Variable "..." will not stay shared ...
When using fork to create child processes it is a good idea to encapsulate the behavior of both the child process and the parent process in (separate) functions.
Perl allows you to define functions inside functions and those internal function will inherit the variables defined in the external function. That can be good solution in some cases, but when forking one has to remember that the inherited variables will be copied over to the child-process and will be separated from the original variable. Updating in one process will not be reflected in the other process.
If someone creates such variable Perl will warn that the variable will not stay shared.
Fork with inherited variables
In this example we see the child_process and the parent_process are defined inside the main function. They both inherit the $child_pid and one might assume - incorrectly - that it is the same variable in both processes.
use strict; use warnings; main(); sub main { my $child_pid = fork; die "Failed to fork. $!" if not defined $child_pid; if (not $child_pid) { child_process(); } else { parent_process(); } sub child_process { print "This is the child process.\n"; print "PID of the child process itself: $$\n"; print "PID received in child: $child_pid\n"; print "This is the child process.\n"; print "....................................\n"; } sub parent_process { my $finished = wait(); print "\$finished is now $finished\n"; print "This is in the parent process.\n"; print "PID of the parent process that spawned the child: $$\n"; print "PID of child seen from parent: $child_pid\n"; print "....................................\n"; } }
Running this code will warn that they are not the same:
$ perl examples/ Variable "$child_pid" will not stay shared at examples/ line 19. Variable "$child_pid" will not stay shared at examples/ line 29. This is the child process. PID of the child process itself: 48517 PID received in child: 0 This is the child process. .................................... $finished is now 48517 This is in the parent process. PID of the parent process that spawned the child: 48516 PID of child seen from parent: 48517
One way to see that they are really separate variables is to assign a value to the $child_pid variable in one of the functions and add a sleep to the other function so the other function will print the content of $child_pid after the assignment. You'll see that the assignment in one function does not have any impact on the variable in the other function. They are not shared.
Passing variables to functions
A better solution would be to define the functions outside the main function. That alone won't work as now the $child_pid won't exist in the functions. You'll have to pass it as a parameter to each one of the functions. That will silence the warning of Perl and hopefully will make it clear that the variables were separated.
use strict; use warnings; main(); sub main { my $child_pid = fork; die "Failed to fork. $!" if not defined $child_pid; if (not $child_pid) { child_process($child_pid); } else { parent_process($child_pid); } } sub child_process { my ($child_pid) = @_; print "This is the child process.\n"; print "PID of the child process itself: $$\n"; print "PID received in child: $child_pid\n"; print "This is the child process.\n"; print "....................................\n"; exit(); } sub parent_process { my ($child_pid) = @_; my $finished = wait(); print "\$finished is now $finished\n"; print "This is in the parent process.\n"; print "PID of the parent process that spawned the child: $$\n"; print "PID of child seen from parent: $child_pid\n"; print "....................................\n"; }
The result is now clean:
$ perl examples/ This is the child process. PID of the child process itself: 48600 PID received in child: 0 This is the child process. .................................... $finished is now 48600 This is in the parent process. PID of the parent process that spawned the child: 48599 PID of child seen from parent: 48600 ....................................
Sharing variables
When using fork none of the variables will remain shared. For that you need to use threading which does not work too well in Perl.
There are ways to exchanged data between parent and child processes, but the most common way is to pass every value to the child process when it is created and then let the child send back data when it is done. Parallel::ForkManager implements this. See the the example on passing data back from forked process.

Published on 2021-12-20