There is a strange scalar variable called $_ in Perl, which is the default variable, or in other words the topic.

In Perl, several functions and operators use this variable as a default, in case no parameter is explicitly used. In general, I'd say you should NOT see $_ in real code. I think the whole point of $_ is that you don't have to write it explicitly.

Well, except when you do.

Having a default variable is a very powerful idea, but using it incorrectly can reduce the readability of your code.

Check out this script:

use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10;

while (<STDIN>) {
   if (/MATCH/) {

This is exactly the same as:

use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10;

while ($_ = <STDIN>) {
   chomp $_;
   if ($_ =~ /MATCH/) {
      say $_;

I would never write the second one, and I'd probably write the first one only in a very small script, or in a very tight part of the code.

Maybe not even there.

As you can see, in a while loop, when you read from a file handle, even if that's the standard input, if you don't assign it explicitly to any variable, the line that was read will be assigned to $_.

chomp() defaults to work on this variable, if no parameter was given.

Regular expression matching can be written without an explicit string, and even without the =~ operator. If written that way, it will work on the content of $_.

Finally say(), just as print(), would print the content of $_, if no other parameter was given.


The second parameter of split is the string to be cut in pieces. If no second parameter is given, split will cut up the content of $_.

my @fields = split /:/;


If we don't supply the name of the iterator variable to foreach, it will use $_.

use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10;

my @names = qw(Foo Bar Baz);
foreach (@names) {   # puts values in $_

Assignment in condition

There are some cases when we implicitly use $_ by mistake.

Some experts might use this kind of code deliberately, but when this is written by a newbie, or a mere mortal, it is just a bug.

if ($line = /regex/) {

You see, instead of the regex operator: =~ we used here the plain assignment operator: =. This is, in fact the same as

if ($line = $_ =~ /regex/) {

It takes the content of $_, executes the pattern matching on it, and assigns the result to $line. Then checks if the content of $line is true or false.

Explicit $_

I mentioned earlier I recommend not using $_ explicitly. Sometimes I see people writing code like this:

while (<$fh>) {
  my $prefix = substr $_, 0, 7;

I think, once you use a statement in perl that forces you to explicitly write out $_, such as substr in our case, you should go all the way and use a more meaningful name. Even if that means more typing:

while (my $line = <$fh>) {
  chomp $line;
  my $prefix = substr $line, 0, 7;

Another bad example I often see:

while (<$fh>) {
   my $line = $_;

This probably happens to people who do not understand the interaction between the while statement, the read operator on the file handle and $_.

This could be written in a more simple way directly assigning to the $line variable.

while (my $line = <$fh>) {

List of uses of $_

I've started to put together a list of places that default to $_:


There are several cases where you can't really avoid, and you have to use $_ explicitly. These are the grep and map function, and the other similar ones, such as any.