How much memory does my Perl application use?
The other day I got a complain that my Perl script uses too much memory. So I needed a way to check it an monitor it. I found Memory::Usage on CPAN. Although it only work on Linux (not even on BSD or Mac OSX), but was quite useful there.
The basic usage of the module looks like this:
use strict; use warnings; use Memory::Usage; my $mu = Memory::Usage->new(); $mu->record('starting work'); # my real code $mu->record('after creating variable'); $mu->dump();
After creating the Memory::Usage object, each call to record will record the current state of the memory usage of the current process. (Based on the process id, so forked processes will not be measured separately.)
The call to the dump method will print out the data recorded.
Each row represents the data collected in one of the record calls. At the end of each row we can see the text passed to the record method at each point. The columns in parentheses show the changes of each measurement compared to the previous recording.
The first row represent the baseline, after compiling all the script and loading every modules with a use statement.
The second row after "my real code" was executed.
time vsz ( diff) rss ( diff) shared ( diff) code ( diff) data ( diff) 0 18688 ( 18688) 2384 ( 2384) 1756 ( 1756) 1500 ( 1500) 916 ( 916) starting work 0 18688 ( 0) 2384 ( 0) 1756 ( 0) 1500 ( 0) 916 ( 0) after creating variable
We could add more calls to record at several stages of the application to see at which stage we might see a sudden increase in memory usage.
In our basic case all the diffs were 0. Obviously, as we did not have any code between the two calls to record
Allocate memory
Let's try to run this again, this time we'll create a string between the two calls so we replace "my real code" with
my $x = " " x 1024;
After running the script, the result is exactly the same as above. The diffs are still 0. Apparently perl has already allocated some memory for future growth, so creating a string with 1,024 bytes does not require further memory allocation from the system.
my $x = " " x 1024; $x .= $x for 1..6; say length $x;
65536 time vsz ( diff) rss ( diff) shared ( diff) code ( diff) data ( diff) 0 18688 ( 18688) 2384 ( 2384) 1756 ( 1756) 1500 ( 1500) 916 ( 916) starting work 0 18840 ( 152) 2512 ( 128) 1832 ( 76) 1500 ( 0) 1068 ( 152) after creating variable
The above code created a string of 65,536 characters (64K). (That's the first number in the output.) Then we can see how the various memory measurements changed. Values in the report are in kb.
vsz = virtual memory size, rss = resident set size, shared = shared memory size, code = text (aka code or exe) size, data = data and stack size
Allocate more memory
4 Mb:
my $x = " " x 1024; $x .= $x for 1..12; say length $x;
4194304 time vsz ( diff) rss ( diff) shared ( diff) code ( diff) data ( diff) 0 18688 ( 18688) 2384 ( 2384) 1756 ( 1756) 1500 ( 1500) 916 ( 916) starting work 0 22876 ( 4188) 6500 ( 4116) 1836 ( 80) 1500 ( 0) 5104 ( 4188) after creating variable
If we increase the range to be 1..21 that already creates a string with 2,147,483,648 (or 2Gb) characters in it. The result looks like this:
2147483648 time vsz ( diff) rss ( diff) shared ( diff) code ( diff) data ( diff) 0 18688 ( 18688) 2384 ( 2384) 1752 ( 1752) 1500 ( 1500) 916 ( 916) starting work 2 2115932 ( 2097244) 2099528 ( 2097144) 1836 ( 84) 1500 ( 0) 2098160 ( 2097244) after creating variable
In this example we also see the changes in time. Creating a 2Gb string took 2 seconds for this script.
Saving the results
Printing the results on the screen (on STDERR) as dump does, can be useful in an interactive session, but if you'd like to record this information in the background you can use the report method that returns the report as a string. Then you can save it to a file.
dump is implemented as print STDERR $mu->report();
If you would like to create even finer-tuned reports, you can call the state method to fetch the individual numbers. For example:
$mu->dump(); my $s = $mu->state; use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $s;
Created the following report:
time vsz ( diff) rss ( diff) shared ( diff) code ( diff) data ( diff) 0 22092 ( 22092) 3704 ( 3704) 1928 ( 1928) 1500 ( 1500) 2236 ( 2236) starting work 0 22092 ( 0) 3704 ( 0) 1928 ( 0) 1500 ( 0) 2236 ( 0) after creating variable $VAR1 = bless( [ [ 1386844853, 'starting work', 22092, 3704, 1928, 1500, 2236 ], [ 1386844853, 'after creating variable', 22092, 3704, 1928, 1500, 2236 ] ], 'Memory::Usage' );
At the top you can see the report generated by the dump method. Below that you can see the raw data. For further details see Memory::Usage.
Checking that your code does not use a lot of extra memory is useful, but you won't do it after every change. If you could add this checking to your automatic tests though...
Test::Memory::Usage is a wrapper around Memory::Usage that you can use to makes sure your module won't start to use a lot of memory later on. On Linux, at least.

Published on 2013-12-12