Using the built-in debugger of Perl as REPL
This screencast is showing how to use the command line debugger of perl to explore Perl.
As you might know you can run perl code on the command line without even creating a script using the -e flag:
$ perl -e "print 42"
The same way you can also run the a code that consists of the number 1 only, that of course won't do anything:
$ perl -e 1
Except that we could include the -d flag and that would run that code in the debugger
$ perl -d -e 1
Because we can combine some of the command line flags, we can also write this:
$ perl -de1
We can print a number using ther perl function print. We can assign a value to a scalar variable.
(There is no need to declare the variables using my.) We can then print the content of the variable
using the print function of Perl.
If we are lazy, and we should be lazy, we can use the p command of the debugger which just does the same
as the print function of perl.
We can also assign values to an array such as @names. If we print it out using print,
or for that matter using the p command of the debugger, the values will be smashed together
and we won't see the separate values. Not very useful.
We can put the array in double quotes "@names" which will get the print function to
include spaces between the values, but we still won't know if the array had 3 values, or one value with 2 spaces
in it. A much better way to display an array is the x operator of the debugger which is quite similar
to Data::Dumper. It also expects a reference to an array,
hence we added the backslash in-front of the array.
We can also create a hash, and we can use the x operator on the reference to that hash,
to print it out:
We can also execute any Perl statement. For example we can use the push function on the
array appending a new element to it and then we can check the content of the array again:
We can also load modules with use and the we can call the functions imported by the module.
We can also load the File::Basename module.
Using the b command of the debugger, we can set a breakpoint at the
entrance of any function which is already in memory. Even if it is in a Perl
module written by someone else.
After setting the breakpoint if we run the function again, it will stop just when we enter the function.
Then we can look around. For example we can use the l command to list
the next few lines of the source code
We can also list any section of the code by supplying the line numbers:
Finally, for this screencasts, we can quite the debugger using q:
DB<1> print 42
DB<2> $x = 42
DB<3> print $x
DB<4> p $x
DB<5> @names = qw(Foo Bar Baz)
DB<6> print @names
DB<7> print "@names"
Foo Bar Baz
DB<8> x \@names
0 ARRAY(0x1a41c68)
0 'Foo'
1 'Bar'
2 'Baz'
DB<9> %h = (fname => 'Foo', lname => 'Bar')
DB<10> x \%h
0 HASH(0x1a41d70)
'fname' => 'Foo'
'lname' => 'Bar'
DB<11> push @names, 'Moose'
DB<12> x \@names
0 ARRAY(0x1a41c68)
0 'Foo'
1 'Bar'
2 'Baz'
3 'Moose'
DB<13> use Cwd
DB<14> cwd
DB<15> p cwd
DB<16> use File::Basename
DB<17> p basename(cwd)
DB<18> b File::Basename::basename
DB<19> p basename(cwd)
215: my($path) = shift;
DB<<20>> l
215==>b my($path) = shift;
217 # From BSD basename(1)
218 # The basename utility deletes any prefix ending with the last slash '/'
219 # character present in string (after first stripping trailing slashes)
220: _strip_trailing_sep($path);
222: my($basename, $dirname, $suffix) = fileparse( $path, map("\Q$_\E",@_) );
224 # From BSD basename(1)
DB<<20>> l 200-220
214 sub basename {
215==>b my($path) = shift;
217 # From BSD basename(1)
218 # The basename utility deletes any prefix ending with the last slash '/'
219 # character present in string (after first stripping trailing slashes)
220: _strip_trailing_sep($path);
DB<<21>> q
The debugger commands

Published on 2015-02-10