Returns the numeric value of the first character of EXPR. If EXPR is an empty string, returns 0. If EXPR is omitted, uses $_.
When utf8 is properly set
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use 5.010;
- use utf8;
- say ord('a'); # 97
- say ord('b'); # 98
- say ord('A'); # 65
- say ord('='); # 61
- say ord('abc'); # 97
- say ord('ű'); # 369 (Hungarian)
- say ord('ñ'); # 241 (Spanish)
- say ord('א'); # 1488 (Hebrew Aleph)
- say ord('אב'); # 1488 (Hebrew Aleph and Bet)
- say ord('ב'); # 1489 (Hebrew Bet)
- say ord('٣'); # 1635 (Arabic 3)
When utf8 is not set
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use 5.010;
- say ord('a'); # 97
- say ord('b'); # 98
- say ord('A'); # 65
- say ord('='); # 61
- say ord('abc'); # 97
- say ord('ű'); # 197 (Hungarian)
- say ord('ñ'); # 195 (Spanish)
- say ord('א'); # 215 (Hebrew Aleph)
- say ord('אב'); # 215 (Hebrew Aleph and Bet)
- say ord('ב'); # 215 (Hebrew Bet)
- say ord('٣'); # 217 (Arabic 3)
See also the chr function as the opposite of ord.
Published on 2021-03-17
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