Fetching several web pages in parallel using AnyEvent
In another article we covered several ways to download HTML pages from the Internet.
They all had the same drawback, that they work in serial. One request had to finish before the next one could be made. While this make the program simple to write, it wastes a lot of time and resources.
After all the CPU in your computer does not do anything while it is waiting for the response from the remote server, and your network is not saturated either.
If you had 100 pages to download, and each one took 6 sec. That would take a total of 600 sec = 10 minutes.
If you retrieved 10 pages at a time in parallel, you could reduce the total time to 1 minute.
How can you do that?
HTTP requests using AnyEvent
First let's see a solution that would download all the URLs in parallel.
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::HTTP; my @urls = qw( https://perlmaven.com/ https://cn.perlmaven.com/ https://br.perlmaven.com/ ); my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar; foreach my $url (@urls) { say "Start $url"; $cv->begin; http_get $url, sub { my ($html) = @_; say "$url received, Size: ", length $html; $cv->end; }; } say 'Before the event-loop'; $cv->recv; say 'Finish';
We are using the AnyEvent module, and with that we use the http_get function of the AnyEvent::HTTP helper module.
Basically AnyEvent provides its own loop, the so-called event-loop that runs when we call $cv->recv. $cv has an internal counter. It is increased by every $cv->begin call and decreased by every $cv->end call.
The even-loop that was initiated by $rc->recv will run until this counter goes back to 0.
Before reaching the $cv->recv call, we had to prepare all the HTTP requests (3 in the above example). In each iteration of the for-loop, we call $cv->begin once. This increments a counter inside the $cv object, and then we call the http_get function of the AnyEvent::HTTP module. This call inserts and HTTP request into the internal queue of AnyEvent. It does not fetch the page yet, it just puts the request in the internal queue.
The http_get function has two parameters. The first one, the $url is the address of the page to be fetched. The second one is an anonymous function that works as a call-back.
When the event-loop of AnyEvent, will send out the first HTTP request, it won't stop to wait for the response. Instead it will wait for the response while doing other things. In our case the "other things" will be sending out two more HTTP requests. Once those have been sent, AnyEvent will keep waiting at the $cv->recv call, till the counter in the $cv object becomes 0.
Because the http_get does not wait for the response, it cannot "return" the result either. Instead, when the response arrives, AnyEvent will call the anonymous function we passed to http_get as a second parameter. It will also pass the content of the remote page as the first argument to the anonymous function.
The anonymous function is quite simple:
sub { my ($html) = @_; say "$url received, Size: ", length $html; $cv->end; };
It receives the content of the remote page as its first parameter. Prints out the address of the requested page which is in $url variable, and then prints out the size of the downloaded page. In a real example there would be a lot more processing, but I did not want to hide the important parts of the solution. The last statement of the function is calling $cv->end. This will decrement the counter that $cv->begin incremented.
As we called begin 3 times, the counter went up to 3. It will reach 0 after all 3 calls returned.
At that point the $cv-recv will stop waiting and the script will print out Finish and exit.
If we run the script we'll see output like this:
Start https://perlmaven.com/ Start https://cn.perlmaven.com/ Start https://br.perlmaven.com/ Before the event-loop https://br.perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 12664 https://cn.perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 13322 https://perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 20172 Finish
First the 3 "Start" entries are printed before the "Before the event-loop" is reached. Then, during the execution of $cv->recv we receive the 3 URLs. Please note, they have not arrived in the same order as we sent them. Finally, after the counter went back to 0, the "Finish" line is reached.
Having 2-3 network operations in parallel will reduce the total elapsed time, but it will increase the load on our CPU and our network. As the number of parallel operations grow, the additional time-savings get smaller and smaller, while at one point some other part of the system becomes a bottle neck.
Even if your system could handle 1000 outgoing requests at the same time, the server you are downloading from, might not be able to do that.
It will be wise to set an upper limit to the number of concurrent requests. In other words, we would like to throttle the request to a maximum number at any given time.
The next script will do that.
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::HTTP; my @urls = qw( https://perlmaven.com/ https://cn.perlmaven.com/ https://br.perlmaven.com/ https://tw.perlmaven.com/ https://es.perlmaven.com/ https://it.perlmaven.com/ https://ko.perlmaven.com/ https://he.perlmaven.com/ https://te.perlmaven.com/ https://ru.perlmaven.com/ https://ro.perlmaven.com/ https://fr.perlmaven.com/ https://de.perlmaven.com/ https://id.perlmaven.com/ ); my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar; my $count = 0; my $max = 3; for (1 .. $max) { send_url(); } $cv->recv; sub send_url { return if $count >= $max; my $url = shift @urls; return if not $url; $count++; say "Start ($count) $url"; $cv->begin; http_get $url, sub { my ($html) = @_; say "$url received, Size: ", length $html; $count--; $cv->end; send_url(); }; return 1; }
Here we have a lot more URLs, to make it easier to demonstrate the script.
We use two global variables. $max that is effectively a constant, and $count, that holds the number of concurrent requests at any given time. It starts with 0 as we have not sent any request yet. Before launching the even-loop with the $cv->recv call, we execute the send_url() function several times to fill the internal queue of AnyEvent. As AnyEvent would just send out all the requests it has in its queue, we have to make sure there are no more requests than what we decided to be the $max number.
The send_url() function is the heart of our system. It will attempt to put another http_get request on the internal queue of AnyEvent, but it will only do it
- if we have not reach the max concurrency number. So if $count >= $max we don't want more requests.
- if cant send more requests if the list (in @urls) has been finished.
Before sending out the request, we increment both our own counter $count++ and the internal counter of AnyEvent: $cv->begin. In the call-back we decrement both. ($count-- and $cv->end.
Then we try to put another http_get/hl> request on the internal queue.
The whole process will finish when both he external queue (@urls) and the internal queue
of AnyEvent are empty.
If you run the above script, the output will look something like this:
If you look over the data, you will see that, for example the request to https://perlmaven.com/ that
went out as the first request, came back only after 5 others have finished.
In order to see the impact of the asynchronous operation, you could run the above
script with different values in the $max variable. (Maybe you should also select
10-20 URLs on other sites, so it won't be only my server handling the load ...)
You can also compare the results (the elapsed time) with one of the
linear solutions.
I ran the above script with $max = 2 and the total elapsed time was 9 sec.
Then I ran it with $max = 6 and the total elapsed time went down to 4 sec.
This is of course very far from being a good measurement. Please try it with various other
sets of URLs and values of $max.
Thanks, this was helpful in my script which gets the WAN ip address from my router.
open(FIL,"wget --quiet --output-document=- '' |");
while (
Thanks for the code sample. If this helps anyone, there's a bug in the Throttle version when $max=1, as the $cv->end will cause the script to finish before the next $cv->begin is run.
The fix is to swap 49 and 50 so it is:
send_url(); # This will run $cv->begin so $cv->recv doesn't break out of the script
and then the script will finish processing all urls.
Start (1) https://perlmaven.com/
Start (2) https://cn.perlmaven.com/
Start (3) https://br.perlmaven.com/
https://cn.perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 13322
Start (3) https://tw.perlmaven.com/
https://br.perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 12664
Start (3) https://es.perlmaven.com/
https://tw.perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 11286
Start (3) https://it.perlmaven.com/
https://it.perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 11428
Start (3) https://ko.perlmaven.com/
https://es.perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 11076
Start (3) https://he.perlmaven.com/
https://perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 20166
Start (3) https://te.perlmaven.com/
https://ko.perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 12073
Start (3) https://ru.perlmaven.com/
https://he.perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 11483
Start (3) https://ro.perlmaven.com/
https://te.perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 11870
Start (3) https://fr.perlmaven.com/
https://ru.perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 12250
Start (3) https://de.perlmaven.com/
https://fr.perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 15820
Start (3) https://id.perlmaven.com/
https://de.perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 15422
https://ro.perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 14611
https://id.perlmaven.com/ received, Size: 11174

Published on 2015-04-15