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Solution: add more statistics - video
Solution: area of rectangular - video
Solution: area prompt and warn - video
Solution: improve the color selector - check input - video
Solution: improve the color selector - colors.txt - video
Solution: improve the color selector - filename - video
Solution: improve the color selector - force - video
Solution: improve the color selector - video
Solution: number guessing game - d debug toggle - video
Solution: number guessing game - exit - video
Solution: number guessing game - m move toggle - video
Solution: number guessing game - multiple guesses - video
Solution: number guessing game - n next game - video
Solution: number guessing game - s show - video
Solution: number guessing game - video
Solution: write report to file - video
Dancer2: Solution 2 - Random redirect
Dancer2: Solution 2 - Route-based Multi-Counter
Dancer2: Solution 3 - Simple Single-user TODO list AP
Dancer2: Solution: 1 - Calculator