Understanding regular expressions
The other day one of the readers of the Perl Maven tutorial asked me about regular expressions.
She asked if the regular expressions work on words or on strings.
This made me think about this a bit.
Regular expressions per character
In general, regular expressions work per character so
- z matches one single 'z' character
- . (the dot) matches one single character - any character except newline
- [abc] (a character class) matches one single character, a or b or c
- \s matches a single "white space" character
- \p{...} matches a single character in the appropriate Unicode character class
- etc.
*, +, ? and {} are quantifiers that tell how many times the character that is on the left hand site can match:
- z* means 0 or more 'z' characters
- z+ means 1 or more 'z' characters
- z? means 0 or 1 'z' character.
- z{2, 4} means 2, 3 or 4 'z' characters.
- [abc]+ means matching a, b or c one or more times.
Then we can have sub-expressins enclosed in parentheses, and we can apply quantifiers to these subexpressions. So we can have a subexpression like #\d{2,4}-\d{4,7}\s+ and if we would like to have more of these matching one after the other, we can enclose it in () parentheses and put a quantifier (e.g. {3,}) after it: (#\d{2,4}-\d{4,7}\s+){3,} That quantifier will be applied to the whole subexpression, meaning that subexpression has to match 3 or more times.
This seems to match "words" or "strings", but in reality those "words" or "strings" are matched on the individual character level.
Regex cheat sheet
There are a number of articles about regexes you might want to read. The central one might be the regex cheat sheet that has links to all the other articles.
i don't understand meaning of [^a-z0-9]*[ \t\n\r][^a-z0-9]* .
--- What do you understand from this?

Published on 2016-01-23