Skip tests if prerequisites are not installed
When writing test for a CPAN module we use various modules that are not required for the actual use of the module. Some of these modules include the standard and almost always used Test::More, testing modules such as Test::Deep that are not standard but frequently used.
Then there can be modules such as DBD::mysql to test an application using MySQL if it is available and some specialized testing modules, for tests that probably only the developer should run.
The first two will be mentioned in the Makefile.PL under the BUILD_REQUIRES or TEST_REQUIRES section and will be pulled in for the time of testing.
The other two might be only mentioned in the test scripts. How can we skip a whole test file if a required module is not available?
Author tests and/or optional test
There are several modules that don't test the usability of the module, but the overall healthiness of the modules and the distribution as a whole. For example making sure that each function has documentation, or that each module has a version number. It is usually not very important to run these tests on the machine where the module will be used, but nevertheless they are important for the author or for people who want to contribute to the module.
Let's see a few of them, and how to use them:
Test::Pod checks the validity of a POD files, or POD embedded in perl scripts and modules.
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; eval "use Test::Pod 1.48"; plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.48 required for testing POD" if $@; all_pod_files_ok();
Test::Pod::Coverage checks if every function in every module has some documentation in POD.
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.10"; plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Coverage 1.10 required for testing POD coverage" if $@; all_pod_coverage_ok();
Test::DistManifest and Test::CheckManifest
Test::DistManifest and Test::CheckManifest are two alternative ways to check if the MANIFEST file in the distribution matches the files that are on the disk after extraction or before creating the distribution.
Test::DistManifest can be used this way:
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; eval 'use Test::DistManifest 1.012'; plan skip_all => 'Test::DistManifest 1.012 required to test MANIFEST' if $@; manifest_ok();
Test::CheckManifest can be used this way:
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; eval 'use Test::CheckManifest 1.28'; plan skip_all => 'Test::CheckManifest 1.28 required to test MANIFEST' if $@; ok_manifest();
Test::Version checks to see that the version numbers in the modules are sane. To some value of "sane". It checks if every .pm file has a version number and if every such version number is in the form of 1.23 or v1.2.3 though there is also a lax version of this criteria allowing version numbers such as 1.23_45.
It will also check if the version number in each one of the modules in a distribution is the same.
Using it is a bit more involved than using the previous modules as one needs to provide a few parameters to the use statement and then done_testing needs to be called.
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; eval q{use Test::Version 1.004000 qw( version_all_ok ), { is_strict => 1, has_version => 1, consistent => 1, }; }; plan skip_all => "Test::Version 1.004000 required for testing version numbers" if $@; version_all_ok(); done_testing;
Test::Code::TidyAll checks if the code has been reformatted according to the rules of Perl::Tidy as defined in the .perltidyrc and .tidyallrc files.
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; eval 'use Test::Code::TidyAll 0.20'; plan skip_all => "Test::Code::TidyAll 0.20 required to check if the code is clean." if $@; tidyall_ok();
Test::Perl::Critic will check all the perl files in the distribution according to the Perl::Critic ruleset defined in the .perlcriticrc file in the distribution.
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; eval 'use Test::Perl::Critic 1.02'; plan skip_all => 'Test::Perl::Critic 1.02 required' if $@; all_critic_ok();
Travis-CI and optional tests
I am sure there are plenty of other modules that will check some of the files of a distribution, that you won't necessarily want to run during every installation of the module.
On the other hand, if you are using GitHub and Travis-CI as described by Neil Bowers, you might want to ensure that these modules are installed on the Travis-CI server.
You can accomplish that using the following Travis-CI configuration file:
For example, in order to ensure we have Test::Version installed, before actually trying to run the tests of our module, we can add a before_install entry to the .travis.yml file of our project:
branches: except: - gh-pages language: perl perl: - "5.20" - "5.18" - "5.16" - "5.14" - "5.12" - "5.10" before_install: - cpanm --notest Test::Version
Alternatively we could install the version supplied by the OS vendor using
before_install: - sudo apt-get install -qq libtest-version-perl
but currently Travis-CI is using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS which does not distribute Test::Version, and even for modules where the OS vendor distributes the module, they are usually older versions of the module. So you might be better off sticking to the installation using cpanm.
A Caleb Cushing (author of Test::Version mentioned above) also suggested in his comment, this might not be the best solution for skipping the tests.
He also referred us to the Lancaster Consensus that
was discussed at the QA Hackathon in 2013.
One problem is that if I, as the author of the module under test, forget to install the specific test-related module, then the test will be skipped,
almost silently and I won't notice if I broke some of the requirements I've set to myself.
Dist::Zilla provides some nice facilities to allow the author to configure in the dist.ini file certain standard test,
and then Dist::Zilla will generate appropriate test files in the xt/ directory of the release and run these test during the release process.
Dist::Zilla will also set both the AUTHOR_TESTING and RELEASE_TESTING environment variables to true which can
be used in other test script to run certain test only during the release process.

Published on 2015-01-19