GitHub Actions CI job for Perl Test::Class - checking downstream dependencies as well
Test::Class is Perl module that allows you to write jUnit or xUnit style tests. Recently I became the maintainer of the module. The first thing I did, actually even before becomming the maintainer, is setting up a CI system using GitHub Actions that will test the code on various versions of Perl.
Then it will proceed and test some of the modules that depend on Test::Class to make sue the changes I make don't break those modules.
Let me also include here the configuration file.
name: CI on: push: branches: '*' pull_request: branches: '*' schedule: - cron: '42 5 * * *' # Build the module on several versions of Perl using an image that already has a lot of modules installed. # This will provide a fast feedback if a commit broke anything in the unit-tests. # Using 5.32 we also create the tar.gz file and save it as an artifact. # # Once this job passed we launch several jobs in parallel # 1) Verify that we can install the created distribution on many versions of Perl using a Linux Docker image with vanilla Perl. # 2) Verify that we can install the created distribution on native Linux/Windows/OSX. # 3) Verify that the changes won't break some selected downstream distributions. # We run the job on every push and every pull-request. # We also run them periodically to makes sure none of changes in our dependencies break it even during the days when # the developers of this project rest. jobs: build-in-container: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: perl-version: - '5.32' - '5.30' - '5.20' container: image: perldocker/perl-tester:${{ matrix.perl-version }} # name: Build on Linux with Perl ${{ matrix.perl-version }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Regular tests run: | perl -v cpanm --notest Contextual::Return perl Makefile.PL make make test - name: Install Extra dependencies run: | for module in Test::Pod::Coverage Test::Perl::Critic Pod::Simple Test::Pod Perl::MinimumVersion Test::MinimumVersion Test::Spelling File::Which Test::Perl::Critic do echo Start installing $module date set -x cpanm --notest $module perl -M$module -e "print qq{$module \$$module::VERSION\n}" echo Finished installing $module echo "===================" done - name: Release tests run: | RELEASE_TESTING=1 prove -l t/pod.t RELEASE_TESTING=1 prove -l t/documented.t RELEASE_TESTING=1 prove -l t/pmv.t RELEASE_TESTING=1 prove -l t/spelling.t RELEASE_TESTING=1 prove -l t/perlcritic.t - name: Create release if: ${{ matrix.perl-version == '5.32' }} run: | # Increase the version number by 0.000001 so in the reports we can be sure we are using the code to be released. perl -i -p -e "s/VERSION\s*=\s*'(\d+\.\d+)'/q{VERSION = '} . (\$1 + 0.01) . q{'}/e" lib/Test/*.pm lib/Test/Class/*.pm perl Makefile.PL make make manifest make dist - name: Archive artifacts if: ${{ matrix.perl-version == '5.32' }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: the-release path: | Test-Class-*.tar.gz test-on-clean-perl: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: build-in-container strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: perl-version: - "5.32" - "5.30" - "5.28" - "5.26" - "5.24" - "5.22" - "5.20" - "5.18" - "5.16" - "5.14" - "5.12" - "5.10" container: image: perl:${{ matrix.perl-version }} name: Test on ${{ matrix.perl-version }} steps: - name: Download a single artifact uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: the-release - name: Install Module run: | perl -v cpanm Test-Class-*.tar.gz test-downstream: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: build-in-container strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: perl-version: - '5.32' container: image: perldocker/perl-tester:${{ matrix.perl-version }} # name: Test downstream on ${{ matrix.perl-version }} steps: - name: Download a single artifact uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: the-release - name: Install Module run: | perl -v cpanm Test-Class-*.tar.gz - name: Testing selected downstream modules run: | echo "Reverse dependencies ordered by River stage" for module in CHI Test::Class::Most MooseX::Getopt::Usage Ubic do echo Start testing $module date set -x cpanm --notest --installdeps $module cpanm --verbose $module echo Finish testing $module echo "===================" done #cpanm --verbose Debug::Client # currently failing #cpanm --verbose Math::GSL # needs gsl-config #cpanm --verbose EntityModel # fails echo "Other reverse dependencies listed by ABC" for module in App::GitGot App::Scaffolder::Puppet cPanel::APIClient Class::Mockable File::Random Mail::Pyzor Test::Class::Simple Business::FO::Postalcode Business::DK::Postalcode do echo Start testing $module date set -x cpanm --notest $module cpanm --verbose --test-only $module echo Finished testing $module echo "===================" done #cpanm --verbose Analizo # failed #cpanm --verbose App::PRT # failed #cpanm --verbose Term::CLI # needs Term::ReadLine::Gnu native: needs: build-in-container strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: runner: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest] perl: [ '5.32' ] runs-on: ${{matrix.runner}} name: Native on OS ${{matrix.runner}} Perl ${{matrix.perl}} steps: - name: Download a single artifact uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: the-release - name: Set up perl uses: shogo82148/actions-setup-perl@v1 with: perl-version: ${{ matrix.perl }} distribution: ${{ ( startsWith( matrix.runner, 'windows-' ) && 'strawberry' ) || 'default' }} - name: Install Module on Windows if: ${{ startsWith( matrix.runner, 'windows-' ) }} run: | perl -v Set-Content -NoNewline "cpanm --verbose " install.bat Get-ChildItem -Name Test-Class* >> install.bat dir type install.bat .\install.bat perl -MTest::Class -e "print qq{$Test::Class::VERSION\n}" - name: Install Module on Linux and OSX if: ${{ ! startsWith( matrix.runner, 'windows-' ) }} run: | cpanm --verbose Test-Class-*.tar.gz perl -MTest::Class -e 'print qq{$Test::Class::VERSION\n}'

Published on 2021-02-22