DBI - Database Independent Interface for Perl
Many people, instead of directly using DBI, would opt to to use one of the ORMs (Object Relation Mapping) available for Perl. The most popular being DBIx::Class (a.k.a. DBIC) that wraps DBI.
Simple database access using Perl DBI and SQL
Database Drivers (DBDs)
- For Oracle use DBD::Oracle.
- For Microsoft SQL Server you can use either DBD::ODBC or DBD::ADO.
- For MySQL and MariaDB use DBD::mysql.
- For IBM DB2 use DBD::DB2.
- For IBM Informix use DBD::Informix.
- For SAP Sybase use DBD::Sybase.
- For PostgreSQL use DBD::Pg.
- For SQLite use DBD::SQLite.
- For Teradata you have two choices: DBD::Teradata is the older. It has a version off CPAN, but it is uncler to me if it is being maintained now. Teradata::SQL is less comprehensive and it does not work with DBI. It has a different API. The author of the latter seems to be much more responsive.
- For Daegis Inc, what was formerly called the Unify database use DBD::Unify.
- For Neo4j graph database you can use REST::Neo4p that allows for the execution of Neo4j Cypher language queries, or DBD::Neo4p which is a DBI-compliant wrapper around that module.
Generic Database Drivers (DBDs)
- DBD::ADO for Microsoft ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) (There is also a Win32::ADO module but that's not recommended.)
- DBD::ODBC to connect to any database via ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
- Win32::ODBC solely exist for backwards compatibility. It started life in 1996 when DBD::ODBC didn't exist yet, and Perl on Windows was still a fork that couldn't build CPAN modules (it didn't even support MakeMaker). Use DBD::ODBC instead.
Special Database Drivers
There are all kinds of other Database Drivers that can be used to make data look like they are in a Relational Database.
- DBD::PO for PO (Portable Object) files used by gettext for internationalization and localization (i18n)
- DBD::CSV allows us to access CSV files. For example Calculating bank balance using DBD::CSV
- DBD::DBM for DBM and MLDBM files.
- DBD::Mock is a database driver for testing
- DBD::iPod connects DBI to an iPod
- DBD::Google to treat Google as relational database.
- DBD::Sys treat System tables as a relational database.
Not Database Drivers
There are some module in the DBD::* namespace that are not Database drivers.
- DBD::Log is a logging mechanism for DBI
Wrappers around DBI
- DBIx::Class (a.k.a. DBIC)
- Pcore::DBD works on top of the Pcore application framework.
It provides general API for:
- Connections cache for use with forks and threads.
- Query builder with support of particular db server specific syntax.
- Schema management (apply / revert changesets).
- More handy functions for fetching data (from my point of view).
See also the comprehensive list of all the DBD modules.
Other database related articles

Published on 2015-09-20