Echo server with logging and timeout
In this article we continue to improve the Echo server we started earlier. Two additions:
- Logging to the server
- Timeout for the client
Logging on the server
This is the simple part. Inside the process_request everything we print to the Standard Output (STDOUT) will go to the client, and everything we print to the Standard Error (STDERR) will go to the console. So all we have to to is to print STDERR "some text\n"; and it will show up on the console.
You can see it in the next example as well.
Timeout handled by the server
The following code is from the lib/ file, which is part of the same directory structure we had at the beginning.
package EchoServer; use warnings; use strict; use base 'Net::Server'; my $timeout = 5; # give the user 5 seconds to type a line my $EOL = "\015\012"; sub process_request { print "Welcome to the Echo server, please type in some text and press enter. Say 'bye' if you want to leave$EOL"; print STDERR "New user connected\n"; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Timeout\n" }; alarm($timeout); while( my $line = <STDIN> ) { alarm($timeout); $line =~ s/\r?\n$//; print qq(You said "$line"$EOL); last if $line eq "bye"; } alarm(0); }; my $err = $@; alarm(0); if ( $err ) { chomp $err; if ( $err eq 'Timeout' ) { print "Timed Out. Disconnecting...$EOL"; print STDERR "Client timed Out.\n"; } else { print "Unknown internal error. Disconnecting...$EOL"; print STDERR "Unknown internal error: $err\n"; } } else { print STDERR "User said bye\n"; } return; } 1;
The script that runs it located in bin/, is similar to what we had earlier.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use EchoServer; EchoServer->run(port => 8000);
We run the server by typing perl bin/ in one console. Then we connect to it using telnet localhost 8000 in another console. This is the client.
Firs it will show the banner:
Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. Welcome to the Echo server, please type in some text and press enter. Say 'bye' if you want to leave
Then we can type in hello and the server will reply to us:
hello You said "hello"
Then we wait 5 seconds and suddenly we see:
Timed Out. Disconnecting... Connection closed by foreign host. $
The first line was sent by the server. The second line was printed by our telnet client and then we got the prompt back.
If we switch to the console where we launched the server, we will see this output and the server is still running.
2013/08/08-08:46:01 EchoServer (type Net::Server) starting! pid(14978) Resolved [*]:8000 to []:8000, IPv4 Binding to TCP port 8000 on host with IPv4 Group Not Defined. Defaulting to EGID '1000 4 20 24 46 104 115 120 1000' User Not Defined. Defaulting to EUID '1000' New user connected Client timed Out.
How does it work?
The operating system has an alarm clock, just as most of us have at home or in our mobile phone. Except that in the operating system we usually don't set the alarm clock to a specific hour, but instead we set how many seconds from now we want the alarm to go off.
Using the alarm($timeout) function, basically we ask the operating system to send us an ALRM-signal in $timeout seconds which happens to be 5 in our case. Normally nothing would happen when an ALRM signal arrives but we also configure a signal-handler: local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Timeout\n" }; tells perl that when an ALRM signal is received we want out script to throw an exception.
Of course we don't really want our script to die, so we use an eval block to capture the exception that might happen within the block.
(We also use local to make sure we get the previous behavior of the ALRM handle after leaving the enclosing block. This is to avoid the possibility of receiving the ALRM signal just as we left the eval block after receiving input from the client.)
Within the while-loop we also immediately set the alarm again to extend the wait period. When we leave the while loop in a normal way - after receiving the string "bye" from the client, we immediately set the alarm(0). This will turn off our alarm clock.
eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Timeout\n" }; alarm($timeout); while( my $line = <STDIN> ) { alarm($timeout); $line =~ s/\r?\n$//; print qq(You said "$line"$EOL); last if $line eq "bye"; } alarm(0); };
If you are used to try-catch code for capturing exceptions, the eval block was the try part. The catch part is in the following part.
Timeout - catch
The first thing we do here is copy the content of $@ into our own private variable. This is useful in general so if we call some code that uses eval it won't overwrite the exception we caught.
Then we turn off the alarm(0) again. It does not matter to perl if we call alarm(0) several times, but if we left the eval block because of an exception other than the one caused by the ALRM signal then the alarm clock is still on. We don't want any wake-up later on. So we make sure the alarm clock is turned off.
Then we inspect the$err variable. If we left the eval block without receiving an exception, this variable will be undef and we enter the else-block.
Inside the if-block we handle both the case when we raised the Timeout exception and if some other exception occurred. (Which is very unlikely in our simple example, but that can happen in more complex code.)
my $err = $@; alarm(0); if ( $err ) { chomp $err; if ( $err eq 'Timeout' ) { print "Timed Out. Disconnecting...$EOL"; print STDERR "Client timed Out.\n"; } else { print "Unknown internal error. Disconnecting...$EOL"; print STDERR "Unknown internal error: $err\n"; } } else { print STDERR "User said bye\n"; }
Just one more note: In both cases inside the if block we print both to STDOUT that goes back to the client and to STDERR that goes to the console of the server.

Published on 2015-04-29