Moose: coerce value to a subtype
In the previous part we created a subtype that accepted either the letter 'm' or the letter 'f' for male and female respectively.
What if we would like to accept the word 'male' and 'female' as well but still we don't want to accept any other word and we still want the values to be kept as 'm' and 'f' respectively?
For this in Moose we can use coercion.
See the script/ file for how we would like to use the class:
use strict; use warnings; use v5.10; use Person; use DateTime; my $student = Person->new( name => 'Foo' ); $student->sex('m'); # should be accepted as 'm' say $student->sex; $student->sex('female'); # should be accepted as 'f' say $student->sex; $student->sex('other'); # should not be accepted
This is the implementation in lib/
package Person; use Moose; use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; subtype 'Person::Type::Sex' => as 'Str' => where { $_ eq 'f' or $_ eq 'm' } => message { "The sex you provided ($_) is not valid. " . "Valid values are 'f' and 'm'." }; coerce 'Person::Type::Sex' => from 'Str' => via { lc substr($_, 0, 1) }; has 'name' => (is => 'rw'); has 'birthday' => (isa => 'DateTime', is => 'rw'); has 'sex' => (isa => 'Person::Type::Sex', is => 'rw', coerce => 1); 1;
Everything is the same as in the previous example, but here we also have this extra code:
coerce 'Person::Type::Sex' => from 'Str' => via { lc substr($_, 0, 1) };
and at the definition of the 'sex' attribute we added coerce => 1 to enable coercion.
The coercion is related to a specific type, that's the first parameter the coerce function receives. Then we declare what kind of values can we try to coerce, in this case from 'Str' means this rule can handle any value that is a string. The last part in our declaration is new code snippet. This is what actually converts the value provided by the user to some other value. In our case this is quite simple: via { lc substr($_, 0, 1) }; will take the first character of the string and convert it into a lower-case character. Note, this part does not care what was the value the user pass as long as it was a string. It will just convert (coerce) the string to the lower case version of its first character and then the subtype declaration we saw earlier will apply its constraint where { $_ eq 'f' or $_ eq 'm' }.
This means the user can pass any string, 'f', 'F', 'Female', they will all be converted to lower-case 'f'. If the user passes 'm', 'M', 'male', or even other words starting with the letter 'm' such as 'mule' will all be converted to 'm' and will be accepted as male.

Published on 2016-12-27