Check several regexes on many strings
Once in a while I have to go through lines of a file that match 2, and sometimes even more regexes.
If there only two regexes: A and B, one might be tempted to combine the two something like this:
but that just create a regex that is much more complex that necessary and one that is also probably much slower.
The solution could be as simple as writing
while (my $line = <$fh>) { if ($line =~ /A/ and $line =~ /B/) { print $line; } }
But what happens if there are more than one regexes?
What if we have 5-10 regexes and we would like to filter the rows that match all of them?
First of all, we need to store these regexes somehow. Probably the best approach is to store them in an array as already compiled regex objects. That's what the qr operator will do for us.
my @regex = (qr/A/, qr/B/, qr/C/, qr/D/, qr/E/);
Once we have an array of regexes, we need to compare every line in the file with every regex. We could do it either way: We could go over each regex and for each regex go over every line, but that would mean we have to read in the file N times where N is the number of regexes. As IO is much slower than any operation in memory, it is probably better to do it the other way around: Iterate over the lines of the file, and for every line go over all the regexes.
while (my $line = <DATA>) { foreach my $r (@regexes) { if ($line =~ $r) { } } } __DATA__ Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularized in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
We also use the DATA built-in file-handle which allows us to treat the end of the script after the __DATA__ mark as a file and read it line-by line. There we put a few lines of text copied from Lorep ipsum web site. (In the coming examples, I'll skip the part after the __DATA__ mark, but in order to run the script, please add it back.)
The question remains, how can we indicate that every regex has matched?
Count the matching regexes
One way is to count the matching regexes and then compare the result to the total number of regexes. If they are equal, then the line should be printed:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my @regexes = (qr/Lorem/, qr/Ipsum/, qr/a/); while (my $line = <DATA>) { my $matched = 0; foreach my $r (@regexes) { if ($line =~ $r) { $matched++; } } if ($matched == scalar @regexes) { print $line; } } __DATA__
Running this script will print:
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
The 3 lines that match all 3 regexes.
This solution works, but there are other solutions that are more compact and faster.
Short-circuit with flag
We could short-circuit checking the regexes. After all there is no reason to go over all the regexes if we have already found one that does not match. If there is one that does not match, we already know the final answer will be no. For this to work, instead of counting the matches, we will leave the internal loop early using the last keyword if a regex fails. In this case we will need a way to indicated we left the loop early. For example we could have a flag called $failed that will be turned on when one of the regexes fail.
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my @regexes = (qr/Lorem/, qr/Ipsum/, qr/a/); while (my $line = <DATA>) { my $failed = 0; foreach my $r (@regexes) { if ($line !~ $r) { $failed = 1; last; } } if (not $failed) { print $line; } } __DATA__
The result is the same as earlier.
It looks quite obvious that this version will run faster than the previous one, especially if there are many regexes, but we might want to measure it using Benchmark. (Actually, in a real-life situation, if the lines are really read from an external file, then the speed improvement might not be measurable as the I/O-operation reading from the file might be a a factor of two bigger than any speed improvement. On the other hand, if the data comes from the memory, as in our example, then we will probably see the speed improvement.)
This second solution is then faster, but it has the same length of code. Besides, that $failed flag just feels a bit cumbersome. We could improve this script by using a label on the outer loop.
Short-circuit with label
We put the LINE: label in-front of the outer loop. This allows us to call next LINE in the inner-loop and thereby skipping all the code till the outer loop. Including the print statement. This we we don't need to manually keep track of the $failed status of the current line. If one of the regexes fail on the current line, we go to the "next LINE". If we have exhausted all the regexes and have not skipped to the "next LINE" yet, it means all the regexes have matched.
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my @regexes = (qr/Lorem/, qr/Ipsum/, qr/a/); LINE: while (my $line = <DATA>) { foreach my $r (@regexes) { if ($line !~ $r) { next LINE; } } print $line; } __DATA__
This solution should be similar to the previous one speed-wise, but it is shorter and more readable.
Actually, we might even use the statement-modifier syntax and write:
next LINE if $line !~ $r;
instead of
if ($line !~ $r) { next LINE; }
making the code even shorter and probably more readable.
This is the point where less experienced Perl programmers might say: "Hoho, slowly with that knife!". If most of the people are not experienced Perl developers, and if you don't want them to learn such syntax, then you might want to stick to the 3-line long, but more well-known syntax.
all from List::MoreUtils
The above code is still a bit too long and a bit too complex. Instead of that label-thingy, we could employ one of the special functions from List::MoreUtils. Specifically the all function. It will iterate over a list of value. In each iteration it will put the current value in $_ and execute the given block. The all function will return true if all the executions returned true. If at least one fails, it will return false. Exactly what we need.
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use List::MoreUtils qw(all); my @regexes = (qr/Lorem/, qr/Ipsum/, qr/a/); while (my $line = <DATA>) { if (all { $line =~ $_ } @regexes) { print $line; } } __DATA__
This solution is shorter, and for people who know how to read this kind of syntax it is also more readable. The only questions that remain are: How fast is it? Is all short-circuiting?
The answer to the second question is yes, all, is short-circuiting, but if you want to answer the speed-question you'll have to measure it yourself.

Published on 2014-09-02