Storing Password in an easy and secure way using Perl
In a system where users need to authenticate with a password, we need some way to validate if the user has typed in the correct password. For this we need to keep a copy of the password on our system. Keeping it in clear-text form would be a security issue as anyone who might get a copy of this storage would know what is the password for each user. Even if the production machine is well protected, someone might break in to a testing machine, or might find a copy of the database backup.
So we need to encrypt the clear-text password and save the encrypted version.
Before going on with the explanation, let's see the recommended solution:
use Crypt::PBKDF2; my $pbkdf2 = Crypt::PBKDF2->new( hash_class => 'HMACSHA2', hash_args => { sha_size => 512, }, iterations => 10000, salt_len => 10, ); my $password = "s3kr1t_password"; my $hash = $pbkdf2->generate($password);
Encrypt the password
use Crypt::PBKDF2; my $pbkdf2 = Crypt::PBKDF2->new; my $password = "s3kr1t_password"; my $hash = $pbkdf2->generate($password);
The $password is received from the user and after computing it, we store the $hash in the database, along with the user identifier (e.g. username).
The hash will look like this string: {X-PBKDF2}HMACSHA1:AAAD6A:SEvDOw==:1rmVDmR6OgwPEYV5CiwUeYnd+OE=
Check the password
use Crypt::PBKDF2; my $password = "s3kr1t_password"; my $hash = '{X-PBKDF2}HMACSHA1:AAAD6A:SEvDOw==:1rmVDmR6OgwPEYV5CiwUeYnd+OE='; my $pbkdf2 = Crypt::PBKDF2->new; if ($pbkdf2->validate($hash, $password)) { print "valid password\n"; ... }
The user will supply the $password and the user identifier (probably a username). The $hash will be fetched from the database using the username. validate will compute the hash again from the $password and compare it with the $hash. You might ask why do we need a separate method for this and you'll find the explanation below.
Encrypt the password with improvements
Later in the article this will be explained, but let's have an improved version of the code here, that provides a lot stronger encryption than the default:
use Crypt::PBKDF2; my $pbkdf2 = Crypt::PBKDF2->new( hash_class => 'HMACSHA2', hash_args => { sha_size => 512, }, salt_len => 10, ); my $password = "s3kr1t_password"; my $hash = $pbkdf2->generate($password);
Theory and Explanation
The encryption employed should be some kind of an algorithm that makes it easy to convert the clear-text password to an encoded version, but makes it impossible, or at least unreasonably difficult to convert the encoded version back to clear-text, or to find another string that converts to the same encrypted version.
In the above sentence, the impossible refers to the assumption that mathematicians so far could not find a fault in the algorithm.
The unreasonably difficult means that a potential attacker would need many years and many very powerful computer to compute all encrypted version of all the possible clear-text strings. So unless the attackers are lucky they won't find the real password for some time.
Having such protection for a few centuries sounds like reasonable protection.
Hashing or encryption
While the word encryption is often used in this context and it is also used in this article, an encryption usually means that there is also a reverse method called decryption. In our case there is no decryption so the proper name is either one-way-encryption or hashing
Hashing algorithms
Perl provides the crypt function that can be used as such hashing function, but the algorithm behind it is relatively simple and there are newer better such hashing functions.
Digest::MD5 implements the well know MD5 algorithm.
Digest::SHA implements the SHA algorithm with various complexity. The higher the number the more secure the algorithm.
There are other algorithms as well, but instead of changing the algorithm there are other techniques as well that help improving the security. Key stretching (or key strengthening) usually refers to two techniques:
One of them is to make the clear-text password longer by adding some random characters. This is usually referred to as salting.
The other technique is to call the encryption function repeatedly.
Both strategies make it more computational intensive to generate hashed strings from possible passwords reducing the possibility of a brute force attack or the creation of a rainbow table.
One can implement these techniques with either of the above hashing algorithms (the built-in crypt function even accepts a parameter called salt, but using Crypt::PBKDF2 make it unnecessary.
By default the generate method of the module will use a random 4-bytes long salt and will encode the salt and the password 1000 times. By default it will use the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm implemented in Digest::SHA.
That means, using Crypt::PBKDF2 is a lot less vulnerable than plain SHA1.
While the above defaults work well, you can set your own values in the constructor as shown in the synopsis of the module:
use Crypt::PBKDF2; my $pbkdf2 = Crypt::PBKDF2->new( hash_class => 'HMACSHA1', # this is the default iterations => 1000, # so is this output_len => 20, # and this salt_len => 4, # and this. );
The module even limits the length of the output to make it easy to insert the data in a database with max-width fields.
Improve security
Actually, would be more secure to use SHA256 instead of SHA1 as a default there. Luckily Crypt::PBKDF2 already comes with back-end that can use other than SHA1. The Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash::HMACSHA2 hash class can handle SHA 224, 256, 384, and 512. It defaults to 256. All you need to do is tell the constructor to use HMACSHA2 as the hash_class:
use Crypt::PBKDF2; my $pbkdf2 = Crypt::PBKDF2->new( hash_class => 'HMACSHA2', );
If you want to go all the way to SHA 512 you need to pass a parameter to the constructor of HMACSHA2 using the hash_args key:
use Crypt::PBKDF2; my $pbkdf2 = Crypt::PBKDF2->new( hash_class => 'HMACSHA2', hash_args => { sha_size => 512, }, );
Finally you might want to add more salt:
use Crypt::PBKDF2; my $pbkdf2 = Crypt::PBKDF2->new( hash_class => 'HMACSHA2', hash_args => { sha_size => 512, }, iterations => 10000, salt_len => 10, );
The basic implementation
Let's see how, more or less, the generate method of Crypt::PBKDF2 is implemented:
Simple hashing would look like this:
sub generate { my ($self, $password) = @_; return hashing($password); }
Salted hashing first, and incorrect attempt:
sub generate { my ($self, $password) = @_; my $salt = $self->generate_salt(); # returns a 4 character long string return hashing( "$salt$password" ); }
but it has a big problem. How can we validate the password? If we call generate again on the same password it will generate a different random salt and the result will be different. So the code looks more like this:
sub generate { my ($self, $password) = @_; my $salt = $self->generate_salt(); # returns a 4 character long string return $salt . hashing( "$salt$password" ); }
Then we know that the first 4 characters of the string returned by generate is the salt so we can write a validate method that will look like this:
sub validate { my ($self, $password, $hash) = @_; my $salt = substr($hash, 0, 4); my $generated = $self->generate($password, $salt); return $hash eq $generated; }
For this to work we will of course need to alter the generate method a bit, to accept an optional salt:
sub generate { my ($self, $password, $salt) = @_; $salt //= $self->generate_salt(); # returns a 4 character long string return $salt . hashing( "$salt$password" ); }
Now we already have a pair of working generate and validate methods.
Salted hashing with iterations would work like this:
sub generate { my ($self, $password, $salt, $iteration) = @_; $salt //= $self->generate_salt(); $iterations //= $self->iterations; for (1 .. $iterations) { $password = hashing( "$salt$password" ); } return $salt . ':' . $iterations . ':' . $password; }
In this case the generate method needs to return both the salt and the number of iterations, but as the number of iterations can be any number, it is better to use a character to separate these field than to assume a fixed length. This also allows us to use longer strings for salt.
The validate function in this case looks like this:
sub validate { my ($self, $password, $hash) = @_; my ($salt, $iterations) = split /:/, $hash; my $generated = $self->generate($password, $salt, $iterations); return $hash eq $generated; }
Finally we might want to be able to change the actual hashing algorithm and then we have to ensure that the string returned from generate will contain this information so that the validate method will know what to use during validation.
The name of the method can be attached to the beginning of the string returned by generate.
As a really, really last step, we might want to ensure that we can later change the format of the string returned by the generate method so we would like to add a field that identifies this method.
In case of Crypt::PBKDF2 the format looks like this:
which is called the ldap-like format.
In the curly braces we have the identifier of the string format. (X-PBKDF2)
Immediately after that is the identifier of the hashing algorithm. (HMACSHA1)
The next field, separated by a :, is the number of iterations encoded with MIME::Base64.
Then the salt and finally the actual hash.
Longer is better
While we have been educated to use short passwords with all kinds of strange characters, actually having long passwords is more important than having cryptic passwords.
So in general it is a good idea to encourage the users to use long passwords.
Denial of Service attack
One thing to note. If the application allows arbitrary length passwords it can create a denial of service attack by overloading the server. This problem was recently reported and fixed in Django.
So while users should be encouraged to use long password, the accepted password length should be also limited.
Some reference
For extra flexibility it might be worth to look at the password management in Django.
In addition, Sebastian Willing has a good explanation of why slower is better.
You might also want to read this post, take a look at Crypt::Argon2. See also Argon2. I have not checked it myself.
but if you get the string from a server, can't one just run it through their own perl encrypt program, reverse engineer it and get the password?
no, they can't
Any idea what to do with: Can't locate object method "get_or_add_package_symbol" via package "Package::Stash" at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/Class/MOP/ line 128.
I have all the perl mods installed and up to date.
I don't see that method being called in the latest version I think you need to print the version numbers of the loaded modules using Dumper \%INC , the version of perl and the code snippet you are trying to use. Post all that in Stack overflow.

Published on 2013-11-09