There is no case/switch statement on Perl. Use if/elsif/elsif/...

One of the complaints about Perl was always that it lacks a real case or switch statement. While you could always fake one, people were not satisfied. Even though Python does not have one either...

In any case, in Perl version 5.10 the given statement was added and then in version 5.18 is was marked as experimental and started to emit warnings.

The article below was added mostly to replace an older version of the same article and to include the recommendation:

Please, don't use the given statement until the experimental flag is removed.

So in accordance with the Perl 6 design perl will NOT have a case or switch. It will have a given keyword. It will also behave differently than the usual case. It will do The Right Thing (tm).

The syntax is quite simple:

use 5.010;

given($value) {
    when(3) { say "Three"; }
    when(7) { say "Seven"; }
    when(9) { say "Nine"; }
    default { say "None of the expected values"; }

We are taking the value in $value and comparing it to the values within the when() statements. When we find one that matches, the block after the when() is executed AND the given statement is terminated. That is, no more when() is checked.

If non of the when() cases fit then the (optional) default {} block is executed.

Let's see another example:

use 5.010;

given($value) {
    when(/^\d+$/)            { say "digits only"; }
    when(/^\w+$/)            { say "Word characters"; }
    when(/^[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$/) { say "Domain namish"; }
    default { say "None of the expected"; }

It is very similar but now we have regular expressions instead of fixed values in the when() statement. Each regex on its turned is tried against the value. When one of them matches its block is executed and the given() statement is terminated.

Yes, what you are suspecting is right. The when() statements are actually applying ~~, the smart match operator.

I have already written about it earlier in Smart Matching in Perl 5.10. So you can use any kind of value in the when() statement. A number will check numeric equality using ==, a string will use eq, a regex will try to match the given value and if you supply a subroutine reference then Perl will call that subroutine using the given value as a parameter and check the true-ness of the return value.

See this example:

use 5.010;

given($value) {
    when(10) {
        say "Number 10";
    when([11, 23, 48]) {
        say "In the list";
    when(/^\d+$/) {
        say "digits only";
    when(\&is_number) {
        say "Is number";
    default {
        say "None of the above";

sub is_number {
    return $_[0] =~ /\d/ and $_[0] =~ /^[+-]?\d*\.\d*$/;

There are few more minor issues:

Perl will automatically break out from the given() statement after the execution of block. If you would like to force checking the additional when() statements use the continue keyword.

On the other hand if you would like to break out from a given() statement before reaching the end of the when() block, you can use the break statement yourself.

The given() actually assigns the $value to $_ so you can use that as well to write when clauses such as this:

when($_ < 18) { say "Less than 18"; }

when() can be used outside the given() block as well.

For further details see the documentation of the Switch statements.