Supporting Perl Creators via Patreon, GitHub, and more
Creating open source code, documentation, books, videos is a lot of fun, but the creators still need to put food on the table. Some have full time jobs and do the public creation in their free time, others use time that otherwise would be sold as consulting hours.
In either case people appreciate when they have financial supporters.
This is the list of all the Perl-related authors and creators who are open to receive financial support for their contributions to the Perl Ecosystem.
Decide on some monthly budget you are willing to allocate to improve the Perl world (e.g. 10-20-30 USD/month) and then decide how do you split it up among the recipients.
In abc order:
- Alexander Karelas, the creator and maintainer of RxPerl, the Reactive Extensions library for Perl. CPAN::KARJALA
- brian d foy author of many Perl books including the Effective Perl and many Perl modules. CPAN::BDFOY.
- Chad 'Exodist' Granum who maintains several perl modules such as Test-Simple, Test2, or yath) CPAN::EXODIST
- Dave Cross (davorg) Perl Hacks CPAN::DAVECROSS
- Ferenc Erki who maintains and supports Rex and tons of other things. CPAN::FERKI
- Gabor Szabo, author of the Perl Maven site, author of the Code Maven site, chief editor of the Perl Weekly newsletter, small-time YouTuber. CPAN::SZABGAB. Yours truly. Instead of donations you might also consider buying his courses or his books. Also via GitHub.
- Jeffrey Kegler author of Marpa. See also the Marpa web site CPAN::KEGLER
- Lester Hightower CPAN::HIGHTOWE
- Mohammad S Anwar, creator of The Weekly Challenge, creator of the Live Coding videos on YouTube, editor of the Perl Weekly newsletter CPAN::MANWAR
- Toby Inkster CPAN::TOBYINK
- Will 'the Chill' Braswell creator of RPerl. CPAN::WBRASWELL
What is Patreon?
Patreon is a service where you can give a monthly donation to your favorite creator. Donations can be as low as $1 / month.
What is GitHub Sponsors?
GitHub Sponsors is a way that allows you to support Open Source developers. (It isn't available in every country yet.)

Published on 2020-09-27