q behaves just like single quotes ' do, but they make it easy to include other single-quotes in a string without the need to escape them.
Immediately after the q you put some opening character and then the string lasts till the ending pair of that character. I usually use some form of a pair of characters (opening and closing curly braces or parentheses), but you can also use other characters as well.
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my $name = 'Perl'; my $text = 'We have a variable name called \'$name\'.'; say $text; my $better = q{We have a variable name called '$name'.}; say $better; my $other = q!We have a variable name called '$name'.!; say $other; say q(We have a variable name called '$name'.); say q[We have a variable name called '$name'.]; say q?We have a variable name called '$name'.?; say q#We have a variable name called '$name'.#;
The above examples all print the same string:
We have a variable name called '$name'.

Published on 2021-02-23
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