I have lots of documents written in Markdown format and I was looking for a way to convert them to HTML.

First I tried the Text::Markdown module, it seemed like the obvious pick. Onfortunately it did not handle tables.

Then I found Text::MultiMarkdown and that worked as I expected.


use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';

#use Text::Markdown qw(markdown);
use Text::MultiMarkdown qw(markdown);

my $text = <<ORIGINAL;
# Title

Some text

## Subtitle

* Unordered
* List
* Items

1. Ordered
1. List
1. Items

| name | number |
| ---- | ------ |
| Foo  | 1234   |
| Bar  |    4   |

table td + td {
    text-align: right;


my $html = markdown($text);

say $html;