Get real path (absolute path) from symbolic link (aka. softlink)
On Linux/Unix/Mac systems one can create symbolic links (aka. softlinks) to a file or a directory using the ln -s TARGET or ln -s TARGET LINK.
Behind the scenes a symbolic link is just a file that has the TARGET as the content.
If we open a symbolic link (e.g. using some text editor or cat) we see the content of the TARGET, where the link points to.
How can we see the relative or absolute path to the TARGET?
Create symbolic links
As an example I created a directory and in that directory I ran:
touch data ln -s /etc/group ln -s /etc/passwd secrets ln -s ../work/
The first command created a plain file.
The second command created a symbolic link to /etc/group called group.
The third command created a symbolic link to /etc/passwd called secrets.
the 4th command created a symbolic link to ../work/ (which is a relative link) called sites.
If we run ls in this directory we see: data group secrets. Based on this we don't know which might be a real file and which is a symbolic link.
We could use cat on each one of them and we would see the content of the "data" file and the content of the /etc/group and /etc/passwd files respectively.
So how can we know which is a symbolic link and where do those links lead? What is their TARGET?
On the command line if we run ls -l we can see the symbolic links and their TARGET on the right, after an arrow:
-rw-r--r-- 1 gabor gabor 0 Apr 9 10:16 data lrwxrwxrwx 1 gabor gabor 10 Apr 9 10:17 group -> /etc/group lrwxrwxrwx 1 gabor gabor 11 Apr 9 10:17 secrets -> /etc/passwd lrwxrwxrwx 1 gabor gabor 27 Apr 9 10:37 sites -> ../work/
We can also note that the first character on each row of a symbolic link is an l that also indicates that these are symbolic links.
How can I get the target of a symnlink in Perl?
If we open the file with the regular open function we will get access to the target.
The readlink function, however, will return the target. If there is any.
So here is a sample implementation:
use strict; use warnings; my $dir = shift or die "Usage: $0 DIR\n"; opendir my $dh, $dir or die; for my $thing (readdir $dh) { next if $thing eq '.' or $thing eq '..'; print $thing; my $target = readlink "$dir/$thing"; if ($target) { print " -> $target"; } print "\n"; }
And the result if I run perl ~/work/ .:
sites -> ../work/ group -> /etc/group data secrets -> /etc/passwd
Once you have the relative path to the target you can use the abs_path function from the Cwd module to get the absolute path.
use strict; use warnings; use Cwd qw(abs_path); my $dir = shift or die "Usage: $0 DIR\n"; opendir my $dh, $dir or die; for my $thing (readdir $dh) { next if $thing eq '.' or $thing eq '..'; print $thing; my $target = readlink "$dir/$thing"; if ($target) { print " -> " . abs_path($target); } print "\n"; }
perl ~/work/ .
sites -> /home/gabor/work/ group -> /etc/group data secrets -> /etc/passwd

Published on 2020-04-09