning warnings on will generate:

Useless use of sprintf in void context at examples/ line 6.
Missing argument in sprintf at examples/ line 6.

The real problem is that the closing parenthese ) of sprintf is in the wrong place. The fix looks like this:


use strict;
use warnings;

my $line = '51.72';

$line =~ s/(\d{2}\.\d{2}\b)/sprintf("%4.1f", $1)/e;

print $line;

and the result is


War stories by Breno G. de Oliveira

Let me quote the story Garu has written in response to my inquiry about the usefulness of use warnings.

This client had warnings enabled but simply ignored them, because "it was working". It was a high traffic site and the log issued pages and pages of warnings per second - completely useless. So I took it as a mission to clear out all warnings. We uncovered TONS of small bugs like undefined variables being interpolated into strings (that were shown to the customers), and even code that wasn't doing anything at all (void context). After a few days the logs had almost no warnings and it was super easy to catch issues in production as they happened.

This other client had an issue with sub X not working properly. We updated it but it made no difference. We added debug statements, nothing. It was as if it wasn't being called. use warnings. "Subroutine X redefined at". (interestingly, the client thought they had warnings enabled because of a module that imported strict/warnings, but that module was factored out and the code lost those pragmas).

I have never really tested this, but my perception is that by far the biggest benefit I got from warnings is catching typos in hash keys, like $user->{naems} when you meant 'names'.

A warning about warnings

As brian d foy pointed out on Redit, one should be careful when upgrading Perl. New warnings are being added and if one does not monitor the log file of a web server these new warnings can easily eat up the diskspace and cause serious problems.

I would definietly recommend always monitoring the log files and even getting alerts when there is a warning and investing the time into finding their sources and fixig them.

The risk of upgrade problems can be largely avoided by a set of automated tests that check for warnings. (e.g. with Test::NoWarnings or Test::FailWarnings) Does not really matter if they are unit, integration, or acceptance tests.

Mithaldu suggests the use of strictures, but I've never used it. Check it out.


I'd recommend to always use warnings in your perl code.

Possibly even use warnings FATAL => 'all'; though this might be better fit during development and testing.