Minimal requirements for a blog
A while ago I've started to think about creating a project that could be used as a replacement for the site and as a teaching tool to show various technologies. I asked a number of people about it. Many said they think it would be too big a project and I would not be able to get enought people supporting it. They might be right.
Since then there was also a small movement agains having a shared blogging platform for Perl, so maybe I should not get in this project.
In any case, let me publish here a few notes I made as minimal requirements.
In case I, or someone else will like to pick up the idea later on.
- Authenticate with fixed usernames and passwords.
- Edit page. Page can be saved on disk.
- Accept free text escape any less than sign.
- Accept markdown.
- Embed videos.
- Upload images and show them.
- Archive of posts.
- Global RSS feed for new posts.
- Global RSS feed for everything, including posts and comments.
- Individual RSS feed.
- Admin hide post.
- Admin disable account.
- Commenting system with flat view.
- Commenting system with hierarchical view.
- Change password.
- Reset password.
- Register with email verification.
- Email notifications?

Published on 2020-09-23