Finding files in a directory tree using Perl
There are several ways to traverse a directory tree in Perl. It can be done with the function calls opendir and readdir that are part of the Perl language. It can be done using the File::Find module that comes with Perl.
In this article we'll look at Path::Iterator::Rule.
Overview: The Rule, all and iter
In order to use the module we need two things:
- First we create a Path::Iterator::Rule object representing a set of rules.
- Then we can use that object to list the file-system elements in a certain list of directories.
The first step is to create the rules:
use Path::Iterator::Rule; my $rule = Path::Iterator::Rule->new;
This rule object has no restrictions yet, we'll see those later. It will return every item in the file-system. Once we have the $rule object, we use that to traverse the directories. The traversing can be done in two ways:
1. The all method will traverse the given directories and return a list of file-system elements: my @files = $rule->all( @dirs ). We then probably go over the list using a for loop:
for my $file ( $rule->all( @dirs ) ) { say $file; }
2. The iter method will return an iterator. my $it = $rule->iter( @dir );. Then we can retrieve the file-system elements one-by-one by dereferencing the iterator code-reference:
my $it = $rule->iter( @dir ); while ( my $file = $it->() ) { say $file; }
($it is a reference to a subroutine. With the $it->() syntax we call the underlying subroutine without passing to it any parameter.)
Calling all will ensure that changes to the directory structure during the for-loop won't alter the result. If we are processing a large directory structure, however, this requires a long up-front time spent collecting the items, and a much bigger memory allocation, than in the case of the iter method.
Basic examples
Let's see two basic examples for the above two cases. We expect the user to provide the list of directories on the command line. Hence we pass @ARGV as the list of directories, to the all and iter methods.
The first example uses the all method to collect all the matching file-system elements in the memory:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Path::Iterator::Rule; die "Usage: $0 DIRs" if not @ARGV; my $rule = Path::Iterator::Rule->new; for my $file ( $rule->all( @ARGV ) ) { say $file; }
In the second example, we use the iter method to create an iterator, and then call it repeatedly to get all the matching file-system elements:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Path::Iterator::Rule; die "Usage: $0 DIRs" if not @ARGV; my $rule = Path::Iterator::Rule->new; my $it = $rule->iter( @ARGV ); while ( my $file = $it->() ) { say $file; }
After seeing the basics, the really interesting part is setting the rules. So let's see a few of them:
$rule->size("> 1000");
means only find files larger than 1000 bytes.
The same could be expressed as
$rule->size("> 1k");
(1k = 1000, and 1ki = 1024, in accordance with the IEC standard as implemented by Number::Compare.)
Similarly one could write
$rule->size("< 1000");
to find the smaller files.
We can even combine the two:
$rule->size("< 1024")->size("> 1000");
In general we can stack rules on the other
will only find files with xml extension and
will only find files with pm extension.
Because it is a Perl module, for the latter we even have a special rule:
will also match the pm files only.
Of course if we would like to match any Perl file, we can use the appropriate rule:
negative rules
What if we want to find all the non-pm files? First we create a rule that means "not pm file", then we can use this rule in a boolean rule-expression:
my $no_pm_rule = $rule->clone->name("*.pm"); $rule->not( $no_pm_rule );
Please note, we have to clone the rule, our rule would be both only match pm and only match not pm. That would be an empty set.
If we don't intend to reuse it later, we don't even need to save the new rule in a variable. We can write this:
$rule->not( $rule->clone->name("*.pm") );
Even better, most of the rules already have a negative version so we can write this:
directory depth
All the elements that are at least 4 subdirectory deep from the one passed to the iter method:
Don't go deeper than 3 subdirectories:
If we pass 0 to max_depth we will get only the directories we passed to iter.
If max_depth is 1, we will get the immediate content of those directories.
If you are familiar with ack, you know it automatically skips the
.git directory.
How can we achieve the same?
We create a cloned rule that matches the ".git" and then we tell our main rule to skip those matches
Of course, because skipping directories is a very common task, it has its own rule:
But, then again, skipping the .git directory is really, really common, so it has its own rule:
Of course ack skips the meta directories of all the version control system, so we should be able to do
that too:
(See the documentation to understand the specifics.)
If you are not familiar with ack, it is a perfect time to install it and start using it!
Lastly, let's see how can we set rules based on the content of the files:
Obviously this can slow down the traversing quite a bit,
as this will require reading the file, but it can be very convenient.
Lastly, let's see a full example where we combine several rules
in a nicely formatted way:
If you like this module, please send a thank-you note to
David Golden, the author.
I am getting the following errors while trying to use your example:
Can't locate Path/Iterator/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .)
You need to install Path::Iterator::Rule
I have used : /pkg/qct/software/perl/5.22.0/bin/perl, and it is working
skipping directories
$rule->skip( $rule->clone->name(".git") );
peek in the files
An example
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Path::Iterator::Rule;
die "Usage: $0 DIRs" if not @ARGV;
my $rule = Path::Iterator::Rule->new;
$rule->size("> 1000")
my $it = $rule->iter( @ARGV );
while ( my $file = $it->() ) {
say $file;

Published on 2013-09-09