Basic Authentication without a Challenge
In another article you can read how how handle Basic Authentication using LWP::Simple. In normal circumstances when accessing a site that uses Basic Authentication to protect some pages, you'll see a "challenge". On the HTTP level it is a 401 Not Authorized response with a header containing
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="insert realm"
Browsers usually show a pop-up window asking for username/password.
There are however sites that do not provide this challenge.
This article is originally from 2014. Since then Gittip was renamed to be Gratipay and in November 2017 it was shut down. Nevertheless the technique is still useful.
I am not even sure if it is according to the specification of Basic Authentication, to expect the credentials without sending the challenge but there are sites that work that way.
For example, recently I was trying to implement the Perl API client of Gittip. The API of Gittip is described in their GitHub repository. There is a request, not even documented yet to get the communities. Currently, if it is accessed without authentication it returns an empty list. If an authenticated user access it, it will return the list of all the communities and for each community a flag indicating if the current user is member of that community or not. This worked in the browser when I was logged in.
It worked using curl on the command line:
curl -u 123-456:
(If the API KEY listed in user account is 123-456, we need to use that as the "user name"
and use an empty password. The
Unfortunately it did not work using LWP::UserAgent solution.
The reason that did not work is because LWP::UserAgent first tried to access the page without authentication and it received a 200 OK answer with an empty list
instead of an authentication challenge.
I took this as a personal challenge and started to read the code of LWP::Simple. First I was looking for the place where
the method get_basic_credentials is called.
Then I tried to determine the actual process from the place where we call the >get
method on the UserAgent. That is a very short method that in the end calls the
request method.
Here I noticed the code mentioned WWW-Authenticate and further looking at the code I noticed the call to
$class->authenticate where the $class was built from LWP::Authen::$scheme The $scheme is actually "Basic" in our case
and thus the code implementing the authenticate method is in LWP::Authen::Basic.
That's where get_basic_credentials is actually called, and that's where a new entry is added to the header of the request.
It is the "Authorization" and the value is created by auth_header method:
I was looking for, but I could not find a way to tell LWP::UserAgent to always send the credentials, even if there was no challenge
so I needed another way.
It turned out to be quite easy. All I had to do is to call the default_header method of the UserAgent object
before I call the get method. The default_header method gets two parameters. The first is the name of
the header, Authorization in our case, the second is a base64 encoded version of the "username:password" string.
According to the API documentation, Gittip expects the API_KEY to be the username and the password to be the empty string.
So this is what we had to add to our code:
This is the full script. (Of course instead of '123-345' we have to put out API_KEY there.
While this is certainly a working solution, I wonder if there is a better solution with the tools already built in LWP::UserAgent,
and if not whether there should be.
I think it is perfectly fine to hack around some website that isn't compliant by itself. But feel free to write LWP::UserAgent::Authorization::Basic, which will always send the BASE64 encode username and password conform RFC7617.
return "Basic " . MIME::Base64::encode("$user:$pass", "");
use MIME::Base64;
$ua->default_header('Authorization', "Basic " . MIME::Base64::encode('123-456:', '') );
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use MIME::Base64;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $url = '';
$ua->default_header('Authorization', "Basic " . MIME::Base64::encode('123-456:', '') );
my $resp = $ua->get( $url );
say $resp->status_line;
say $resp->decoded_content;

Published on 2017-11-07