Data structure design for fast lookup
For a beginner even deciding when to use a hash and when an array might be challenging, but when it gets to more complex data structures, this can be a real challenge.
For example, let's say you have a system of lots of applications and you are doing part of the job of Configuration Management or a build system. Each application has modules, in each module there are source files, included file, libraries. Each one of these is in a separate directory. Let's say you have a directory structure that looks like this:
DLL/ libplatform_fib_mpls_ltrace/ src/ vkg_fib_mpls_ltrace_decoder.c vkg_fib_mpls_ltrace_encoder.c libs/ libcerrno libinfra libltrace_show libltrace libsysmgr libim_debug_utils libimdr_cerrno/ src/ dnx_aib_print.c libs/ libios libcerrno libdnx_fwdlib_utils keep_objects Main/ eint_udp_server/ src/ eint_udp_server.c libs/ libsocket libinfra spm_synckeys/ src/ spm_sys.c libs/ libnvram_secure libplatform libplatform_netio libnodeid lrdlib
Except that you have 200,000 files in thousands of projects.
You are required to load them into memory and then to answer some questions.
The immediate and seemingly obvious way is to create multi-level hash that where each level of the hash corresponds to the same level in the directory structure and the files are elements of arrays deep in the data structure. So the first entry from the above sample of the file system would look like this:
- $data{'DLL'}{'libplatform_fib_mpls_ltrace'}{'src'} = [
- 'vkg_fib_mpls_ltrace_decoder.c',
- 'vkg_fib_mpls_ltrace_encoder.c',
- ];
Constructing this data structure is quite easy, if you know how to traverse the file-system.
This is a solution using only core perl and very simple perl script writing:
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use Data::Dumper;
- my $dir = shift or die "Usage: $0 DIR\n";
- my %data;
- collect_data();
- print Dumper \%data;
- sub collect_data {
- opendir my $dh_root, $dir or die "Could not open '$dir'\n";;
- foreach my $project (readdir $dh_root) {
- next if $project eq '.' or $project eq '..';
- print "$project\n";
- opendir my $dh_project, "$dir/$project" or die "Could not open '$dir/$project'\n";
- foreach my $library (readdir $dh_project) {
- next if $library eq '.' or $library eq '..';
- print " $library\n";
- opendir my $dh_library, "$dir/$project/$library" or die "Could not open '$dir/$project/$library'\n";
- foreach my $type (readdir $dh_library) {
- next if $type eq '.' or $type eq '..';
- print " $type\n";
- opendir my $dh_type, "$dir/$project/$library/$type" or die "Could not open '$dir/$project/$library/$type'\n";
- foreach my $file (readdir $dh_type) {
- next if $file eq '.' or $file eq '..';
- print " $file\n";
- push @{ $data{$project}{$library}{$type} }, $file;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
Then we are faced with various tasks.
For example there is a structure that looks something like this
Given the values 'DLL', 'src', 'vkg_fib_mpls_ltrace_encoder.c' we are expected to return 'libplatform_fib_mpls_ltrace'.
Given the data structure we build the only way to achieve this is to go over all the keys in %{ $data{DLL} } and for each key check if the rest of the data are in the subkeys. We can create a function for this:
- print get_library('DLL', 'src', 'vkg_fib_mpls_ltrace_encoder.c') , "\n";
- sub get_library {
- my ($project, $type, $file) = @_;
- foreach my $library (keys %{ $data{$project} }) {
- foreach my $filename (@{ $data{$project}{$library}{$type} }) {
- if ($filename eq $file) {
- return $library;
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
This works, but if we need to look up many pieces of information, the two foreach loops will make this code very slow.
The full script is here, in case you'd like to run it:
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use Data::Dumper;
- my $dir = shift or die "Usage: $0 DIR\n";
- my %data;
- collect_data();
- print Dumper \%data;
- sub collect_data {
- opendir my $dh_root, $dir or die "Could not open '$dir'\n";;
- foreach my $project (readdir $dh_root) {
- next if $project eq '.' or $project eq '..';
- print "$project\n";
- opendir my $dh_project, "$dir/$project" or die "Could not open '$dir/$project'\n";
- foreach my $library (readdir $dh_project) {
- next if $library eq '.' or $library eq '..';
- print " $library\n";
- opendir my $dh_library, "$dir/$project/$library" or die "Could not open '$dir/$project/$library'\n";
- foreach my $type (readdir $dh_library) {
- next if $type eq '.' or $type eq '..';
- print " $type\n";
- opendir my $dh_type, "$dir/$project/$library/$type" or die "Could not open '$dir/$project/$library/$type'\n";
- foreach my $file (readdir $dh_type) {
- next if $file eq '.' or $file eq '..';
- print " $file\n";
- push @{ $data{$project}{$library}{$type} }, $file;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- print get_library('DLL', 'src', 'vkg_fib_mpls_ltrace_encoder.c') , "\n";
- sub get_library {
- my ($project, $type, $file) = @_;
- foreach my $library (keys %{ $data{$project} }) {
- foreach my $filename (@{ $data{$project}{$library}{$type} }) {
- if ($filename eq $file) {
- return $library;
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
Designing the data structure
This happens because we mapped the data as it was laid out in the source. Each level of the filesystem was mapped to a level in the hash. What we need to do instead is to create a data structure that will make it easy to look-up whatever we need to look up.
If we need to be able to look up data based on project, type, and file, then we should create a data then we should create a data structure that has there three types as 3 levels of the hash.
Assuming the project-type-file triple is unique, (and that's what we assumed in our previous solution as well), then we can write this, in the most inner loop of the collect_data function instead of the call to push.
- $data{$project}{$type}{$file} = $library;
If, as later I was told, we can assume that the files are unique throughout the whole system, then we don't even need to create such deep data structure. We can create a really flat one using this:
- $data{$file} = [$project, $library, $type];
Then, when someone wants to find out the library, based on project-type-file triple, we can disregard the project-name and type-name as they are not necessary for the unique identification of the library.
In both cases the get_library function will be reduced to a single hash look-up. This is light years faster than those two foreach loops.
Even if we cannot be sure that the files have unique names through the whole system we could use something like this:
- $data{$file}{$project}{$type} = $library;
Then if the user gives the project-type-file triple, we can look it up directly, and if the user gives us a single filename we might have to provide multiple results. In that case we can write something like this:
- sub get_library {
- my ($file) = @_;
- my @libraries;
- foreach my $project (keys %{ $data{$file} }) {
- foreach my $type (keys %{ $data{$file}{$project} }) {
- push @libraries, $data{$file}{$project}{$type};
- }
- }
- return @libraries;
- }
Although in this case we have two foreach loops, but they are going to run much faster because there are going to be very few projects and very few types where a given file is used, and we really need to go over those anyway as we need to return them all.

Published on 2015-07-14