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Check several regexes on many strings
Does the 'all' function of List::MoreUtils really short-circuit?
Finding all Plack Middleware or Perl::Critic Policies
Bumping version numbers in all the modules at once
Skip tests if prerequisites are not installed
The destructor called DESTROY
Download and install Perl
Upgrading perl on Linux or OSX - installing perl using perlbrew without being root
How to install Perl modules on FreeBSD
Enforce the same version numbers in all the Perl modules in a distribution
Stand-alone Ajax client and the Access-Control-Allow-Origin issue
Open file all - video
The easiest way to find the highest hash value without looping through all of them (max)
2015 CPAN Pull Request Challenge
Installing a Perl Module from CPAN on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX
List all the Perl modules and distributions in a name-space using Meta CPAN
Add test coverage reporting with Coveralls to Markua Parser in Perl
Get Coveralls to notify when test-coverage shrinks
Using Travis-CI and installing Geo::IP on Linux and OSX