Is this IP in the given subnet?
In various situation, it is important to check if a given IP address is within a predefined subnet. For example if we would like to allow access from only a specific range of IP addresses we would create a "white list" of those addresses.
Similarly if we would like to deny access based on a set of rules regarding the IP address of the visitor.
Fixed list of IP add resses
To create a "white-list" we could simply list all the IP addresses that we allow and then look up if the given IP address is in this list. For example:
use 5.010; my $ip = ''; my @white_list = ('', '', ''); if (grep { $ip eq $_ } @white_list) { say 'Allow access'; } else { say 'Deny access'; }
Of course if the @white_list has a lot of elements, every look-up will be time consuming.
We could improve it using the any function of List::MoreUtils which similar to the all function, short-circuits.
use 5.010; use List::MoreUtils qw(any); my $ip = ''; my @white_list = ('', '', ''); if (any { $ip eq $_ } @white_list) { say 'Allow access'; } else { say 'Deny access'; }
Alternatively, and gaining even more peformance boost, we could build a look-up hash:
use 5.010; my %white_list = map { $_ => 1 } ('', '', ''); if ($white_list{$ip}) { say 'Allow access'; } else { say 'Deny access'; }
That's possible, but if we would like to allow (or disallow) all the IP addresses in a given class-A subnet, listing all of them will use-up quite some memory.
Using Net::Subnet
The Net::Subnet module solves this problem. It exports several function,
but this time we'll look only at the subnet_matcher function.
It received a list of IP/mask pairs and returns an anonymous function. We can assign this anonymous function
to a scalar variable ($white_list in our example) and then use this function reference to check if a
given IP address is in the defined ranges. The mask part of these expressions can be either what is called
the subnet mask notation that looks like an IP address (for example or
it can be a number indicating the number of significant bits. (also called CIDR notation)
(for example
In the first example we just give a list of IP addreses. Each one using the mask,
meaning we are looking for eact match of the IP address.
The more interesting case is when we would like to defined a whole subnet. For example all the IP addresses
where the first 3 numbers are 1.2.3 (,,, ...,
We can denote this as or as and will get the following result:
And just to check the more border cases:
If the given IP is invalid, the function will just return
false without raising an exception or even giving a warnings:
On the other hand if the given mask is invalid, the function just returned true.
Even if the mask contains something that is not even a number:
On this subject the author of the module wrote "garbage in, garbage out".
So be careful with your input.
The Net::Subnet module also supports IPv6, but currently I only needed
to handle IPv4 addresses.
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Net::Subnet qw(subnet_matcher);
my $white_list = subnet_matcher qw(
say $white_list->('') ? 'yes' : 'no'; # yes
say $white_list->('') ? 'yes' : 'no'; # no
say $white_list->('') ? 'yes' : 'no'; # yes
Matching subnets
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Net::Subnet qw(subnet_matcher);
my $white_list = subnet_matcher qw(
say $white_list->('') ? 'yes' : 'no'; # yes
say $white_list->('') ? 'yes' : 'no'; # yes
say $white_list->('') ? 'yes' : 'no'; # no
say $white_list->('') ? 'yes' : 'no'; # yes
say $white_list->('') ? 'yes' : 'no'; # yes
say $white_list->('') ? 'yes' : 'no'; # yes
say $white_list->('') ? 'yes' : 'no'; # yes
Invalid IP
say $white_list->('') ? 'yes' : 'no'; # no
say $white_list->('1.2.3.-1') ? 'yes' : 'no'; # no
say $white_list->('1.2.3.x') ? 'yes' : 'no'; # no
Invalid mask
my $white_list = subnet_matcher qw(
say $white_list->('') ? 'yes' : 'no'; # yes
my $white_list = subnet_matcher qw(
say $white_list->('') ? 'yes' : 'no';

Published on 2016-08-03