Perl Hash
Hashes, or hash tables, that are called associative arrays, hashmaps, or dictionaries in other languages are an integral and important part of Perl. On this page we try to answer some common questions about hashes.
Perl Hash table tutorial
A hash in Perl always starts with a percentage sign: %. When accessing an element of a hash we replace the % by a dollar sign $ and put curly braces {} after the name. Inside the curly braces we put the key.
A hash is an unordered set of key-value pairs where the keys are unique.
A key can be any string including numbers that are automatically converted to strings. A value can be any scalar value: number, string, or a reference.
The key is a string, but when it is a "simple string" you can leave out the quote characters when used on the left hand side of the fat-arrow, or in the curly braces.
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my %person = ( fname => 'Foo', lname => 'Bar', ); say $person{'fname'}; # Foo say $person{fname}; # Foo my $key = 'fname'; say $person{$key}; # Foo
Perl Hash of arrays
Each value in the following hash is an array, or more specifically it is a reference to an array.
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my %grades; $grades{'Foo Bar'}[0] = 23; $grades{'Foo Bar'}[1] = 42; $grades{'Foo Bar'}[2] = 73; $grades{'Peti Bar'}[0] = 10; $grades{'Peti Bar'}[1] = 15; print Dumper \%grades; $grades{'Zorg'} = [10, 20, 30, 40]; print Dumper \%grades;
In the first 5 lines we access the elements of the internal arrays as if we had a two-dimensional data structure. In the last assignment we assign an array reference [10, 20, 30, 40] to Zorg.
Data::Dumper can show the data structure in a reasonably readable way:
$VAR1 = { 'Foo Bar' => [ 23, 42, 73 ], 'Peti Bar' => [ 10, 15 ] }; $VAR1 = { 'Foo Bar' => [ 23, 42, 73 ], 'Peti Bar' => [ 10, 15 ], 'Zorg' => [ 10, 20, 30, 40 ] };
Perl Hash of arrays of arrays
Like in the preceding example, each value in the following hash is a reference to an array and each value in the array is a reference to another array.
Here is an example of a list of invoices for each customer:
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Printer; my $invoices = { customer_1 => [ [ 1, 'Article_1', 300.00 ], [ 2, 'Article_2', 500.00 ], ], customer_2 => [ [ 1, 'Article_2', 999.00 ], [ 2, 'Article_5', 399.99 ], ], }; # Add another customer push @{ $invoices->{customer_3} }, [ 1, 'Article_9', 899.00 ]; push @{ $invoices->{customer_3} }, [ 2, 'Article_10', 799.00 ]; p $invoices;
This time we use Data::Printer to show the data structure:
\ { customer_1 [ [0] [ [0] 1, [1] "Article_1", [2] 300 ], [1] [ [0] 2, [1] "Article_2", [2] 500 ] ], customer_2 [ [0] [ [0] 1, [1] "Article_2", [2] 999 ], [1] [ [0] 2, [1] "Article_5", [2] 399.99 ] ], customer_3 [ [0] [ [0] 1, [1] "Article_9", [2] 899 ], [1] [ [0] 2, [1] "Article_10", [2] 799 ] ] }
Note the different format used by this module.
Perl Hash reference
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my %phones = ( Foo => '1-234', Bar => '1-456', ); my $hr = \%phones; say $phones{Foo}; # 1-234 say $hr->{Foo}; # 1-234 print Dumper $hr; foreach my $name (keys %$hr) { say "$name $hr->{$name}"; } my $other_ref = { Qux => '1-567', Moo => '1-890', }; say $other_ref->{Qux}; # 1-567 print Dumper $other_ref;
1-234 1-234 $VAR1 = { 'Foo' => '1-234', 'Bar' => '1-456' }; Foo 1-234 Bar 1-456 1-567 $VAR1 = { 'Qux' => '1-567', 'Moo' => '1-890' };
Perl Hash key
Hashes are key-value pairs. Let's say we have a hash called %phone_number_of. If you know a specific key, which is just a string, and it is found in the variable $name, then you can get the value of this key in the above hash by writing $phone_number_of{$name}.
If you don't know what keys are in the hash you can fetch a list of keys using @names = keys %phone_number_of.
Perl Hash exists
Given an expression that specifies an element of a hash, returns true if the specified element in the hash has ever been initialized, even if the corresponding value is undefined.
A hash element can be true only if it's defined and defined only if it exists, but the reverse doesn't necessarily hold true.
use strict; use warnings; my %months = ( 0 => 'January', 1 => 'February', 2 => 'March', 3 => 'April', 4 => 'May', 5 => 'June', 6 => 'July', 7 => 'August', 8 => 'September', 9 => 'October', 10 => 'November', 11 => 'December' ); #Interpolation will not happen for hashes i.e %months will not be interpolated if (exists $months{1}) { print "$months{1} exists in the hash %months\n"; } my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); print "The current month is $months{$mon}" if exists $months{$mon};
Perl Hash size
In this hash, keys contain multiple words (i.e 2 words), so you need to enclose it in quotes. If the key contains only a single word, then quotes are optional. In fact, it is recommended to omit quotes for keys.
use strict; use warnings; #Program to find the size of a hash my %india = ( 'National Bird' => 'Peacock', 'National Animal' => 'Tiger', 'National Flower' => 'Lotus', 'National Fruit' => 'Mango', 'National Tree' => 'Banyan', 'National Game' => 'Hockey' ); #The keys function in scalar context returns the number of keys in the hash. my $size = keys %india; print "The size of the hash is $size\n";
Perl hash number of elements
See above at Perl Hash size
Perl Hash map
Perl Hash slice
A slice is always a list, so the hash slice notation uses an at sign to indicate that. The curly braces mean that you’re indexing into a hash; the at sign means that you’re getting a whole list of elements, not just a single one (which is what the dollar sign would mean).
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my %employee = ( jack => 980144, peter => 128756, john => 903610 ); #Assign a hash slice to @id1 array my @id1 = ($employee{"jack"}, $employee{"peter"}, $employee{"john"}); #Print all employee ids from array @id1 say join ',', @id1; #Assign a hash slice to @id2 array my @id2 = @employee{ qw/jack peter john/ }; #Print all employee ids from array @id2 say join ',', @id2; my %employee2 = ( #Name, Employee Id, Department, Location jack => [980144,'Marketing','London'], peter => [128756,'Research', 'Detroit'], john => [903610, 'Development', 'Sydney'] ); #Retrieve the location of all employees my @location = ($employee2{"jack"}->[2], $employee2{"peter"}->[2], $employee2{"john"}->[2]); #Print all employee's location say join ',', @location;
Hash slices are a very useful feature of Perl that remove the need for some loops. A hash slice is a way of referring to one or more elements of the hash in one statement, to get a list of values, or to assign a list of values.
To get a single element from a hash %hash, with key $key, you can write $value = $hash{ $key }
To get a list of elements from the same hash, referred to by the keys in @keys, you can write @values = @hash{ @keys }
use strict; use warnings; #Program to demonstrate hash slice my %day_names = ( 'sun' => 'Sunday', 'mon' => 'Monday', 'tue' => 'Tuesday', 'wed' => 'Wednesday', 'thu' => 'Thursday', 'fri' => 'Friday', 'sat' => 'Saturday', ); #Get a list of the full names of week days (ie not weekends) my @weekdays = @day_names{ qw(mon tue wed thu fri) }; print "The store is open from 9AM to 5PM on " . join(", ", @weekdays) . "\n"; #Get a list of the full names of weekend days my @weekends = @day_names{ 'sat', 'sun' }; print "The store closes at 12 noon on " . join(" and ", @weekends) . "\n"; #Lets say we want to change the hash now to make the values lower case and plural #So that 'Sunday' becomes 'sundays' #We can assign to a hash slice to achieve this #Get the keys and the values from the hash - these will have the same respective order my @keys = keys %day_names; my @values = values %day_names; #Now assign to a slice of the hash %day_names #In this case the slice @keys identifies every key of %day_names @day_names{ @keys } = map lc($_) . 's', @values; print "In the winter the store may open late " . $day_names{sun} . "\n";
Size of an array in a hash
Getting the size of an array within a hash is a matter of de-referencing it @{ $data{$key} } and putting that in scalar context either explicitly: scalar @{ $data{$key} }, or one of the many implicit ways: $count = @{ $data{$key} }, if (@{ $data{$key} } < 10) {
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my %data = ( Snowwhite => [ 'Doc', 'Grumpy', 'Happy', 'Sleepy', 'Bashful', 'Sneezy', 'Dopey' ], LOTR => [ 'Frodo', 'Sam Gamgee', 'Pippin', 'Merry', 'Aragorn', 'Boromir', 'Legolas', 'Gimli', 'Gandalf'], ); say scalar @{ $data{Snowwhite} }; # 7 my $dwarfs = @{ $data{Snowwhite} }; my $fellowship = @{ $data{LOTR} }; say $dwarfs; # 7 say $fellowship; # 9
Number of elements of an array in a hash
This is the same as the size of an array in a hash.

Published on 2013-08-03