Constructor and accessors in classic Perl OOP
We'll create a simple class representing a date. (Year, Month, Day).
We call our class "My::Date". It is usually recommended to put each class in its own file and to keep all the files
implementing modules or classes in the lib directory. As the :: separator is mapped to subdirectories, the
code of the My::Date class should be placed in the lib/My/ file of the project.
(aka "best practices")
The code of the script using it should go in the
package My::Date;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
return bless \%args, $class;
use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use File::Spec; use lib File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin, '..', 'lib'); use My::Date; my $d = My::Date->new(year => 2013, month => 1, day => 27); say $d;
The directory of the project looks like this:
$ tree . ├── bin │ └── └── lib └── My └──
First the basic boiler-plate of use strict, and use warnings and the declaration of the minimal Perl version. (The only reason this code requires 5.10 is so that I can use the say function. Otherwise 5.6 could be used as well.)
Then we change @INC to a directory relative to the script, and we load the My::Date module that contains our class definition.
A class in Perl is just a module with slightly different behavior.
Then we called the constructor (the new method) and printed the content of the returned value.
So far the usage was simple. The class definition itself starts with the package keyword that declares a new name-space. The 1; at the end of the file is not very interesting. There needs to be a true value there.
The interesting part is the new method. While we could call our constructor any name, the accepted best practice is to use the name new. When the user calls My::Date->new() perl will call the new function in the My::Date package passing the name of the class "My::Date" as the first parameter. Before all the parameters the user passed to the constructor.
Hence $class will hold "My::Date" and %args will capture all the key-value pairs passed to the constructor.
The call to bless associates the hash-reference to %args with the name-space passed in the $class variable and returns the already blessed reference. This is returned to the caller. This is the object. (Or instance.)
When the user printed $d, she printed this blessed reference. That's why the output contains My::Date= in addition to the address of the hash reference.
In all this code no attributes were mentioned. The keys passed to the constructor will be kept as keys in the blessed hash-reference. These are the attributes of the object. Perl, in this classic way of Object Oriented code does not provide any mechanism to check if all the required attributes were passed. If the values of the attributes were valid, or if there were additional attributes. There are tools to implement these, but for now we accept the classic behavior that will turn every key-value pair into attributes.
Accessors: Getters, setters
Having a constructor create an object is great, turning every parameter into an attribute without any check is lazy, but we would like to be able to retrieve and maybe even to change the content of the attributes.
For this, in classic Perl, we have to implement our getters and setters:
This code, as part of the file implements the getters/setters for the 3 attributes we plan to handle:
sub year { my ($self, $value) = @_; if (@_ == 2) { $self->{year} = $value; } return $self->{year}; } sub month { if (@_ == 2) { $_[0]->{month} = $_[1]; } return $_[0]->{month}; } sub day { return $_[0]->{day} = @_ == 2 ? $_[1] : $_[0]->{day}; }
When the user calls $d->year(1001) perl first checks what is in $d. In our case there is a reference blessed into the My::Date namespace. Therefor, perl will look for the year function in the My::Date package. If not found it will throw an exception:
Can't locate object method "year" via package "My::Date" at bin/ line 28
If it finds the function, it will call it passing $d as the first parameter, before any parameters passed by the user. In our case $d will arrive in the variable $self, and 1001 will arrive in $value.
The name $self is not reserved, but most Perl programmers will use this name to contain the current instance. (This is similar to "self" in Python and "this" in Java.)
As the object, hold in $self is a reference to a hash, and the attributes are just keys in this hash, we can access the "year" attribute using $self->{year}. Because in this example we wanted to use the same function (year) to be both the setter and the getter, we need to first check if the user has passes 2 arguments - meaning the user want to set the attribute. In that case we assign the $value to the $self->{year} attribute.
In any we return the content of $self->{year}. That is, this accessor will always return the content of the attribute, but if it gets two parameters it will first set it to this new value.
The other two functions, month and day do exactly the same, they just don't use temporary variables.
This code will use the new accessors:
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use FindBin; use File::Spec; use lib File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin, '..', 'lib'); use My::Date; my $d = My::Date->new(year => 2013, month => 1, day => 27); say $d; say $d->year; say $d->month; say $d->day; say ''; say $d->year(1001); say $d->year; say ''; say $d->month(12); say $d->month; say ''; say $d->day(9); say $d->day;

Published on 2014-01-29