Calculating bank balance, take two: DBD::CSV
This is a guest post by Darin McBride who is a Software Developer in the IBM Canada Lab and the author of several Perl modules on CPAN. A father of three, he is currently trying to figure out how to use more 'sleep';. -- Gabor
After Gabor answered a user's question on how to calculate bank balances in CSV, I suggested that this was just screaming for DBD::CSV. Gabor invited me to put my fingers where my mouth was, so to speak, and explain in greater detail.
Nearly every time someone has a question on CSV in Perl, the first thing in my mind is always the same thing: DBD::CSV. The reason for this is two-fold. First, when accessing CSV files through DBD::CSV, you're learning and/or using two skills that are portable to far more projects than naïve splits or even using Text::CSV_XS: DBI and SQL. This means that your skill set will grow in ways that are more useful to your career, but, more immediately, you will also have a larger set of people to whom you can ask for help. For example, nearly any Database Administrator (DBA) should be able to help you with SQL questions, but may not be able to help with perl questions.
The second reason for using DBD::CSV is that it gets you thinking about your data differently. Often, in my experience, simply treating the CSV as if it were a table in a relational database can be enough of a lightbulb moment to realize simpler solutions, even if the computer will spend far more time executing them.
And a bonus reason is that once you realize your data is, well, data, the natural transition to another database system (SQLite, DB2, Oracle, whatever is handy) becomes natural. And since you've already written your code with DBD::CSV, transitioning to DBD::DB2 or DBD::SQLite (the two I use the most, YMMV) becomes simpler.
The Approach
So, to start, we will begin with the original CSV:
TranID,Date,AcNo,Type,Amount,ChequeNo,DDNo,Bank,Branch 13520,01-01-2011,5131342,Dr,5000,,,, 13524,01-01-2011,5131342,Dr,1000,,416123,SB,Ashoknagar 13538,08-01-2011,5131342,Cr,1620,19101,,, 13548,17-01-2011,5131342,Cr,3500,19102,,, 13519,01-01-2011,5522341,Dr,2000,14514,,SBM,Hampankatte 13523,01-01-2011,5522341,Cr,500,19121,,, 13529,02-01-2011,5522341,Dr,5000,13211,,SB,Ashoknagar 13539,09-01-2011,5522341,Cr,500,19122,,, 13541,10-01-2011,5522341,Cr,2000,19123,,,
Nothing different here. I don't know what all of these fields are
but the question was simple: How to Calculate and display total balance in
each account using hash in perl. Without using parse function?
Ok, not quite simple, so I'm going to also make a few adjustments. I feel
Gabor answered this fairly precisely, as well as going on and answering a
few related questions. So I'll go in another direction here:
How to Calculate and display total balance in each account using hash in perl.
Without using parse function?
So, it looks to me like we need to add up all the debits (Dr) and credits (Cr), grouped by the account number (AcNo). This sounds almost exactly like SQL, so maybe an SQL solution would be apropos?
DBI setup
First, we need to do some set up. This setup is definitely longer than any solution using Text::CSV_XS, but since I mostly cut and paste it now from project to project, it's not too bad. And it's the same setup (mostly) as with other drivers.
As always, the safety net:
use strict; use warnings;
(Which saved me a fair bit of pain while developing this code.) And then the magic:
use DBI;
Note that we don't load the CSV driver, but only DBI. Shortly, DBI will load DBD::CSV for us. This is convenient in that there will only be one place where we're specifying what back-end database we're using, meaning less to change should we desire to upgrade to a full-fledged database later. Unlikely here, but, again, we're not simply trying to get this total, we're learning DBI and SQL here.
use File::Basename qw(dirname); use File::Spec; my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:CSV:', undef, undef, { f_dir => File::Spec->rel2abs(dirname($0)), f_ext => '.csv', csv_eol => "\n", RaiseError => 1, });
Here we load a couple of modules that make our job a little easier and then tell DBI that we're going to use a CSV back-end. Since CSV files don't need users or passwords to connect, we leave them as undef, but then we pass in a few extra flags. Some of these flags go to the CSV driver, but RaiseError is a generic DBI setting which auto-dies when something goes wrong. This is great for development, so I don't miss anything. In production, it may be less desirable, but I also run with use warnings FATAL => 'all'; in production, so I'm obviously okay with that.
The other parameters need a bit of an explanation. f_dir is the directory that DBD::CSV will look for all the CSV files. In this case, I'm specifying that the directory is the same as the one with the script. If that's not your case, you will need to adjust appropriately. In the original article, Gabor just relied on the current working directory, which is also a valid approach.
f_ext is the extension added to any table name when discerning the file name. With this extension, trying to SELECT ... FROM foo will mean that DBD::CSV will read the file foo.csv (in the f_dir specified above).
csv_eol tells DBD::CSV what the end-of-line string is. I think the default is \r\n, but as I'm on Linux, that's not appropriate for me.
Getting the SQL right
Now we can finally get on to the real question
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q[ SELECT AcNo, SUM(CASE WHEN Type = ? THEN Amount ELSE 0 - Amount DONE) FROM banktran GROUP BY AcNo]); $sth->execute('Dr'); my $res = $sth->fetchall_arrayref(); use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $res;
Here are a few things. The first statement prepares the SQL I am about to run. Under normal circumstances, this allows the database driver to compile the SQL into some sort of internal format so that it can be executed multiple times faster. However, I'm not sure if the CSV driver does any pre-compilation though it does do validation. And we're only running this once. In general, however, this is a good idea.
The SQL also uses a placeholder value. This is to ensure that invalid values don't get through. In this particular case, the value is also hard-coded, so it doesn't actually gain us anything other than exposure and experience.
The SQL itself is a bit more involved. We are telling the SQL engine that we want to get the account number (AcNo) and the total of the Amounts from the banktran table (which the f_ext above will tell DBD::CSV to map to banktran.csv), but when Type is Dr, we want to count Amount as a positive, otherwise we count it as a negative. At this point, I'm not sure if the zero is required here or not, but first let's get something working, and then we can tweak it. The GROUP BY tells the SQL engine that we want to do this select where the sum is applied per AcNo - different AcNo's will have independent sums.
There is much more to the SQL than this, but as mentioned earlier, there are many more places to learn SQL than there is Text::CSV_XS, and you can use those resources to improve your SQL knowledge. Also, I'm a novice in SQL, so probably am not the best person to teach it.
Having compiled the SQL, we then call execute which executes the statement, and then fetchall_arrayref which does pretty much exactly what it says: returns all of the rows as a single reference to an array. We then use Data::Dumper to dump this out to see what type of data we have so we know what steps to take next.
Executing this so far gives the following output:
$ perl Bad table or column name: '=' has chars not alphanumeric or underscore! at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.12.3/SQL/ line 88 DBD::CSV::db prepare failed: Bad table or column name: '=' has chars not alphanumeric or underscore! at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.12.3/SQL/ line 88 [for Statement " SELECT AcNo, SUM(CASE WHEN Type = ? THEN Amount ELSE 0 - Amount DONE) FROM banktran GROUP BY AcNo"] at line 32. DBD::CSV::db prepare failed: Bad table or column name: '=' has chars not alphanumeric or underscore! at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.12.3/SQL/ line 88 [for Statement " SELECT AcNo, SUM(CASE WHEN Type = ? THEN Amount ELSE 0 - Amount DONE) FROM banktran GROUP BY AcNo"] at line 32.
Whoops. It looks like SQL::Statement doesn't support the CASE syntax that other databases do. Well, this will mean we have to do a bit more work in perl to compensate. And should we want to move to another database in the future, we may want to mark this so that we can come back to it. The solution we will eventually use will also work with other databases, of course, but may not be quite as "pure" SQL. And, in general, other databases have this code done in C and so will be able to do what we will do faster. Further, with client/server databases (where the database is not on the same machine as the perl code that is requesting data), it can also reduce the amount of network traffic. Whether these concerns are of any importance to your project will, of course, depend on what constraints you have.
Retrying with simpler SQL
To simplify the SQL such that SQL::Statement will accept it, I've opted to GROUP BY both the AcNo and the Type. This will allow me to total the Amount field for both debits and credits, per account, and have only a single subtraction to do later.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q[ SELECT AcNo, Type, SUM(Amount) FROM banktran GROUP BY AcNo, Type]); $sth->execute(); my $res = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($res);
Having replaced the non-working prepare above with this, I get the following output:
$ perl $VAR1 = [ { 'Type' => 'Dr', 'AcNo' => '5522341', 'SUM' => 7000 }, { 'Type' => 'Cr', 'AcNo' => '5131342', 'SUM' => 5120 }, { 'Type' => 'Cr', 'AcNo' => '5522341', 'SUM' => 3000 }, { 'Type' => 'Dr', 'AcNo' => '5131342', 'SUM' => 6000 } ];
Now we're getting somewhere. The total debits for 5522341 is 7000, credits for 5131342 is 5120, etc. Notice how there's no rhyme or reason to the output. That's because we didn't ask the SQL engine to ORDER BY anything. It comes back in whatever order it feels like. We would have to specify "ORDER BY AcNo, Type" to order it by account number and then, within each account number, by type (Cr < Dr, of course).
To perform the equivalent SUM(CASE...) from the first attempt, I start by populating a hash of the above:
# pull together debits and credits. my %totals; for my $r (@$res) { $totals{$r->{AcNo}}{$r->{Type}} = $r->{SUM}; }
The keys at the top are the account numbers, and subkeys are the types of transactions. Since there is, by definition of SQL, only one row for each of these pairings as that is the GROUP BY we did, I don't need to worry about accidentally clobbering anything here.
The Output as a table
During output I do the subtraction. In this case, I have no idea what the original requester really wanted, but we have all the information from the CSV that we wanted, so it's really not that important. I've opted to use one of my favorite modules, Text::Table.
use Text::Table; my $tb = Text::Table->new("Account\nNumber", "Total\n(Rs)"); $tb->load( map { [ $_, $totals{$_}{Dr} - $totals{$_}{Cr} ] } sort keys %totals ); print $tb;
We load Text::Table, and then create the object. Its constructor takes the column headers to use, so I fill that in. The load could be done a little more readily, but, again, the main point is where we do the subtraction of Cr from Dr. Text::Table wants each row as an array reference, so we create that via map. Outside of the map, we get all of the keys from %totals (from above, that was what we got from the database as AcNo), and sort them. Note that this is, by default, a string sort - if you want numerical sorting, you'll have to provide that.
Inside the map, we create an anonymous array, put the key (AcNo) as the first column, and perform the subtraction as the second column, this is the total we wanted from the outset, and then return the array.
The whole solution
Putting all this together, we get:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use File::Basename qw(dirname); use File::Spec; my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:CSV:', undef, undef, { f_dir => File::Spec->rel2abs(dirname($0)), f_ext => '.csv', csv_eol => "\n", RaiseError => 1, }); my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q[ SELECT AcNo, Type, SUM(Amount) FROM banktran GROUP BY AcNo, Type]); $sth->execute(); my $res = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); # pull together debits and credits. my %totals; for my $r (@$res) { $totals{$r->{AcNo}}{$r->{Type}} = $r->{SUM}; } use Text::Table; my $tb = Text::Table->new("Account\nNumber", "Total\n(Rs)"); $tb->load( map { [ $_, $totals{$_}{Dr} - $totals{$_}{Cr} ] } sort keys %totals ); print $tb;
And for output:
$ perl Account Total Number (Rs) 5131342 880 5522341 4000

Published on 2012-09-07