Tenjin templating system
The Tenjin templating system allows you to embed Perl code in your HTML templates.
Here is a sample template and a sample script:
The template:
<h1>[== $title ==]</h1> [== join(" ", @$planets) =] <ul> <?pl for my $planet (@$planets) { ?> <li>[== $planet ==]</li> <?pl } ?> </ul> [= time =]
The code to fill it:
use strict; use warnings; use Tenjin; $Tenjin::USE_STRICT = 1; my $tenjin = Tenjin->new({ path => ['templates'] }); print $tenjin->render('simple.html', { title => 'This is the title', planets => ['Earth', 'Mars', 'Jupiter'], })
The resulting output:
<h1>This is the title</h1> Earth Mars Jupiter <ul> <li>Earth</li> <li>Mars</li> <li>Jupiter</li> </ul> 1617688660

Published on 2021-04-06
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