Can't locate Object method "cells" via Win32::IEAutomation
Posted on 2010-12-27 22:39:09.205807-08 by shrutic
Hello, I m using Win32::IEAutomation package from CPAN on Windows platform. I m trying to find out the text on the table using cells function.
$ie->getTable("id:", "rt_NS"); print "\n$ie"; my $third_cell = $ie->cells(1); print "\n$third_cell"; $text = $third_cell->cellText; print "\ntext=$text";
But I m getting above mentioned error. Please let me know which exactly package consists of Cells method which is referred on CPAN IE automation website.
Posted on 2010-12-28 02:15:46.174828-08 by reneeb in response to 13122
"cells" is a method from the Win32::IEAutomation::Table class. Your code should look like
my $table = $ie->getTable("id:", "rt_NS"); print "\n$ie"; my $third_cell = $table->cells(1); print "\n$third_cell"; $text = $third_cell->cellText; print "\ntext=$text";
(This article is based on a thread on the CPAN::Forum.)
Published on 2010-12-27
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