The central website of the Perl Mongers is based on a huge XML file listing all the Perl Monger groups. In order to preserve history, the groups are never really removed from the XML file, but when the group shuts down it is marked in the "status" field. What if you are interested to know how many groups are there and what is their distribution based on the "status" field?

Source code of Perl Mongers

The source code of the Perl Mongers website can be found in GitHub and a similar script called can be found in the bin/ directory of that repository. If you are interested how the site is being maintained you can even watch the interview with Jay Hannah, who has been maintaining it for ages. If you want to make some changes, you can send a pull request for that repository.

You can also find the perl_mongers.xml file in the root of the repository. It looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE perl_mongers PUBLIC "-//Perl Mongers//DTD for Perl user groups//EN" "">
<!-- This file is maintained by <>
  <group id="0" status="active">
    <!-- new york was the first group -->
      <city>New York City</city>
      <state>New York</state>
      <region>Center of the Universe</region>
      <country>United States of America</country>
      <continent>North America</continent>
    <email type="group">
      <name> Organizers Committee</name>
      <email type="personal">
      <name>General discussion</name>
      <email type="list">
      <email type="list_admin">
      <subscribe>subscribe ny email_address</subscribe>
      <unsubscribe>unsubscribe ny email_address</unsubscribe>
      <name>NYC Perl Jobs</name>
      <email type="list">
      <email type="list_admin">
      <subscribe>subscribe nyc-perl-jobs email_address</subscribe>
      <unsubscribe>unsubscribe nyc-perl-jobs
    <date type="inception">19970827</date>


and there are many more such group entries.

Counting the groups by status


  1. #!/usr/bin/perl
  2. use strict;
  3. use warnings;
  5. use XML::XPath;
  7. my $xp = XML::XPath->new(filename => 'perl_mongers.xml')
  8. || die 'badness!!';
  10. my @nodes = $xp->findnodes('/perl_mongers/group');
  12. my %counts;
  14. foreach my $node (@nodes) {
  15. my $status = $node->findvalue('@status');
  16. $counts{$status}++;
  17. }
  19. my $total;
  20. print map { $total += $counts{$_}; "$_ : $counts{$_}\n" } keys %counts;
  22. print "\nTotal: $total\n";

This script is based on the bin/ script found in the GitHub repository of the site,

The first thing is that we call the constructor of XML::XPath, I am not sure why is there an || die part. The constructor will throw an exception if the given file cannot be opened (Cannot open file 'perl_mongers.xml' at) or if the XML isn't well formed (mismatched tag at ...). Anyway, this part of the code will load the XML file in memory. This file we are dealing with isn't huge, but it isn't tiny either. It will take a few milliseconds to load and process the file, and it will take up quite some memory. (I have not measured either of them.)

The next line will select all the group elements (nodes) that are inside the perl_mongers element at the root of the XML file.

  1. my @nodes = $xp->findnodes('/perl_mongers/group');

Each element in the @nodes array is an XML::XPath::Node::Element object.

Then we go over each node, and using the findvalue method we look for the attribute status. (the @ in-front of the word 'status' tells XPath to look for an attribute instead of an element. Then we just increment the value of the appropriate key in our %counts hash.

  1. my %counts;
  3. foreach my $node (@nodes) {
  4. my $status = $node->findvalue('@status');
  5. $counts{$status}++;
  6. }

Then there is the display of the results which is a bit funky. In a single map statement we both aggregate the numbers into a variable called $total, and also create a little strings that include the value of the "status" field and the number of occurrence of that value. Then, once the map finished we we print all the strings at once.

  1. my $total;
  2. print map { $total += $counts{$_}; "$_ : $counts{$_}\n" } keys %counts;

This could be rewritten to some longer, but probably cleaner code:

  1. my $total;
  2. foreach my $status (keys %counts) {
  3. $total += $counts{$status};
  4. print "$status : $counts{$status}\n";
  5. }

Checking location

In the real script there is some extra code checking if every active group has longitude and latitude values. Actually there are a few so called non-geographical groups that are supposed to unite Perl developers around a certain subject regardless of their location. Such groups are not expected to have latitude and longitude values.

So the following code fetches the content of a number of elements with the current group element and, if the continent is given, then checks if the coordinates also exist.

  1. if ($status eq 'active') {
  2. my $longitude = $node->findvalue('location/longitude/text()');
  3. my $latitude = $node->findvalue('location/latitude/text()');
  4. my $name = $node->findvalue('name/text()');
  5. my $continent = $node->findvalue('location/continent/text()');
  6. if ($continent) {
  7. if (not $longitude) {
  8. print "Longitude missing for $name\n";
  9. } elsif (not $latitude) {
  10. print "Latitude missing for $name\n";
  11. }
  12. }
  13. }

The full script


  1. #!/usr/bin/perl
  2. use strict;
  3. use warnings;
  4. #
  5. # Program to count perl monger groups by status.
  6. #
  8. $|++;
  10. use XML::XPath;
  12. my $xp = XML::XPath->new(filename => 'perl_mongers.xml')
  13. || die 'badness!!';
  15. my @nodes = $xp->findnodes('/perl_mongers/group');
  17. my %counts;
  19. foreach my $node (@nodes) {
  20. my $status = $node->findvalue('@status');
  21. $counts{$status}++;
  22. if ($status eq 'active') {
  23. my $longitude = $node->findvalue('location/longitude/text()');
  24. my $latitude = $node->findvalue('location/latitude/text()');
  25. my $name = $node->findvalue('name/text()');
  26. my $continent = $node->findvalue('location/continent/text()');
  27. if ($continent) {
  28. if (not $longitude) {
  29. print "Longitude missing for $name\n";
  30. } elsif (not $latitude) {
  31. print "Latitude missing for $name\n";
  32. }
  33. }
  34. }
  35. }
  37. my $tot;
  38. print map { $tot += $counts{$_}; "$_ : $counts{$_}\n" } keys %counts;
  40. print "\nTotal: $tot\n";

I am sure this script could be further extended to check other aspects of the XML file. If you have ideas, don't hesitate to fork the repository and send a pull request.