POD - modules processing Plain Old Documentation format
POD is the format the documentation of Perl and every Perl modules is written.
There are many tools parsing them, extracting information and converting them to other formats.
Pod::Simple, framework for parsing Pod.
Test::Pod check for POD errors in files.
Pod::Weaver weave together a Pod document from an outline.
Pod::Perldoc Look up Perl documentation in Pod format. (This is what the perldoc command uses.)
Pod::Html convert pod files to HTML (part of Perl core. provides the pod2html command).
(not categorized yet)
Pod::Tree can create a syntax tree from POD file. Looks interesting though it had not seen a new release since 2010.
Pod::S5 Generate S5 slideshow from POD source.
Pod::Perldoc::ToToc Translate Pod to a Table of Contents.
Pod::POM, POD Object Model needs a new maintainer.
Pod::Man Convert POD data to formatted *roff input.
Pod::XML Module to convert POD to XML. No version since 2007.
Pod::Hlp convert POD data to formatted VMS HLP Help module text. No new release since 2001. Pod::Pdf A POD to PDF translator. No version since 2000. There are probably better solutions.
Pod::Tests Extracts embedded tests and code examples from POD.
Pod::SAX a SAX parser for Pod.
Tk::Pod Pod browser toplevel widget for Perl/Tk.
Pod::Loom Weave pseudo-POD into real POD.
Pod::Parser base class for creating POD filters and translators. This module is considered legacy; modern Perl releases (5.18 and higher) are going to remove Pod-Parser from core and use Pod-Simple for all things POD. Pod::Find find POD documents in directory trees (part of Pod::Parser).
Pod::Spell a formatter for spellchecking Pod
Pod::CYOA Pod-based Choose Your Own Adventure website generator
Pod::PXML Convert between POD and XML. (no release since 2004)
Pod::Help Perl module to automate POD display.
Pod::LaTeX Convert Pod data to formatted Latex.
LaTeX::Pod Transform LaTeX source files to POD.
Pod::Index Index and search PODs using X<> entries.
Pod::PP POD pre-processor - has not seen any release for ages. It is based on Pod::Parser which itself is considered legacy code.
Pod::Rtf, convert pod documentation to Rich Text Format (rtf) suitable for compilation by a Windows Help compiler.
Lip::Pod Literate Perl to POD conversion.
Pod::Cats The POD-like markup language written for podcats.in
Pod::Site Build browsable HTML documentation for your app.
Pod::L10N Pod with L10N.
Pod::Wrap Wrap pod paragraphs, leaving verbatim text and code alone. (no release since 2004.) based on Pod::Parser.
Pod::Stripper strip all pod, and output what's left. (no release since 2002)
Pod::WSDL Creates WSDL documents from (extended) pod.
Pod::Trac Convert a POD to trac's wiki syntax and add it to the trac. (no release since 2007)
Pod::Tidy reformatting Pod Processor.
Pod::HTML Translate POD into HTML file (from 1996)
POD Best Practices
Read perlpod and perlpodstyle.

Published on 2015-09-23