Digital Ocean API using Perl
I've been using Digital Ocean for many years for some of my hosting needs. Besides the nice GUI they also have an API and there is a Perl module called DigitalOcean that can be used to access it.
Before you get started you need to generate a new Token.
Create a file called .env with the following content:
replacing THE_TOKEN by the token you generated.
Install the DigitalOcean and the Dotenv modules:
cpanm DigitalOcean Dotenv
List available images
This is a short example to list the available images:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Dotenv; use DigitalOcean; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); Dotenv->load; my $token = $ENV{DIGITAL_OCEAN_TOKEN}; my $do = DigitalOcean->new(oauth_token => $token, wait_on_actions => 1); my $collection = $do->images; while (my $obj = $collection->next) { #say $obj; #say Dumper $obj; printf "%s %s\n", $obj->slug, $obj->name; }
This is a longer example that will make it easy for you to list images, sizes, regions, ssh keys, or existing droplets.
It also allows you to create a new droplet. (That part currently has hard-coded values.)
This is currently primarily an experimental demo.
use strict; use warnings; use DigitalOcean; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); main(); exit(); sub main { eval { require Dotenv; Dotenv->load; }; my $token = $ENV{DIGITAL_OCEAN_TOKEN}; my $list; my $dump; my $create; my $droplet; GetOptions( 'token=s' => \$token, 'list=s' => \$list, 'dump' => \$dump, 'droplet=s' => \$droplet, 'create' => \$create, ) or usage(); usage("We need a token") if not $token; my $do = DigitalOcean->new(oauth_token => $token, wait_on_actions => 1); if ($list) { if ($list eq 'sizes') { # TODO could we easily sort them by name or by size or by price? list($do->sizes, $dump, ['slug']); # no name method here } elsif ($list eq 'images') { list($do->images, $dump, ['slug', 'name']); } elsif ($list eq 'regions') { list($do->regions, $dump, ['slug', 'name']); } elsif ($list eq 'ssh') { list($do->ssh_keys, $dump, ['name', 'id']); } elsif ($list eq 'droplets') { list($do->droplets, $dump, ['name', 'id']); } else { usage("Incorrect --list value '$list'"); } } elsif ($droplet) { my $droplet_obj = $do->droplet($droplet); print $droplet_obj->name, "\n"; print $droplet_obj->created_at, "\n"; #print Dumper $droplet_obj->DigitalOcean; #print Dumper $droplet_obj; for my $network (@{ $droplet_obj->networks->v4 }) { print $network->type, "\n"; print $network->ip_address, "\n"; } } elsif ($create) { my $size_id = 's-1vcpu-1gb'; my $image_id = 'ubuntu-20-04-x64'; # 72067660 20.04 (LTS) x64'; my $region_id = 'nyc1'; my $ssh_id = '24064194'; # This Will print "going to wait" then "waiting" several times then "comlete" # TODO how to stop it? # TODO how to get the IP address and the ssh signature of the server? # TODO set ssh my $response = $do->create_droplet( name => 'demo', size => $size_id, image => $image_id, region => $region_id, ssh_keys => [$ssh_id], backups => 0, ipv6 => 0, private_networking => 0, wait_on_event => 1, ); print Dumper $response; } } sub list { my ($collection, $dump, $fields) = @_; while (my $obj = $collection->next) { if ($dump) { print Dumper $obj; exit; } my $str = ''; for my $field (@$fields) { $str .= $obj->$field . ' '; } print "$str\n"; } } sub usage { my ($msg) = @_; print "$msg\n\n" if $msg; print qq{ Usage: $0 --token TOKEN --list [sizes|images|regions|ssh|droplets] --dump Dump the first listed structure and exit --droplet ID (returned by --list droplets) --create Create a droplet with fixed definitions You can supply the token either on the command line or as an environment variable DIGITAL_OCEAN_TOKEN or by saving it in the .env file as DIGITAL_OCEAN_TOKEN = <TOKEN> In this case you also need to install the Dotenv module from CPAN. }; exit 1; }

Published on 2021-04-19