Generate Calendar in ICal format
You can serve calendars in ICal format from your web application on-the fly or you can save it to the disk as an *.ical file and serve the static file. Then people can add it to their calendar application and see the events you list.
The modules in use:
This code generates two events. The first one has a beginning and ending date. The second one has a beginninng and a duration. It also includes a link to Zoom as the "location".
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::ICal (); use Data::ICal::Entry::Event (); use DateTime (); use DateTime::Format::ICal (); use DateTime::Duration (); my $calendar = Data::ICal->new; my $now = DateTime->now; { my $begin = DateTime->new( year => 2021, month => 4, day => 5, hour => 15 ); my $end = DateTime->new( year => 2021, month => 4, day => 5, hour => 17 ); my $event = Data::ICal::Entry::Event->new; $event->add_properties( summary => 'Short title of the event', description => "A longer description that can also have ebedded newlines.\nThen it can continue on a second and\nthird line.", dtstart => DateTime::Format::ICal->format_datetime($begin), location => 'The local coffee shop', dtend => DateTime::Format::ICal->format_datetime($end), dtstamp => DateTime::Format::ICal->format_datetime($now), uid => DateTime::Format::ICal->format_datetime($begin) . '-short', ); $calendar->add_entry($event); } { my $begin = DateTime->new( year => 2021, month => 4, day => 6, hour => 6, time_zone => '+0200' ); my $duration = DateTime::Duration->new(hours => 3, minutes => 15); my $event = Data::ICal::Entry::Event->new; $event->add_properties( summary => 'Another event', description => "Description", dtstart => DateTime::Format::ICal->format_datetime($begin), location => '', duration => DateTime::Format::ICal->format_duration($duration), dtstamp => DateTime::Format::ICal->format_datetime($now), uid => DateTime::Format::ICal->format_datetime($begin) . '-other', ); $calendar->add_entry($event); } print $calendar->as_string;
The output is this:
BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Data::ICal 0.24 BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:A longer description that can also have ebedded newlines.\nThen it can continue on a second and\nthird line. DTEND:20210405T170000 DTSTAMP:20210405T055524Z DTSTART:20210405T150000 LOCATION:The local coffee shop SUMMARY:Short title of the event UID:20210405T150000-short END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Description DTSTAMP:20210405T055524Z DTSTART:20210406T040000Z DURATION:+PT3H15M LOCATION: SUMMARY:Another event UID:20210406T040000Z-other END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Real world examples
For example the Perl Weekly newsletter has a calendar of Perl events based on the list of Perl events.

Published on 2021-04-04