Getting started with Classic Perl OOP
While a lot of people recommend using advanced OOP systems for Perl such as Moose or Moo, there are many applications that use the classic OOP system of Perl. If you want or need to understand such applications, you'd better make yourself familiar with the classic OOP system of Perl.
Besides, both Moose and Moo are built on top of the classic system, so understanding it is important to gain better understanding of what the more high-level OOP systems do.
I am sure you have already seen code in Perl that used Object Oriented modules, but let's have a small example here:
use strict; use warnings; my $url = ''; use WWW::Mechanize; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( agent => 'wonderbot 1.01' ); $mech->get( $url ); print $mech->content;
In this example we load the WWW::Mechanize module with the use statement, just as we would do with any other module. In OOP terminology this module is the class. Then we use the single-arrow notation to call the new constructor, passing a pair of values to it. This constructor returns an object, which is also called an instance of the class. This is assigned to a scalar variable.
Then we call the get method on the object passing a parameter to it ($url). Finally we call the content method of the object, this time without passing any parameter.
(In most other programming languages the dot . is used to invoke the methods of an object. In Perl, by the time OOP was added to the language, the . character was already used as the concatenation operator, so Larry Wall had to chose something else.)
Try to save the above code in a file called and run it using perl If you have WWW::Mechanize installed, you will see the content of the home page of the Perl Maven site zooming by. If you don't have it installed you'll get an error message Can't locate WWW/ in @INC.
Can't locate WWW/ in @INC (you may need to install the WWW::Mechanize module)
Let's see what is needed to implement the skeleton of the above code.
We go step-by-step, first we create a package, then the constructor and then the other methods.
Creating a package
When perl encounters use WWW::Mechanize, it searches the directories listed in @INC array. In each one of them it looks for a subdirectory called WWW and inside the subdirectory a file called
In the same directory where the was saved, we create a subdirectory called lib, and inside that a subdirectory called WWW, and inside that directory a file called We have a directory structure like this:
../ lib/WWW/
The content of will be the following:
package WWW::Mechanize; 1;
That's a package declaration and then the 1; at the end of the file. So far this is just a module, it does not have any OOP feature. Let's try to run the script again: perl You will get the exact same behavior as previously. If you had WWW::Mechanize installed, perl found it, if you did not have it, perl still could not find it. In neither case did perl find the version of WWW::Mechanize we started to put together. The reason is that the lib directory, where we put the module, is not in the @INC. There are various ways to change @INC. We'll do the most suitable to our case and we will run the perl script using perl -Ilib The -I flag of perl will put the parameter it gets at the beginning of @INC. Once we run the script in the above way we get the following error:
Can't locate object method "new" via package "WWW::Mechanize" at line 6.
This means, perl found our (almost empty) version of WWW::Mechanize. Successfully loaded it, but when it tried to call ->new, it could not find the implementation. Which is of course not surprising as we have not written it yet.
What is that 1; at the end?
A little detour, let's change the file, removing the 1; from the end so we have:
package WWW::Mechanize;
If we run the script now: perl -Ilib, we will get:
WWW/ did not return a true value at line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 5.
Perl needs to have a boolean true value at the end of each module. The boring true value is 1;, but I've seen modules with 42;, quotes from poetry, and even the string "false";. I am sure this freaks out some unsuspecting readers of that code. In reality all Perl cares about is that the value will be boolean true in the Perlish sense.
The constructor
So far we created a module but it is not a class yet.
The next step is adding a constructor that will create an instance (or object) of the class. If you come from another language or if you have seen Moose or Moo you might be surprised that we need to create a constructor, but this is how the classic OOP system of Perl works, and this is what happens in both Moose and Moo under the hood.
Let's change the file to have the following code:
package WWW::Mechanize; sub new { my ($class, %params) = @_; my $self = {}; while ( my($key,$value) = each %params ) { $self->{$key} = $value; } bless $self, $class; return $self; } 1;
The new constructor is just a regular subroutine declared with the sub keyword. Nothing is really special about it. Not even its name! In Perl, any subroutine can act as a constructor, the word new is not reserved, or special in any way, except that it is the most common name for the constructor.
In Object Oriented programming people usually use the term method for all the actions you can do on the class and on the object. (In our example that means get, content and even new are methods. In Perl there is no special keyword to create a method. Methods (including the constructor) are declared using the sub keyword just as regular functions are. The difference is how you call them (methods are always called with the single-arrow notation) and what is their first parameter. When we call the new method on the class-name (in our case WWW::Mechanize), perl will look for the new subroutine in the WWW::Mechanize package and call that function passing all the parameters the user sent and, the name of the class (WWW::Mechanize) as the first parameter.
You can read more about methods, functions and subroutines in Perl.
When we call WWW::Mechanize->new( agent => 'wonderbot 1.01' ); perl will execute then new functions with 3 parameters: 'WWW::Mechanize', 'agent', 'wonderbot 1.01'
In the new method, we are expecting the first parameter to be the class-name, hence we put it in a variable called $class. For the rest of the parameters we are expecting a set of key-value pairs and we put them in the %params hash.
In the next step we create the skeleton of the object and put it in the $self variable. The object is going to be represented as a reference to a hash. It starts out empty: {} but we will fill it soon. Basically the attributes (or in other name the members) of the class will be kept in this hash. The attribute name will be the key in the hash, and the attribute value will be, well, the value in the hash.
This is what happens in the next 3 lines: We go over the %params hash holding the parameters we received from the user and assign each key-value pair to the hash reference we just created.
while ( my($key,$value) = each %params ) { $self->{$key} = $value; }
BTW we called the variable $self. This variable name is arbitrary, we could have used anything there. Some people use the name $this, $me, or even just $o, but the most common name people use to hold the current object inside the implementation is $self.
So we have the skeleton of the object in $self already filled with values, but so far it is just a regular hash reference. Without any special powers.
The next call, bless $self, $class; is what turns a mere hash-reference into an instance of the class. A bit later I'll explain what is that magic and why do we need it.
Once that's done, we return the newly created object.
If we run the script again: perl -Ilib
We get the following error:
Can't locate object method "get" via package "WWW::Mechanize" at line 7.
That looks good. It means, the call to new worked and we need to implement get now. Before we do that, let's make another small detour.
Detour: what does the object look like?
First, change the script and a print statement right after the call to new
my $url = ''; use WWW::Mechanize; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( agent => 'wonderbot 1.01' ); print "$mech\n";
and run the script again: perl -Ilib
We see that the object is a reference to a hash, but we also see that it is somehow related to WWW::Mechanize.
If you now comment-out the call to bless in the file, and run the script again you will see:
This is just a plain reference to a hash without any relation to WWW::Mechanize.
This can be useful when you see something like that printed out by mistake or during a debugging session, so you can recognize if a reference is a plain reference or if it was blessed into a class.
Detour: why do we need to bless the reference?
Now change the script back so it will call $mech->get($url) after calling new, but keep the bless commented out and run the script. The resulting error is:
Can't call method "get" on unblessed reference at line 7.
Now enable the call to bless in and run the script again. This time the error will be:
Can't locate object method "get" via package "WWW::Mechanize" at line 7.
In the first case, perl did not know what to do at all. In the second case, when we had the blessing, perl already knew it needs to look for the get method in the WWW::Mechanize class. It just could not find it, because we have not implemented it yet.
If we have a call Person->new, perl will look for a functions called 'new' in the 'Person' name-space. (or module or package). If we call $foo->do_something then if $foo holds a simple reference, perl does not know what to do with this code and it gives you the error about unblessed reference.
OTOH if $foo is blessed - if it is connected to a name-space - then perl will look for a function called do_something in that name-space.
That's what bless does. It connects a reference to a name-space.
Adding a method
Now that we have an object, we would like to go on and implement the get method:
sub get { my ($self, $address) = @_; require LWP::Simple; $self->{content} = LWP::Simple::get($address); return; }
The implementation of the get method is just a regular subroutine. When we call $mech->get($url) in the script, Perl will look for the get subroutine in WWW::Mechanize and will call it passing all the arguments the user sent (In our case it is the content of the $url variable), and passing the object as the first parameter. In case of $mech->get($url), perl will call get($mech, $url).
In the implementation of get we copy the first parameter to the $self variable, and the second parameter to the $address variable. (We'd probably use there the name $url, but in our example that would just create confusion with the variable in the script. So for the example let's call it $address.)
As mentioned above, the name $self is not special in any way, but it is quite common to use this variable to represent the current object inside the implementation of the class.
Then we use the LWP::Simple module, as a simple way to fetch the web page. It is very simple and there are other and more robust ways to fetch the content of a web page, but it is good enough for our current purposes.
The call LWP::Simple::get($address); will download the page and then we assign it to a key in the hash representing the object: $self->{content}.
Basically this is a new attribute of the object that was added during run time. As the object is just a hash we can do this. There is no need to declare the attributes up front.
Adding a getter
An accessor (or getter) is just another simple subroutine, that receives the current object as the first (and only) parameter and returns the content of the respective element of the hash:
sub content { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{content}; }
A little warning
The object is just a reference to a hash. It is fully exposed to the user as well. There is nothing in perl that would limit the access of the user to the content of the hash so a programmer could access the content of the object in the script:
$mech->{content} = "Something else";
There is nothing we can really do about it, at least not easily, but it is important we are aware of this possibility.
The full example
Finally, let's see the whole code:
package WWW::Mechanize; sub new { my ($class, %params) = @_; my $self = {}; while ( my($key,$value) = each %params ) { $self->{$key} = $value; } bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub get { my ($self, $url) = @_; require LWP::Simple; $self->{content} = LWP::Simple::get($url); return; } sub content { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{content}; } 1;
Change the implementation of to use the agent attribute. You will probably need to replace LWP::Simple with some other, more complex tool.

Published on 2015-04-19