GitHub Pages for Perl developers
Part of the the live events.
During the presentation I created the repository at that was hosted on but I need that repo for future presentations so I renamed the repository to github-pages-2024.08.15 and its result can be seen at
- Jekyll
- Static Site Generators
- and source
- Perl Weekly and source
- and source
- Kantoniko and source
- Planet Perl and source Learn with Dave Cross
- Forem Reports and source
- (Rust) virtual events and source
- ruby Digger and source
- monitor
- Rust Maven and source
- GitHub action to install Perl Environment
- GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec
- Mark Gadner and source
- Mapping domain or hostnames to GitHub pages
- Code Mavens YouTube channel
- Code Mavens Meetup group
- Perl Maven
Other sites

Published on 2024-08-15
If you have any comments or questions, feel free to post them on the source of this page in GitHub. Source on GitHub.
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