Bash - shell scripting examples
While this site is primarily about Perl programming, a real Perl Maven needs to be familiar with a lot of other technologies. Not only Perl. This page is a collection of expressions in Bash, one of the most commonly used Unix/Linux shell language.
I am not a frequent Shell-script writer, but for example I needed this for the build script of DWIM Perl for Linux.
#!/bin/bash -e
See Writing robust shell scripts for an explanation about the -e.
if statements
Does this directory exist?
TEST_DIR=/opt/myperl if [ -d "$TEST_DIR" ]; then echo $TEST_DIR already exists. Exiting! exit fi
Does file exist?
PERL_SOURCE_ZIP_FILE=perl-5.18.1.tar.gz if [ ! -f "$PERL_SOURCE_ZIP_FILE" ]; then wget$PERL_SOURCE_ZIP_FILE fi
Is variable empty?
X=abc echo "$X" if [ "$X" == "" ]; then echo yes fi
or maybe even better to use the -z operator:
X=abc echo "$X" if [ -z "$X" ]; then echo yes fi
Command line arguments
if [ $# == 0 ]; then echo "empty" else for x in "$@"; do echo "$x" done fi
(Remember to put " around the $@ or it will incorrectly handle command-line parameters with spaces in them, like "Perl Maven")
See other comparison operators.
for loop
for tool in gcc make cmake; do echo "Checking $tool" done
Conditionally install packages on CentOS
for tool in gcc make cmake; do echo "Checking $tool" $tool --version || { echo "Installing $tool" yes | yum install $tool || { echo "Could not install $tool"; exit 1; } } done
Assign values to a variable from external code
Avoid backticks!
$() does the same is better readable and can be stacked.
cwd=$(pwd) $( $(which test) -d $DIRECTORY)
It was also recommended to use [[ ]] instead of [ ], but I am not yet sure why.
Also always double quote your variables, always (unless you have a good reason not to - which requires you to know the reason. if you don't, quote your variables.) And using lowercase or camel case variable names avoids accidental overriding of environment variables.
the article was updated based on the comments of Edward Macke, Dirk Deimeke, Norbert Varzariu, Adam Outler

Published on 2013-12-19