String-eval in Perl
The eval keyword in Perl has two very different meanings depending on the syntax around it. If it is followed by a block as in
eval { ... }
then it is plain exception handling, which is usually called try in other languages. That is the "nice eval".
In this article we are going to discuss the evil eval. The one where the eval keywords is followed by a string as in this expression:
eval "...";
String eval
The common term used for this expression is string-eval, though some people call it evil eval.
It is extremely powerful, and with that great power comes a great risk.
In a nutshell string-eval allows us to compile and execute arbitrary code loaded while our program is already running.
It can be quite useful in postponing loading of modules. It can help us if we would like to load a module whose name is constructed while the program is running. It can also open up our system to major attacks.
Compile- and run-time
Normally all the code in your Perl file is first compiled by Perl resulting in an internal data structure that describes what needs to be executed. Once the compilation has finished the interpreter part of Perl takes over and executes (interprets) the already compiled code.
String-eval allows use to pause the execution (or run-time) phase, ask the compiler to compile some more code, then execute that code, and then go back where the main code was paused and keep running from there.
Calculator with eval
This is a simple implementation of the calculator exercise a very simple use of the string-eval.
use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; print "First number: "; my $x = <STDIN>; print "Second number: "; my $y = <STDIN>; print "Operator [+-*/]: "; my $op = <STDIN>; my $z = eval "$x $op $y"; say $z;
The user is expected to input two numbers followed by an operator (+-*/) and then the script calculates the results.
It calculates the result by creating a small perl expression including the two numbers and the operator between them and the eval-ing it.
While this is just a simple expression, this illustrates the point. Perl can take any arbitrary Perl snippet, even if it is itself a 10,000-line long program, compile it and run it even if that snippet was not available when the program started to run.
Delayed loading of module
One of the most valuable use-case of the string-eval is delaying the loading of modules. Take for example the case of a large application such as an IDE written in Perl. It has tons of features but any user will only use a subset of the features. If we load everything every time a user launches the IDE, it will waste a lot of memory for unused features and it will take a long time to load.
Instead of that, with some additional code, we can delay the loading of most of the code and only load the module implementing a feature when it is really needed.
Another case is when you write an application that needs to run on multiple operating systems. You might have a module called App::Win32 that implements the Windows specific code, an App::Linux for the Linux specific code and App::OSX to run on Apple OSX.
In this case you might not be able to load all the modules, heck, you might not be able to install the modules except on the designated operating systems.
For that case you can write code like this:
use strict; use warnings; my %module = ( 'darwin' => 'App::OSX', 'linux' => 'App::Linux', 'Win32' => 'App::Win32', ); if ($module{ $^O }) { eval 'use ' . $module{ $^O }; }
Evil eval
So why did I call it evil eval?
What if the user who provide the input to the calculator above, instead of typing in 2 numbers and an operator, types in the following:
system 'rm -rf /'
The perl script will happily eval it, meaning it will try to remove all the files from your hard disk and if you have other disk mounted then from there too. Not something you'll like.
With very strong input validation you can of course avoid such problems, but if there is a bug in the input validation ....
String-eval is very powerful and its use should be minimal and should be preceded by strong input validation.
Module::Runtime is a safer alternative for delayed loading of modules that does not use string-eval.

Published on 2017-11-05